Is every young woman who's on the pill a slut?
Is every young woman who's on the pill a slut?
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Pretty much, the excuse they use is "It regulates my hormone levels because I get really bad periods."
Not if they're using it in a committed relationship so they don't have to worry about condoms.
All women are sluts that want cocks to deposit cum in them. Their self esteem is based of this.
Nah, shes nice enough to let you go in raw from time to time if you can handle it. I wanna have sex with several partners in my life, let women do the same thing. The safer and better sex becomes for women the more sex we will all have. As soon as slutshaming is not a thing anymore we will all benefit.
apparently because it simulates the hormonal conditions of pregnancy it actually makes them less horny and more motherly
there are studies that showed that women using birth control are more attracted to weaker and more feminine men who seem like better fathers/providers, while going without it they would be looking for large masculine chad type men
Not necessarily, some girls use it to help with period cramping, and some are in an actual relationship and don't want to use condoms.
Yes, no exceptions.
>B-but it helps to regulate muh period....
Right... Because for thousands of years women just had unmanageble lives without it. Only now, that they have a pill that makes them more prone to cheat and to contract a filthy venereal desease that will brand them as a filthy whore for the rest of their lives, is that they are able to avert the impending doom of their existance.
>As soon as slutshaming is not a thing anymore we will all benefit.
Slutshaming is barely a thing anymore and look how much it 'benefits' us lmao.
it's actually exactly the contrary look it up woman are having a lot more pre marital sex and less and less men are having sex at all
No, I'm afraid of being raped and don't want a rape baby
>The safer and better sex becomes for women the more sex we will all have. As soon as slutshaming is not a thing anymore we will all benefit.
cringe and basedpilled
I'm on the pill for my hormonal acne. never had sex or kissed anyone in my life.
birth control is a legitimate treatment for lots of painful medical conditions, like endometriosis and PCOS
>Because for thousands of years women just had unmanageble lives without it.
My gf is still a virgin but she started going on the pill when we starting going out because her overprotective mum made her go on it. She had very little libido as it was, and then going on the pill made it plummet to basically nothing. So basically her mum has cockblocked me by killing her daughter's sex drive, and we have both still not had sex despite having been going out for over a year now. she did let me finger her recently though
It's not normal for me to get hard from a picture, but god damn did this picture ever do the trick.
Pretty much, the excuse they use is "It regulates my hormone levels because I get really bad periods." repost
>As soon as slutshaming is not a thing anymore we will all benefit.
Not even all women are stupid enough to believe this. Higher number of sexual partners correlates to higher divorce rates and shorter lasting relationships. Sluts claim that everyone should be a slut and that it's normal, and incels claim that all women are sluts and that it's evil, but neither side is right
We haven't had schools for thousands of years. Or workplaces (especially not with women in).
That's just niggers being niggers
People of both genders are having less premarital sex now, especially as teens
Some interesting facts:
>Boys (14.1%) are more likely than girls (8.8%) to report that they have had four or more partners.3
>16% of females and 28% of males reported their first having sex with someone they had just met or who was just a friend.5
Obviously there's some women who say that but I know some girls who aren't having any sex (or are only having sex with gals) who are on the pill for hormone stuff.
>Is every young woman a slut?
Do you even know what endometriosis is? It causes uterine lining to grow uncontrollably and attach to other organs in the abdomen. It's incredibly painful.
>We haven't had schools for thousands of years. Or workplaces (especially not with women in).
>B-but you see.. In Kenya where they don't have proper sanitation, where their healthcare system often reuses needles, where they don't have the comforts of western society such as proper and affordable transportation, and where they likely have restricted access to tampons, women's periods are a mild hindrance.
>Implying female attendance to school instead of learning the ins and outs of homemaking and child rearing is a good thing.
My sister does this and she's a shut-in virgin. I don't think she has kissed anyone actually.
Oh I know, i'm an rn and have some clue about this stuff, however the point remains ; If you need a pill to exist in your own skin, that's pathetic.
Right, you know this because they told you, correct?
>women's periods are a mild hindrance.
You clearly didn't read the article.
