>Humans are sexual beings
>But women wanting and getting sex is bad
The absolutely insane hypocrisy of Jow Forums.
>Humans are sexual beings
>But women wanting and getting sex is bad
The absolutely insane hypocrisy of Jow Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
>humans are violent beings
>but people killing each other is bad
>you're aren't entitled to things
but also
>contribute to society as a member of the community
The absolute hypocrisy of roast MSM
OPs piece of shit
fucking dick with his absolutes
>The world is a certain way
>But I wish it were a better way
The absolutely insane hypocrisy of humans.
>be degenerate
>hate the side effects of degeneracy on society
>women who have sex are sluts
>where's my pure virgin gf who will have sex with me
>guy wants sex but hes considered a thirsty creepy beta bitter virgin.
>girl wants sex but is considered an independent women who isn't entitled to anyone xdddd
Only a roastie deals in absolutes
sexually frustrated men can be extremely toxic to anyone with a sex life. its fun to rip on them on Jow Forums but in real life i actively avoid anyone who judges society in this way. you really can't win with them unless you're sexless and miserable.
Ok, this actually kinda bugs me I don't agree with the usual Jow Forums idea that any girl who has sex or enjoys sex is a slut, but I've noticed that pretty much every girl that likes sex is pretty 'slutty' although I don't think that's quite the right word. Like it's almost impossible to find a girl that likes sex but isn't into really degrading stuff.
I know it's asking too much, but I still want a girl who's enthusiastic about sex without wanting me to pull her hair or call her names or something.
And to be clear, I don't have a moral issue with girls being slutty or whatever, I just don't find it attractive.
>is one person
Nothing bad in that.
>a bunch of virgins have bitter views of womens' sexuality
No kidding? these guys who talk about "roasties" and think vaginas magically get looser taking 20 dicks one time rather than one dick 200 times, you think their views on sex are worth listening to?
the guys who think men "peak" at 35 but women are worthless by age 25, who conveniently forget that men experience balding, beer guts, wrinkles, limp dick, back pain, and other effects of aging even worse than women do?
the same guys who are obese fugly neckbeards and have an inflated sense of self worth who unrionically think they deserve a 10/10 virgin gf with a trust fund and 3 oil well royalties who will suck their disgusting cheesy penis and expect nothing in return, who will be ecstatic to sit and watch them play video games for ten hours a day and will be elated to hear them talk about what their discord friends joked about?
are you saying these fucking losers might have backwards views of women?
Hitler would have gassed most of the people who browse Jow Forums. Only like 5 posters here are worth talking to.
Jow Forums
forgot what board I'm on. same difference really.
>unrionically think they deserve a 10/10 virgin gf with a trust fund and 3 oil well royalties who will suck their disgusting cheesy penis and expect nothing in return, who will be ecstatic to sit and watch them play video games for ten hours a day and will be elated to hear them talk about what their discord friends joked about?
I mean, I want a 6.5/10 gf with an ok job who suck my hopefully ok and properly washed penis and expect nothing in return, who will be content to sit and play video games with me for 2 hours a day and will be feign interest to hear me talk about what my discord friends joked about, but I know I don't actually deserve anything close that.
>r9k belives that women wanting sex is bad
good bait, r9k belives at large that women fucking behind thier backs and cheating is bad cause it hurts them(as the majority is male) and some of these people are to afraid to even have relantionships because of thse fears
Lets not forget that "size" matters and some on the people here are under average and have micropenises
>inser eliot rodger the supreme gentleman meme "i though the average is 4 not 5, this is very unsetlling"
the truth can hurt so much
maybe you do, at least your standards arent skyhigh like for most people on here
Amen brother. If you even talk to a girl you are a chad. Im a 20 year old virgin but have a healthy social life. Maybe instead of hitting the vidya 24/7 they would go and do something like workout but thats hard work and only genetics affect working out in their eyes.
What the fuck? Are you fucking, stinkin, absolutely joshin on me?
>maybe you do,
I doubt it. I don't exactly have the most masculine or attractive personality. If I deserved a gf I'd have had one by now.
>at least your standards arent skyhigh like for most people on here
Yeah, I suppose.
