also what does it mean if I cant be comfortable sitting in postition #1
How does r9k sit
1 back straight when focusing, leaned back when relaxing
I kinda do the stool extravaganza but sit crosslegged with my ankles on the stool if that makes sense?
I also can't be comfortable in position 1.
I kinda do a sitting figure 4 position. One leg is tucked up under the other, but the other hangs freely. Switch legs as one gets tired, then switch back and so on
do you sometimes hunchback? I know a guy that sit like #1 and when focussed he would always hunchback with his mouth half open
yes that is a subcategory in the stool extravaganza
I will try this one out
usually I am on stool too, but I moved my stool so now I am doing the tuck, it feels snug and safe
this is the way i sit
a semi tuck
a little unflattering but creative
pic related
this is an original coomment you cocksucker
I typically sit in my chair with my legs crossed
the virgin sit, I see the appeal but it makes usage of a blanket hard
This is the way i sit aswell, the only difference is that have my left hand in my pants for extra comfort
I use my phone like a true alpha male so I move and lounge around
left hand on lower thigh for most comfort
sounds comfort, but not the anxiety of someone walking and getting the wrong idea
swag is for fags, class is for bots.
I love it
you improved the chart
My desk is a lot higher than my chair. I usually sit like this, option 3, or a more hunched version of option 1.
I have 3 primary ways of sitting;
>office worker
>office worker but with right leg up on this small stool
>same as above but with left leg tucked with left foot under right thigh
I have the stool for when I play guitar and it stays better with the leg a bit lifted.
I've added to it to reflect my lifestyle
that actually sounds very comfy
but how does this work in fps games
a semi tuck seems more popular than a full tuck
delete this and pic related
i sit more like this a lot of the time when im feeling tired. im probably fucking up my neck in some way
ohhh yes this happens to me too
getting back up is sometimes too hard so I just slide on the floor completely
Niggas out here trying to catch Kira
i sit on a vibrating dildo until i spontaneously orgasm and jizz shoots all over my lap
I have a desk beside a sofa.
my posture is terrible
I can confirm this is NOT a virgin sit, my friend sits like this and he sometimes bangs sluts who want his cock.
makes me feel like rewatching death note
pic related
seems comfy for when watching shows
but impractical for everything else, unless your desk is low enough
okay sorry you pick a new name please
Looks like the wizard sit.
I sit with my feet cutely under the chair! :3
It's actually terrible for FPS games, I used to be really good at them but hardly play anymore since I switched desks. I aim with my arm and have to sit on something so I'm above the desk.
>Pic related
An adjustable foot stool with a reclining office chair. I scoot all the way in when using it, but for the picture I moved it back so you can see better. After hours of sitting though I still feel like absolute shit and I am not a fat ass, plus eat healthy, exercise, etc. It just makes me feel like shit overall eventually.
>sitting at a desk
A mix of this & the tuck.
Feet never touch floor.
strange it makes you feel that way, I never have issues with the stool extravaganza
but im jealous of you stool its very luxurious
doesnt your neck hurt as heck
Which is wise because the floor is lava.
I have no original comment to attach to this image
3 on the couch 2 in my room
>why yes I do cross my legs, how did you know?
>the chad raised leg cross
this is also how I sit most of the time
3, but I'm a girl, so I don't have to worry about muh balls.
I sit like that as well and after a while my fucking knees, ankles and calves start hurting like hell. This really shitty pressurized pain, as if I ran for miles, probably just a lot of blood clogging and cutting proper blood flow circulation to the legs.
stop sitting like a fucking child you retard
thanks for reminding me i have a PADDED stool OP
gettin that sucka out rn
Am I really the only one who does this. I have never been able to sit normally since I remember using a computer. Pretty comfy actually.
My brother sits like that. Mostly at the dinner table.
Is he autistic?
>I'm a girl
tids pls :
Virgin and crossed leg sit are best
Ok here it goes, I either sit
1. normal office worker
2. legs straight out with the feet propped up against the wall
or 3. left foot (and only the left one) folded under the other leg on the chair
Also this
For some reason I'm progressively tilting the longer I spend on pc.
I tend to sit like that when I look at pictures of former friends from middle/high school and the regret start to kick in.