Uhh basic knowledge of history? Oh right I suppose you want some kind of (((academic))) source
These are 3rd grade-level sources. I hope they're not too complicated for you.
>egypt, greece lol
>we will all benefit
except people who don't want to be sluts or have a partner who's not a slut
>quoting the bible as a historical source
You are right, i didn't at first. Everything i said was off the cuff, yet it was completely in line with the opening prefacing the second article.
But I'm sure the people who are trying to debunk that very argument... The same people who wrote this:
>Kisumu, Kenya provides the context for the study which utilises a feminist political ecology framework to investigate cultural and spatial limitations associated with menstruation and puberty.
I'm sure they are all about academic integrity and have now bias at all.
...the bible is a historical source. Fiction can be a valuable historical source.
Historians use the Odyssey and other epics to study ancient Greece, and the Quran to study 7th century Arabia.
>there are people today who don't know that the bible is literally the entire history of our very existence
I cant say I officially suffer from any of the conditions that men who are fucking clueless downplay but I know that ever once in a blue moon I get cramps so painful I have to lie on the floor intermittently vomiting into a bowl from the pain and crying. And painkillers dont touch. all i can hope for is that I fall asleep and wake up to it gone. i Can only the imagine the shit women with things like endometriosis go though.
I havent been in a relationship for years but I keep taking it because its a habit, and I definitely like not having periods.
We are not talking the bog standard every day period with little no cramps and light flow. There are genuine serious conditions related to periods. they didnt know shit back then. Theres no way these women didnt suffer from the same things, but they would have had to suffer it out with no treatment. And of course there;s no sources of this kind of thing. Things are better now. retard we have a choice. Im sure you've poppped a painkiller in your life
The pill removes the risk and results in more extreme behaviour, yes.
Nah I know a khv fat Muslim girl who is on the pill to help with her cystic acne
>there are studies
I should have stopped reading there, but I didn't. Stop making claims based on the experience of others, and learn from your own environment. Also, those studies don't exist.
>Theres no way these women didnt suffer from the same things
>And of course there;s no sources of this kind of thing.
Sure, that makes it even more believable.
But hey, why change your diet and have a lifestyle where you don't sit on your ass all day when you can just pop some degenerate pills?
Also there is a very simple way of not having periods. Just have kids.
>As soon as slutshaming is not a thing anymore we will all benefit.
explain the rise in pre-marital sex then
Your girl sounds like a retard. Unironically.
I know a girl who is on the pill to treat her hemorroids. She is a virgin btw.
>Sure, that makes it even more believable.
There genuinely isn't a lot of historical information about periods because men thought it was an icky woman thing.
Same reason people always got cancer? But I suppose they just got on with it too. Same reason people still got mental illness only they were dealt with by being locked up. People have no changed so much biologically. periods are a biological fact, as are the contractions that come with them. Often these things hurt. For some people they have things wrong with them that make these unbearable. Are you really so fucking stupid you think this shit can be cured by diet and lifestyle? Im not unhealthy myself, but im by no means a paragon of fitness. I work and eat normal, I still experience extreme pain sometimes. on the other hand I know a very athletic health conscious girl who also models who suffers from extreme endemetriosis to the point she has had multiple surgeries and will have a hysterectomy once she has her first child. if she even can have one.
Here's an interesting article about historical treatment for endo. Spoiler alert: I'd rather take birth control.
oops this was of course meant for
>There genuinely isn't a lot of historical information about periods because men thought it was an icky woman thing.
Right... How dare those people worry about outlining the foundations of math and physics, developing the foundation of our code of ethics through philosophy, make sure to record their history in their writtings for the posterity...
They should've been writting about women bleeding out of their vags.
>Instead of taking a harmless medication like Ibuprofen or even having a permanent fix to the problem with surgery, lets just pop hormones that will damage our relationships and increase our odds of getting a filthy STD.
You realise how ineffective painkillers like that often are for anything more than moderate/normal pain. Personally I have severe damage to the muscles in my knee, similar to arthritis at this point. years of painkiller abuse to try and cope with it has also damaged my stomach and given me extreme resistance to all but Codeine. But I can't take that because it affects myday to day life, my job needs me to drive. . There's a whole host of reasons birth control is bad for you, but its a legitimate treatment for something you could clearly never understand
People didn't get cancer at the rates they do today. The number of cases increased due to obesity, older age , HPV, etc..