I've met so many guys here who have zero self awareness. they're a god damned zero effort hot mess, obese ugly losers who don't even bother trying to improve themselves, and have this sense of entitlement that they deserve an impossibly perfect woman who is a virgin but will for some reason fuck them on the first date and be great at sex, who's amazingly attractive and would deal with their 300 lb gaymer body, unshaved neck, pube forest, disgusting BO, dress choice of a 14 year old, with zero personality other than hatred, bitterness, and internet addiction.
Women are "sluts" if they have sex but they want a virgin woman to come have sex with them for nothing in return. How does that even work?
These zero effort losers, then, think they're gods gift to women and have this absurd superiority complex.
they complain about being alone but never actually go outside and even try to speak to women. they complain no woman finds them attractive but do nothing to improve their looks. they complain their life is shit but do nothing to try and fix it.
You know, Jow Forums used to be the "interesting greentext stories board." Now it's completely overrun with incels and frogposting threads that get 2 replies. This is a dumpster fire of a board and I don't know why I torture myself coming back here to see what it's become. The average IQ on /b/ is 20 points higher than here and people there have interesting shit to say.
If you don't make an effort, you deserve NOTHING.
There's nothing technically wrong with anyone having sex, just like there's nothing technically wrong with doing drugs or staring at a wall every waking moment of your life. It doesn't mean I want a relationship with someone who has done those things.
>they complain no woman finds them attractive but do nothing to improve their looks.
If only it were that simple. There's plenty of ways to be unattractive besides looks.
You can't just change your bones and genetics you fat smelly vagina
that girl in the pic
got her ass kicked
Ikr. I was awkward but I improved it by working on myself, if you arent comfortable with yourself no one else will be. Work on self improvement and everything else will come later but no one wants to change and doing the right thing is harder than laying on your bed all day. I only come here for the titcow threads because they arent toxic.
>stop complaining and totally revamp your entire personality
Yes, because pretending to be someone I'm not is such an appealing concept.
You dont need to. Get a haircut, a fade, 2 on each side and no line. Look online for mens fashion aka basically just a few nice button ups and pants. Brush your teeth with an electric, floss, light exercise, do something you like, writing or drawing or coding or whatever. Even vidya. Go and hang with work even if they are losers or join a club based off your passion.
>Humans are sexual beings
>But incels feeling entitled to sex is bad
The absolutely insane hypocrisy of normies.
It's amazing that self-improvement is such a foreign concept to some people. The "real" you is some impulsive feral animal. You're already dramatically altered by your environment and there's no real reason why you can't alter it a little bit further in a more appealing direction.
Yes. I can't imagine how autistic you need to be to not realize that feeling entitled to practically anything is a bad thing.
>Just lift and get a haircut, bro! Take a shower too!
>feeling entitled to practically anything is a bad thing.
Not really.
Most people feel entitled to healthcare, basic necessities like food and running water, a right to vote... surely sexual expression and companionship satisfy more basic needs than voting?
I agree with almost all of this but:
>a fade
You worthless fuckboy. Why do you fucking asshats insist on this fucking stupid ass haircut?
>You incels are not entitled to anything
>But I am entitled to be a slut, despite the inherent immorality of it and the enormous damage I am dealing to myself, others around me and society at large
The hypocrisy of roasties
See. You wont. I bet your unshaven and havent left your room in how long? I didnt say lift just do push ups and sit ups but if your obese start with some light cardio, eat healthy by doing keto.
believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment
Those people are wrong. The universe does not owe you anything just because you exist, and you are entitled to absolutely nothing. Those who are lucky exist in a society that chooses to provide them with healthcare and necessities.
You dont have to Injust like it, the buzzed/shorten sides feel good and I look good in it. Im not a hype beast and Im a 20 year old virgin but I live my life the way I want to live it. When a girl comes she comes until then ill do what makes me happy?
Then women are not entitled to be whores
If you're entitled to sex, that implies that someone is morally obligated to fuck you. What kind of delusional world does someone need to live in to believe that lmao. Nature is all about survival of the fittest. Some people are just not meant to reproduce, it's nothing personal really.
