screenshot your last conversation with a girl
Screenshot your last conversation with a girl
stupid fucking nigger, you're talking to a catfish
whatever helps u lol
what was her name lad?
do all ethots just talk like this?
>discord tranny
fuckin lol
that was basically her reaction to me sending her a dick pic
you dont need to know a name
tell me the letter it starts with
Halp. I never asked for this.
>if i convince myself its just a discord tranny maybe i wont feel so alone
fuckin lol
why on earth would i do that lmao
jesus christ your a faggot
nevermind, enjoy youre sad life
Good plan user, you got her hooked, now the last thing that remains is to make sure the library is empty when you attempt and rape her. ;)
must be horrific going through life being this gullible
guess you wouldn't know huh
nah ive already spent hours talking with this girl on the phone and webcamming with her and shit lmao, keep coping though
bro ur gettin catfished, what's the icon "she" uses
ahaha, sad
high as fuck random conversation last night
And "she" probably wants you to send "her" amazon giftcards.
It's okay, user, i've been there. Gotta work through the stage of denial
but does she have nice tits?
imagine going through life thinking that anyone who wants to spend time with you has some ulterior motive that they're trying to exploit you for
you must really value yourself as a person
we just talked about video games last night
Not anyone who wants to spend time with you, user. I dont think that.
I've got a few good friends.
BUT most discord ERPers do have an ulterior motive that they're exploiting you for.
How the fuck are you such a brainlet you can't tell the difference?
because i already told her im a NEET with no fucking income and no life, she knows i literally have nothing to offer her but my company and pic of my fat cock, thats how i know the difference :)
dont do this if you want her to respect you
Ok buddy
See you in two weeks when she ghosts you to fuck with someone else.
Do my homework beta I can't do it tonight because I have a date with chad
about our future and shit
i wish i had friends i could discuss this beautiful person i have in my life but i dont wanna bring people down but it would mean so much to celebrate her with someone i was close to
plus im too dependant on her, emotionally
and im busy all day but she still roams my mind
but those are her messages tho
you really have a sad outlook but you're right in a way, every other girl ive talked to has been a massive disappointment but the thing is i value myself enough to not care if she decides to hop on someone elses e dick, but then again im chad asf and thats part of why she talks to me in the first place
oh my mistake then, carry on
>your last conversation with a girl
Never had one. Ever.
>spending saturday morning on r9k
>using discord
>ERPing on discord
>Arguing with incels
Nice cope.
i wouldnt mind chatting with ya depending on what you're look, i think every single person ive met through here inevitably ended up not responding after so long though
Well, it was mostly because she sucks at it and would probably fail without me, but most of your point still stands. Fml why can't I say no to anything.
We hooked up once and tried to link last night. She got stuck with the kids and couldnt. She ignored my question of "tomorrow??" and has never sent a green heart emoji. Did i just get pushed back into the friendzone? what does green heart emoji mean?
it's nice to come hereand rub it in your faces sometimes because some of you are so pathetic and bitter and deserve it
Show more of this girl user.
I hope you're not romantically interested in her
you a nigga or smthn? you sure write to her like one
Im not desu. I just can't say no to things and she's one of the few people that talk to me.
i am mood swing incarnate
i was not looking for people to talk to , just venting
it wont go far if you try with me cause i really dont click with most people. I do enjoy talking to a lot of peeps
so if you got contact post it, i cant promise anything but a lousy chat and pictures of cat and my gay playlist
That's exactly why you aren't a chad, user.
From what I've noticed, most "chads" are pretty fuckin' nice people.
You're on an imageboard trying to "rub it in our faces" - some anons are concerned and let you know it might be a catfish/leech/ect, and you only get hostile and defensive.
Not chad behavior. Sociopathic Brad, at best.
Bitter redditor with a pseudo superiority complex is the likely answer for you, though.
im kovu#2160, i will accept you as you are, i have my own problems of course. as long as the convo isnt too one sided i'll be attentive
original gf boiss
>you dont fit my super specific mold of what i think a chad is even though it's subjective
>From what I've noticed, most "chads" are pretty fuckin' nice people.
actually i'm nice as fuck to people who i think deserve it, a lot of the people here dont deserve anyone being nice to them
It seems like an act
It's not a "super specific" mold you fucking retard. You have to be a not terrible person for people to enjoy being around you, and you sound like a terrible fucking person.