>Are you really so fucking stupid you think this shit can be cured by diet and lifestyle? Im not unhealthy myself, but im by no means a paragon of fitness. I work and eat normal
What do you mean by normal?
By no means you live a normal life compared to women 100 years ago or before that.
During those times, women weren't eating food full or hormones, they weren't stuck in an office 8 hours a day and they were having children and doing the household chores.
Things were much better for women back then.
>I know a very athletic health conscious girl who also models who suffers from extreme endemetriosis to the point she has had multiple surgeries and will have a hysterectomy once she has her first child.
That's 6% of the total female population and it can be treated with Ibuprofen as well. Not a justification for the large amounts of women on the pill and those who have this condition have other forms of treatment.
>But I can't take that because it affects myday to day life, my job needs me to drive
Did you try eating food with less hormones and not spending the whole day sitting down?
This is some ill informed psychotic health nut bullshit right here. are you also an anti vaxer? Im a Park ranger and neither of those things apply. Being active happens to be the reason I damaged my knee in the first place oddly enough. Literal autist
So you sit in an office most of the day?
What do you usually eat?
>Being active happens to be the reason I damaged my knee in the first place oddly enough.
I wasn't suggesting you'd go jogging.
I was suggesting doing chores in the house and rearing your kids.
In my early 20s I dated a virgin (19 years old) and she was kind afraid to fuck, so she basically sucked my dick every time we met for like an year before we fucked.
What I'm trying to say it - how is she even your girlfriend if you don't do anything sexual?
Also another thing.
You just be unhappy and your body is reacting to it.
Women weren't meant to work like men do.
They evolved to have a more comfy lifestyle raising kids and being provided for by a man.
If you don't have those things you are gonna be sad. Our body is more sensitive to pain when we are sad. Plus you are depriving your body of it's inherent needs, which is to bear and give birth to kids while in your young years.
This is most likely the root of your problem.
Can you set us up? I'm a kissless virgin too I'm assuming she's legal otherwise why would you bring that up you weirdo
You dont know what a park ranger does? I walk countless miles in all weathers. This is my day at the office.
Doing chores is barely physical. also I think you got your wires crossed because im not female.
I keep doing the job because it makes me happy. I do wish a hollistic lifestyle would repair my knee instead of getting it replaced in a few years but hey. We dont all live in your fantasy world
From this reply I figured you were a girl who was on pill.
Then of course none of that is gonna apply to you. And your knee issue is the result of an injury. It's not comparable with a women having endometriosis.
Wow user you sound like a super virgin
Pretty sure it is. you can't keep popping painkillers for pain and not suffer any ill consequence, especially when its not only pain. It causes infertility too. Because that is damaging. The pill has its downsides for a lot of women but it is deemed a legitimate treatment by people who actually know way more than you oddly enough. Women dont turn into hypersluts the minute they pop one. You really don't know what you are talking about. If fucking ibuprofen was an effective treatment then this wouldn't be an issue for women.
this for fucks sake, it took sex away from us
I also said my knee was damaged originally but now its suddenly significant now you know im not a woman?
This. Been on hormonal BC since I was 15, slept with one guy.
>Women who use HCs report higher rates of depression, reduced sexual functioning, and higher interest in short-term sexual relationships compared to their naturally-cycling counterparts. Also, HC use may alter women's ability to attract a mate, as well as the mate retention behaviors in both users and their romantic partners. Some evidence even suggests that HC use alters mate choice and may negatively affect sexual satisfaction in parous women, with potential effects on future offspring.
It's a bit of everything then
My girlfiend is on it and she has legitimately 0 sex drive at all when shes on it, which is 99.99 percent of the time. And yes, her reason for it IS "I get really bad periods"
Because they can legitimately be very painful
Not that a shut in virgin loser like you would know anything about females
>slept with one guy
Hey useless whores,
Does your taught body get all plump and engorged on the pill?