Shut up you whiny little faggot. I was emotionally abused and neglected my whole life. By age 20 I had such bad social anxiety I couldn't even talk to anyone without crying and running away like an autist.
Did I sit in my room and whine about it for ten years? No. I addressed my shit and changed myself until I became a confident, bright, appealing person who people enjoy the company of. (I'm still an introvert though, but I'm no longer a spergy social autist). My looks were bad so I changed them. I lost weight, learned how to dress, got a flattering haircut. I changed everything. I learned how to speak with a more appealing voice, learned how to talk to people and joke around, trained until I no longer had social anxiety.
But you faggots feel like people are either born great or shit and can never change. You have an external locus of control, and that's why you will always be a pack of fucking losers.
It was painful and grueling to reassess every facet of my body, face, style, and personality, and I did it. Now I can get dates and get hired for jobs, and have conversations with random strangers and not sperg out. because I was willing to change, and you only want to whine and lay on your bed in the basement until a fairy comes and solves your problems for you.
You need to be sure it's what YOU actually want and not what you think hoes want, that's all I'm saying. To me, it's a fucking stupid haircut that makes the people with it look like they are trying too hard, but then again, I'm almost 30 and already married.
So, godspeed, youngfag.
I have the best haircut possible, I shave every morning. I have a job. I lift. Nothing will change my ugly face, you absolute fucking retard.
>kek at how the npc automatically assumed I fit his narrative of what an incel is
>heh I'm better than you fucking retards now take my advice which totally isn't made up
>someone said something that hurt my ego
>better call them a liar and plug my ears with my fingers
Truth hurts.
The issue here is the old line about the difference between a bitch and a whore: A whore is a woman who has sex with everyone; a bitch is a woman who has sex with everyone but me.
>someone insulted a woman on the internet
>better make a whiteknighting thread to signal my virtue
fuck off chad
4 ya
not for sorry
I mean at the end of the day you have only two options
>adapt to modern society and take steps to improve yourself
>do nothing and remain alone forever
It's your choice. Feel free to go with the second option, but don't be surprised when your fate is the same as that of every other animal in nature that failed to adapt. Complaining about it will not help you.
You may not believe it, being all of 18 years old last month, but most people grow out of this whiny shit that you're doing here.
I was like this guy - a whiny fucking sperg that couldn't do anything without literally running away and crying, but I too reassessed what I wanted and fucking changed myself because fuck being a pussy for the rest of my life.
Do you want to be a whiny bitch forever? No one does. It'll just come to you one day and you'll fucking man up - as stupid and generic a phrase as that is.
It didn't hurt my ego. I know what I am. I do work to change myself, I try my hardest. It doesn't matter when you're deformed. All your dudebro advice is fucking retarded and you can't even comprehend it
>inb4 he says the same shit AGAIN
I think when most people talk about entitlements (sexual or otherwise) they don't mean it in a "cosmic" sense. "The universe" doesn't owe anyone anything, you're right. Usually, they're talking about how they think goods/services/privileges should be distributed in a society. It doesn't even have to be "special treatment" if everyone is getting it- is the right to vote "special treatment"?
>Those who are lucky exist in a society that chooses to provide them with healthcare and necessities.
Shouldn't we then go about making more societies like that, so that more people are born lucky?
>someone is morally obligated to fuck you
I mean, someone probably would, for the right price. But the government legally prevents me from paying that price. Most incels could get laid if it weren't for the ways in which government regulation of the sexual marketplace negatively impacts the ability for the least desirable men to fulfill their sexual needs.
>Some people are just not meant to reproduce, it's nothing personal really.
We live in a post birth-control world. Reproduction and sexual satisfaction are no longer coupled.
Do you approach women? Or do you stand there and not say a word?
You could be chad if you had a cool personality.
See You can keep being a condescending faggot all you want, what your saying is bullshit.
I like me, my friends like me, and I don't want to be someone else. Am I not allowed to be somewhat upset that I can't get a gf without sacrificing my whole personality at the plz gib gf altar?
See I think 1 is too short. 1.5-2 is my preferred length.
Calm down roastie... Ya dumb Thot.
