Continuation of I made a tripcode to prevent people from larping as me. I will probably give you guys an update on how things are going in 8 or 9 hours when I meet up with her. I will still be responding to your questions until then though.
Continuation of >>51341077
Other urls found in this thread:
Is there some way for you to verify that it's really you?
Message her and ask if you'll need condoms.
this thread will die before the original guaranteed.
I'm confident that you have enough of a brain compared to the rest of r9k autists to not follow through with any of our suggestions.
Please tread carefully.
I don't have any new texts from her yet so I can't prove anything yet. I guarantee you by this evening I will have some more stuff for you guys to see. In the last thread someone told me to make a trip so I did, you'll just have to trust me for now.
Will do, good luck!
Stop giving useful advice, please. I'm trying to have fun here.
Sorry, but I want him to have a good ending to this.
Are you nervous yet, OP?
Anyways, so what are your thoughts about this girl until now? Are you going to continue the stoic routine? That's the main thing she's attracted to.
If you start opening up and ask things about her while divulging more info about yourself, you might end up losing that air of "mysteriousness" she sees.
One can't be mysterious forever
Just a little bit
I don't know how to feel about her. I am still prepared for things to go south quickly or if she has ulterior motives. I will continue being neutral towards her. If I do end up liking her though, I'm not sure if this would be a healthy relationship. I mean there is no way this routine is sustainable
What's your plan for if she makes a move? Like if she grabs your hand/leans her head against your shoulder/etc?
when she inevitably contacts you tell her you're nervous. she seems the type who would like that
>leans her head against your shoulder
Is this considered making a move?
i second this, she seems like that type
Not a "fuck me here and now" move, but it's a move. If she goes for a kiss, I'm just assuming spaghetti will explode from OP's every orifice.
I will probably just accept it. What happens is dependent on if my roommates are around.
I don't know, she seems to really like my stoic routine for whatever reason
>she seems to really like my stoic routine for whatever reason
She likes breaking it down and feeling special because of it.
Smart. How well do you know your roommates? I've lived with several different people and every time it was a round of high fives when one of us managed to get laid.
I am definitely not on the same level of closeness with them as they are with each other. I stay in my room all the time and I bring my food to my room. They eat together, play games together etc. I can talk to them just fine, and they sometimes invite me to go out to places. I don't think my roommates are the type to give high fives for getting laid though
OP is just good looking I don't see what is interesting about any of this
Tell her that she's a whore, anonski.
I am 5'8'' about 145 pounds and I have acne. My face is not that special either. I have literally never got any female interest in me before this and I'm nearly 21.
Don't do this until after you've slept with her.
you say that like it's old, that's a normal age to lose your virginity or start dating. look at the 25+ or 30+ threads and find anons that have never even texted a girl
l just realized l haven't texted a girl in over 10 years.
So are you excited to watch a silent voice? You might find the main character relatable in some ways
Sometimes I tear up watching anime. I will just have to hold it in watching it with this girl. I also hope my roommates aren't around when we are watching, but this is unlikely because they are probably going to be at the apartment on the Saturday we are going to meet up. I actually told her we were going to watch it 2 weeks from now because I don't have a plan about were we are going to watch it.
OP, would you have invited her over without us goading you, or would you have just continued to small talk her until she fucked off?
We didn't even have to goad him lulz
She invited herself over and op went with the flow.
Not that I particularly dislike this kind of assertiveness.
>Sometimes I tear up watching anime.
I've only cried at EoE but I haven't seen much stuff, can you recommend me some?
I really don't know. She has just been so nice to me that I feel like I should at the very least let her give me some food since she really wants to
I cried a bit at the end of K-On because when they were graduating. I also cried watching Erased when the girl (I forget her name) gets abused so much and she starts crying when the guy's mom treats her to a nice breakfast
I'll check out erased thanks
Not op but uh. I have a few good ones that made me cry.
Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai
Violet evergarden
Maybe you should watch Bunnygirl senpai with your friendo
good luck op don't be nervous, take it all with a clear mind and don't get distracted
>Watching A silent Voice
Shit user, you're fucked. Watch it before so you don't tear up to keep the stoic routine
Shit dude, if you haven't seen Grave of the Fireflies watch it and prepare to bawl your eyes out. Or just be pissed off.
Good idea. I'll be sure to do this
I'll be sure to watch ahead. Thanks
God dammit I thought the post was aborted
I'm so excited for OP, I hope you don't even finish the 'mu and just end up making the fuck out with her.