Well too bad it's gonna wrinkle and sag soon anyway LOL
This desu. I guess I was pretty ignorant about that shit before I met my girl friend but i now see her in absolute excruciating pain over it, and not being taken seriously by the medical profession over the year. She recently had an operation because her womb was fused to something with scar tissue. I can't quite recall. Fucking kills me to see her this way though. On top of working her ass of as a nurse. Its sickening to see ill-informed spergs like this one sit and make judgement
>Women dont turn into hypersluts the minute they pop one. You really don't know what you are talking about.
The pill makes the woman more likely to cheat for a number of reasons such as the fact that it induces the production of oxytocin and the fact that she don't have to worry about getting pregnant.
> If fucking ibuprofen was an effective treatment then this wouldn't be an issue for women.
Why are they gonna go for the ibuprofen if the pill will "solve" the problem and add the bonus that she can be a slut free of consequences.
>It causes infertility too
The pill will certainly fix that...
They can choose surgery also, on top of avoiding food with hormones.
Also they can do what women were meant to do, which is to give birth and raise kids.
Didnt realise we had medical experts among us.
Becuase I thought you mentioned painkillers for the endometriosis not for the knee.
>Does your taught body get all plump and engorged on the pill?
No. I've actually lost weight since I started.
Never even came close to suggesting that. Good job, retard.
>The pill makes the woman more likely to cheat for a number of reasons such as the fact that it induces the production of oxytocin and the fact that she don't have to worry about getting pregnant.
>They can choose surgery also, on top of avoiding food with hormones.
Wow, TIL endocrinologists are wrong when they recommend hormone treatment, we should all take medical advice from one user on Jow Forums with no qualifications.
There was a thread here and on Jow Forums about this a while ago.
Basically the oxytocin makes it easier for the person to get detached from their current partner, and if another one comes along the have less "resistance" to getting infatuated by the new one, since not only there is the novelty aspect to it but also she has no history with him, which means, she never had to go through any of the hurdles and strains that some relationships go through from time to time.
Wrong answer dumb mentally disabled impotent whore
>nd if another one comes along the have less "resistance"
the brain* has less resistance to getting infatuated with the new one.
That seems valid but makes pretty much no sense when you think about it. If that were true, then pregnant women would all be rampantly cheating and divorcing their husbands.
No, sometimes women take birth control to help with migraine headaches.
Not really, since oxytocin is not released during pregnancy. It's often released after orgasm and during child birth.
Before you point the contradiction. The fact that it is release after orgasm doesn't imply detachment.
The detachment part is the result of unduing existing neuron connections so others can take place.
when the oxytocin is released after orgasm it allows the person to become less self-centered and care for her new partner the same way they care for themselves.
But when it's released constantly like when the woman is on the pill. The bond that she already has with her current partner becomes weaker and the attraction and infatuation she has for some new guy will face less resistance.
same with the ones actually on the pill. the vast majority of women dont live to constantly be pregnant, or actively trying to be so in a relationship. And they manage fine to not cheat
>dont take this legitimate medical treatment for your serious condition because it might make you suddenly want to start fucking everyone in sight. Try eating differently instead.
what a fucking retard
The thing is both lie
I don't like latex and I've been with the same guy for 4 years (my only bf ever as well) so I just take the pill so we don't have to use condoms. After we have children, we'll just get snipped.
I don't know bout slut, I've had a lot of sex but with only one man.
imagine having such severe autism you live your life by a bunch of stats that may or may not be accurate because humans are so fucking variable in general.
serious question. Have you ever had a girlfriend?
Yes, huge slut btw.
What else could you get besides low tier women (aka sluts)...
In terms of attractiveness, I could always get high tier women, but just recently I started being more selective about what kind of woman I want.
This relationship that I mentioned was an eye opener.
I'm a girl as well, what reason would they have to lie to me about being loser virgins like me or complete dykes?
Ya i was gonna say. My older sister is on the pill to help with her period. He cramps got so bad she would pass out. And ik shes not a slut bc shes uggo and a fuckin robot.
>every young woman who's on the pill
Indeed. A tautological statement. First premise enables the predicate.
If your hymen is torn, you're a slut.