Post face or GTFO
Go back r/inceltears with the rest of the 4/10's and brag about not being a virgin because you got rammed by the local ebony transvestite in your manlet ass
I try texting, snapchat, even cold approaches
>implying anyone on incel tears gets laid
lol, no. It's
>people wouldn't even fuck me for money, but at least I'm not an incel
As said, that's literally how nature works - adapt or die. If you want to be a whiny cunt forever, go ahead, but don't be surprised when you end up standing still.
I probably wouldn't have listened to what I'm saying when I was 18 either, but, goddammit, I don't want you fucking people to waste as much time as I did being a whiny bitch. Being a bitch sucks, dude, and it's hard to change, but it is literally the only way for anything to get better.
But if you are are a recluse then why wouldnt you want to change? Your logic doesnt add up. Im not trying to roast but you dont have to change just join tinder or match?
I should add that it all ends in either mockery or they act like I'm trying to rape them. You faggots have no idea what you're talking about and your "dudebro I changed my life" advice means nothing. And yes, I've lowered my standards
How old are you? Maybe join tinder, I wasnt trying to roast you before but some girl is out there for you.
> I don't want you fucking people
You want something? What exactly entitles you to it?
>Dude just quit being a whiny bitch
Why are you such a fucking retard
>inb4 he says the same shit AGAIN x2
I've tried tinder. I literally get 0 swipes ever. I can't even look good in a looksmaxxed picture, I'm horrendous
>But women wanting and getting sex is bad
Me wanting sex isn't bad either, but rape is bad, right? It isn't the desire for sex that is bad, it is the way they fulfill it through premarital sex and whoredom that is bad.
How did you do it man? How did you man up? Just joined not apart of the incels.
Sometimes I feel like it's morally wrong to give advice to incels on this board. I might accidentally help one of them contribute to the gene pool. I shouldn't mess with the natural order of things.
Its your confidence. Add me on discord and send me your insta and Ill help you out.
You should never change yourself for a woman, especially for just the prospect of a woman. The trick is owning who you are. Your hobbies, talents, etc. are things you should be proud of, not things that you feel you need to hide from normalfags.
It's the fear that drives people away. No one cares if Chad sits in his room all day, jerking it to anime and watching Guren Lagan on repeat. They don't care because he fucking owns it. It's who he is and fuck anyone who has a problem with that - they weren't worth his time anyway.
I want you all to live the best lives that you can and if I can do anything to help, I will. That's all I want. I was a robot for a long time, but I got my shit together and am much happier than when I was just a frightened child.
>I want
Again, more entitlement. The universe does not care what you want, incel
>No one cares if Chad sits in his room all day, jerking it to anime and watching Guren Lagan on repeat.
Uhh yeah they do, except for the most shallow of roasties. That guy isn't Chad, he's a robot in Chad's body at best. Not unlike a tranny being stuck in a man's body. That doesn't work for long term relationships with quality girls, you have to actually not be a loser.
>But if you are are a recluse then why wouldnt you want to change?
I'm not a recluse, I go out, I chat with people. Like I said, I have friends, I just don't have a personality that women want to date.
user. You don't understand. I look completely fucked. Ever since I was a kid the girls ignored me and bullied me. They treated me like shit for even trying, they asked me out for dares, everything. They humiliated me. While I agree that some incels ARE just whiny faggots like you said, I'm not. I've tried anything. Some of us are literally just to repulsive
I wish my new friend , I wish. I am friendly and all, I hit the gim, I can keep up an conversation, I do tell jokes, droping hints and straight up making sexual jokes so they know that I am interesed in them but every time I confess I am turned down. I have a decent face to bad that I am a manlet (5 foot 9) and a dick let(a lil above 5 inch).
It ain t gonna change much about me.
I thought that the issue was getting railed by multiple different guys, not having frequent sex that she enjoys.
Okay, that's fair.
I kinda answered that here.
You need to not fear who you are or fear who normalfags think you are. You need to take hold of your own life and live it.
Who gives a shit if Brad doesn't like your hobbies? Or if Stacy doesn't like how tall you are?
They don't like you - so what? They're vapid, worthless people, why should you care?