>come to r9k like once a month
>happen to see last thread
>been hooked on this story for 2 days now
Based OP.
What time zone are you originally in OP?
Central time zone
How attractive is this girl? (deciding whether or not to follow this thread)
Last thread, OP said she wasn't lower than a 6.5, but was like an 8 on his personal scale. Dark hair, pale, short, greenish eyes. She sounds like a cutie.
last thread he claimed her as somewhere between a 7-8, and that any reasonable person wouldn't rate her lower than a 6.5
I'll also add, make sure not to over-do it. Literally and unironically bee urself :))). If you start acting too much like an emotionless automaton then you'll just come across as a sociopath and be put on a watchlist
Is OP working today? How many hours left until the girl comes over?
>that's a normal age to lose your virginity or start dating.
wrong. less than 20% of people are still virgins at age 21.
Neither of us work today. She said she had some errands to run before our meet up. It's 2:14 where I am and she said she was coming over around 5:00. My roommates seem to have left to go see some show or something. Hopefully they don't come back until she leaves
Good luck OP. I hope you post about it tomorrow
Op, you should reupload the conversation, to keep the thread bumped and to get new interested lurkers to your story.
I'm heading t' bed. Good luck Stoicbro, I'll make sure to have dreams of you crushing teen poon
Part 1 Here
Part 2 Here
Part 3 Here
Part 4 Here
Part 5 Here
Part 6 Here
Part 7 Here
Part 8 Here
Part 9 Here
Part 10 Here
Part 11 Here
Part 12 Here
Part 13 Here
Part 14 Here
Part 15 Here
Anything new yet? What is your plan?
Put your wiener inside of her, OP. Do it for me.
why did you post that girl
do you think your coworker is the kind to tie you up and keep you around like a puppy as well?
is that what you're hoping for?
Part 16 Here
I just posted that because I don't know about her motives.
I probably won't be posting again until the evening, I think I will be heading out soon.
My autistic stoic man just got a date with a (presumably) teen qt
God bless America
what do you plan on doing when she initiates?
she's definitely going to try something, or at the very least send a bazillion signals that your autistic ass will obviously completely miss and get frustrated and go for it at the end
Saw your thread yesterday and I am glad to see your story continues.
This is literally you
>will obviously completely miss
*purposefully ignore
Shit, it's finally about to go down isn't it...glhf
Fuck I just realized we are going to watch on my laptop. I gotta make sure my shit is hidden away
Just put on a loli wallpaper and have futa doujins all over the desktop, be a fucking man for once in your life
Accidentally bring up some prime trap boypussy.
I just have a rotation of anime girl wallpapers on currently. It's not lewd or anything, but I like to look at it. I need to remember to keep not giving a fuck.
Pretty funny and relatable
>You'd think smart people go here but it's really just lucky people
Your date is class conscious
Not bad, OP. FYI, when she said "watch it on your laptop", she meant in your room, by yourselves, presumably on your bed. Take that how you will. Don't forget to post an update afterwards, and godspeed you glorious bastard.
You might've already left so I don't expect an answer, but did she reply back after part 16? How would you even watch a movie on a laptop in public?
shut the fuck up, don't tell him
it's all part of the fun
We're here to help him. We should never drag our common men down
>have a rotation of anime girl wallpapers
Switch it to adventure time, dbz or full metal alchemist or something like that, you dumb weeb.
Even if she's not into weeb stuff, it'll still look normal and if she's into it, you'll have something in common.
that's not dragging him down senpai, it's all about him learning the hard way, because no other way will work
you won't be on his back and reading his messages every day and you won't be able to tell him what she meant by what she said, it's up to him to start understanding it all on his own
also it's very funny
On don't watch it in in public. And if you do, share headphones. That way, you have an excuse to be close.
There's a difference between learning "the hard way" and throwing someone in at the deep end. We can help him help himself.
Don't worry. Op has his head on his shoulders, I'm sure he doesn't need us all that much.
Let this be an experience for him. I'll enjoy it by proxy kek
I'm heading out now. I'll post here as soon as this is over
You fucking better. I'll be waiting.
Alright, let's keep this thread alive.
Log 1:
5 mins have passed since StoicP departed. No news since. I fear for the worse.
>lives with her boyfriend
>wants to dye her hair
>3 partners, "hypersexual"
Tread carefully OP. She sounds like a succubus