does blown the fuck out imply excessive anal penetration as the metaphor?
>tfw wolfaboo
I miss being a brony desu
>incels want to hurt women
>incels feel like they unworthily deserve women
ummm no sweetie
Reminder that incel was a Reddit term and r9k just rolled with it because of the influx of Reddit refugees and edgy high schoolers coming in
who /mall ninja/ here? post your chuunibyou abilities
Reminder that no one cares you fucking nerd faggot go climb a wall of nigger dicks.
too lazy for the artwork
Thanks for proving me point retard
No, it was invented by a woman in Toronto (yes, the Alek Minassian city) in 1993.
what woman made this
Weeb here, don't even watch that much anime but I'm definitely neutral depraved
Almost none of those are neckbeards
>what woman made this
Yeah about what I imagined
he's more pathetic than those caricatures he drew
forgetting the fourth square where you transcend all those and make it out, r9k lurker, wagecuck, and has gf
is this chhart accurate?
no, why is the boomer a loser
What the hell is a wolfaboo? That pic looks closest to me.
>tfw none of them
I fucking hate this nightmare
I'm not a normie, I'm not a robot
The fuck am I?
a doomer, you're a doomer user
Chad is more degenerate than a soim
Who do you think Stacey is letting gape her ass?
the fuck is "mental foramen"?
this picture's great and pretty accurate desu
swap boomer and doomer
>only one is a neckbeard
Epic. You can really tell a roastie made this.
I still hate this so fucking much. I'm not even an oldfag, but for fucks sake. there was fucking zero resistance to the reddit invasion and now this board is suffering the consequences.
I think I've been all those things except a brony or a hardcore weeaboo (buying figurines and pillows and shit like that)
how the fuck do I become a good boy
I wanna be a good boy
>tfw weeb without a daki of his waifu
The last frontier must not be undone.
stay at home, listen to mommy and get sweet tendies in return
Maybe stop trying to put thing in small square and live your own life
okay but how do I get this without my biological mother
it's almost like you're all alone, staring into the dark, inhospitable wilderness to the right
stop consuming 2D pornography. start baking strudels, muffins, cookies and other assorted pastries and sharing them magnaminously.
And popularized by the PSL communities this decade. Recently bastardized by reddit and normals (many of them technically incels themselves) to mean "meanie who hates wamyn".