Imagine going through 9 months of pregnancy and name your child "Tambok"
From what nationality does that name even stem from?
does it at least help you study economics?
like when I do this kind of thing (a girl asked me to review and edit her personal statement for a scholarship program one time) a big reason why is that I gain experience in that particular area; I'm an English minor but work in STEM so I peer review papers a lot, plus I'm in a creative writing class so the experience helps there too, and if she gets in to the program, I have a better idea of what works for those kinds of programs
bottom line is, I think freely helping girls who aren't romantically interested in you is okay and not sad, but you also need to not be interested in her, you need to only be doing it out of your own kindness, and you need to be doing it in part to help your own self-development
>You have to be a not terrible person for people to enjoy being around you, and you sound like a terrible fucking person.
how i act towards bitter misanthropic incels is completely different than how i act around normal people, i just dont consider most of the people on this board to be human :)
So you pull up on this board, post a screenshot that reminds lots of the posters here about catfish/ghosts/ect
We warn you that it might be bullshit, and try to get you to be careful
You still think you're a better person than any of us?
Nah man, you're just a dick. Enjoy LARPing the chad life till she vanishes off the face of the internet and you come back in two weeks making an emo as fuck thread about "muh e-gf wont answer my discord messages"
That's the surname.
stronkest master race you incel, and it means chubby, you uncultured mono language incel robot
Why are mobile faggots so stupid they do not completely block out a name?
>We warn you that it might be bullshit, and try to get you to be careful
you're goofy if you think anyone who was "warning" me had anything good in their intentions lol, its the typical incel cope because they know it would never happen to them unless there was some kind of financial incentive
My nigga
I was literally warning you because I got fucked around by someone that acted the same and just fuckin' up and vanished one day.
You're just looking for excuses to be a piece of shit and not admitting you are like the rest of us, lmao. If anyones coping here, it's you.
well if you genuinely have some random person on the internet's best interests at heart then i appreciate that
>conversation with a girl
Actually wasting your time talking to them, instead of just fucking them. Talking to women is like to talking to a someone who is retarded. All they ever talk about is useless drama and nothing actually interesting that will better their life.
>thinking discord e-thot actually values you
Get laid, faggot.
Shes like 10 times more hood than i am but yea i am. Any insight whatsoever into what that goodnight and series of emojis means
It's evidence of an embarrassing desperation to fit in.
Is she a single mother?
well it sucks shit but it probably wouldnt of worked out
She told me she didn't want to talk to me again even though we clearly had to discuss what happened the night before.
Long story short don't drink or smoke with women. They use alcohol or drugs to make themselves feel better when using you, then blame you when they pushed themselves onto you. And god forbid you reject one - she'll tell everyone you tried raping her.
>this fucking post
>fucking this post here right here
>this post here
I got a bunch of messages on tinder and yubo I don't open but this is from... sometime ago
Effectively yes but she tries to coparent with the the baby daddy
What is this cringy discord convo posting shit
jesus fucking christ and I thought I was beta
Well, this is Jow Forums after all. Some of these dudes are just plain desperate.
That's a trap
t. Victim of this when I was a teen
Homeworkbux is the precursor to betabux. Just say no because you're busy. Better to learn now than later.
That's either a trap or a bpd chick, I know because my ex was bpd and she typed shit like this
I've never had a conversation with a girl aside from the grocery store and "can I borrow your pencil?".
Some girl I met in one of my mathematical modeling classes
>he has a discord gf
>he is bragging about it
you're practically in, user!! good job :)
I thought about responding further buuuttt she's probably right
My last conversation with a girl was through Snapchat, but I can give you the one before that.
I've made a few threads about this interaction before.
Damn, really out here abusing the words "Your" and "You're" ain't you son
Makes no sense to post it becuse its in another language but it was 2-3 years ago
user I really hope you aren't actually planning to fuck an e-"girl" from Discord. Are you really that desperate?
Shut the fuck up you angsty beta
i want to do this but she talks to me in foreign language and im 2 lazy to translate it, plus i tell her my personal shit that im embarassed to post here