The only reason that they have any power over you is because you let them. They don't live your life, you do. So what gives them the right to drive any part of who you are? You do, and you need to stop that.
The world ain't fair, but that doesn't mean you can't get a better lot. Sure, you ain't... I can't think of a movie star right now, but that doesn't mean that you can't get your own slice of heaven. Why would you want vapid Stacy anyway? Why not a nice, quiet girl who actually shares your hobbies and interests?
You need to take your life and make it yours. I understand that this is much harder when you are younger, but you need to live under your terms, not societies.
Fuck I failed even getting quads, I am killing myself in a year If I will keep failing at life, well I am exagerating maybe cause my familly still neds me for at least 5 years.
I'm 5'9 170lbs, not particularly fit, with a 5.5 inch dick and I'm in a great long term relationship. I've turned down over 5 decent girls because I have pretty high standards too. Idk what's not working for you but it sounds like something you could potentially change.
Maybe you would look better as a girl
The pink pill is always an option
As long as he's not a sperg about it, no, no they don't.
What are you even saying? I'm lost here.
This dude gets laid and it's doubtful that you look worse than him. He's like 5'2 as well. Just gotta be a hustler apparently.
>You should never change yourself for a woman
I agree, that's why I'm alone though, and it irritates me that I'd have to if I want to get a gf.
One dick 200 times doesn't destroy and blow out like 20 dicks 200 times. Dicks come in different shapes and sizes and different guys are more vigorous than others.
1 smooth loving and good fun dick will not blow out a pussy, the pussy adapts nicely but maintains elasticity quite well.
Fucking a different guy every other night forces the vagina to try and adapt to different forms and types of sex which causes the tissue to kind of adapt for all types which means it looks like a yawning hippo. Facts.
I want to fugg pretty girls
Why do you believe that you'd have to change?
I mean, aside from taking care of yourself physically, assuming you don't, there's nothing that you'd need to change if you are a comfortable with yourself.
And when I say taking care of yourself, I mean basic hygiene: brushing your teeth, showering at least every other day, whipping your ass well.
>You have to stop caring what other people think
I don't, I stopped caring a long time ago because I've realized it's worthless. I've owned my life and lived it, I have a good job and everything I could really want, but I'm missing out on the one human experience everyone else gets to enjoy. It hurts knowing I'll never feel love, know what it's like to have a girl like you back. No matter how much I try to "not care" I'm still a human too, I want to know what love is but I never will. I don't want stacie, but I can't even get that quite girl because she wants a good looking guy she's attracted to, I don't understand why you think I'm 18 but I've stopped living societies terms a long time ago, yet the still label me and humiliate me to this day, JUST because I'm an ugly incel. How is this fair at all? I think I have to right to be a little bit bitter
I'm just applying your own arguments to you. "Nobody is entitled to anything", yet here you are telling "incels" what YOU want them to do
I guess the truth really hurts after all, huh?
Guys I used to be of the opinion girls shouldn't be shamed for liking sex..
But then I found out my 25 year old girlfriend had fucked over 100 guys.
She's also into a lot of very degrading stuff and have heard some absolutely gross stories about what she's done.
So guys who think girls liking sex doesn't matter... should I forget about it or dump her?
>tfw normies judge you and treat you as if you're not a human just because of the way you look. Yet these same normies tell you "just live with it and own it, you whiny faggot" They'll never know what it's like being treated like a monster everywhere you go over something you can't and never could control
Of course you have the right to be bitter, life dealt you shit.
Doesn't mean you have to give up.
Doesn't mean you can't give up either.
It's shit and not fair at all, but something like 52% of all babies are male. So, even in a perfect society, 4% of the male population would be fucked.
I apologize for assuming you were young, most of the "incels" that I talk to tend toward the 18-23 range.
I wish the world hadn't shit on you as badly as it has. That doesn't help any, I know. I want you to know that you aren't forgotten, even if it's just by some user on a croation starfish weaving forum.
>over 100 guys by the age 25
Jesus fucking christ, the absolute state
I'm pretty sure this is a copypasta but if it's not you're retarded for asking the internet instead of having your own opinion.