can we have a good old fashioned feels thread?post your greentext or post events from your life that have that FEEL energy in them
Feels Thread
>tfw alone and no one to talk to
>i know that feel
Do they have to be purely bad feels? Around a week ago I had this burst of mental energy out of nowhere. I started doing stuff, but then I went back to feeling drained most of the time after a few days. I'm pretty sure I'm not bipolar because it's not like this is a cycle, it was a one time thing. I don't feel horrible per se but I just wish I could feel that energized again. It was like my brain was working properly for the first time in years.
>being 28 in community college
anything goes,good feels,bad feels,sad feels,etc
also,i wish i could have the energy to work properly too desu
>tfw even if there was someone to talk to, you don't even know what to talk about or how to begin
Other times I feel like I have come to terms with being alone, then there is and odd occasion where a wave of loneliness hits and no one to relate to.
NHK is pretty great desu
>tfw no female friends and the male friends you have go out with different friend groups or dont go out at all, i can't remember the last time i went out, and you are third year in uni and you haven't met a girl there too so there's no way you could get a gf at all, and you are losing the will get out of bed because of the loneliness and depression and the last time you spoke to a girl was 1-2 years ago, also you need to get back in shape but you can't because food is one of the only things that brings you happiness since masturbation and porn aren't pleasurable anymore
It great and horrible at the same time. It depicts those that fall of the wayside of society. It brings great pains and comfort at the same time when the comparison between our real lives and the anime comes too close.
you deserve those digits user
>tfw your pic made me cry
Felt kinda good to let it out.
Still I feel kinda lonely. But I'm just too shy and awkward to do anything about it.
>tfw molested by someone i was friends with for a long time since my childhood
>tfw still talk to him today because im scared that if i say anything the little friendships i have in real life will crumble
it feels bad man
>and the male friends you have go out with different friend groups or dont go out at all,
Sounds painful, user. I wish I had friends, haven't seen any of them for at least two years now.
>leave the house for the first time in four months to get a haircut
>pick up a debit card that a woman dropped and return it to her
>she thanks and hugs me in return
>after the shock of physical contact subsides I feel a sudden outpouring of tears coming
>have to hide in the bathroom
>hear the receptionist call out my name
>too fucked up to leave stall
>wait half an hour and book it to the car and drive home
>tfw you have to find a new barbershop
just beat that bastard up and make him/she sorry for what she/him did
must feelbad man
nah. I'm scared that if I do that to him everyone else with find out and will either call me a liar or dissociate with him. While the second possibility seems good I get real anxious over any major change so I'll just do nothin
idk just like hit him with a bat at night in the head and no one will know who did it,then just dispose of the bat,if its made out of wood burn it
just a suggestion,well,you do you man,i wish you the best in life
too much of a pussy because of it anyways.
It's cool, thanks for the wishes
>keep feeling like a freak
>feel like people see me and are disgusted by my presence
>paranoid about looking like I've pissed or shit myself
>this makes me so angry I start hitting my head and think about suicide
>tfw your only friend was a cat you've had for 18 years and she died last week. At night when you're half asleep you lift up your blankets to let her in and cuddle with you because she isn't there. Only to realize she's not going to cuddle up with you anymore user.
Fuck, I loved that cat.
I'm sorry, user. 18 years implies a good life, though. I'm sure she appreciated it.
>keep feeling like a freak
>feel like people see me and are disgusted by my presence
>paranoid about looking like I've pissed or shit myself
i relate to this,i also thought the pic from your post was batou but with the bloodborne costume shopped over him
i have a cat too,but the sad thing is i dont know how old is he,since i picked him off the street like 4 years ago or something and he was fully grown,so it might die any day
>i wrote to her a week ago
>she still hasn't replied
please don't ghost me for another two years again
damn nigga,i know that feel
same with my dog
>mfw still look at the left of my coutch to pet him even tho its over been 3 years
>be miserable robot
>get accepted into prestigious grad school program
>"OK I'm going to start applying myself and stop being such a miserable fuck"
>meet good group of friends
>become best friends with one girl
>she and I literally text everyday, she makes sure to speak to me at least once everyday and most days will go out of her way to eat lunch with me
>get drunk with her one night
>tell an offensive joke that would only be acceptable on Jow Forums
>she stops talking to me
>I found out 3 weeks later that it was because of the one fucking joke
>hasn't returned my messages in weeks
>have no other friends because she was really the hub of my social life
>back ot being a miserable robot
from dust to dust...
>mfw all my friends got literaly dead or away
>mfw father beat the shit out of my, not putch but literaly WWE beatdown
>mfw bear kill the fat fuck in the forset and wanted to kill him
>tfw cant legaly drive cause sever autisme
>tfw super angry but represite perfecly
>tfw dust at my jobs make my puke blood
>tfw all pet die early
>tfw jenuine good person that everybody hate cause visible signe of autisme
>tfw my hightscool plot against me so no high grades
>tfw smart but dont have require schoolarship for good job
>tfw anxiety give grey hair at 14
>tfw great potential but no future cause autisme
>tfw mainstream media shit on your kind for more then 200 years and everybody even yourself belive it and become a joke
>ghosts you because of a single joke
What was the joke?
>2nd year of uni
>studying for my absolute dream career
>everything going well/okay academics-wise
>not a single friend
>acquaintance I had in the dorm moved out, now have absolutely nobody to talk to
>sometimes days go by without any conversation
>some courses in uni require me to work in groups with the same people
>everything usually goes well, know how to normally talk to people and how to prepare/do the practical work
>absolutely no non-uni related contact to them and even if there is contact it's just the uni-related WhatsApp group
I thought that working my ass off to get through the entrance exams and through the exams at uni would be what finally fills this fucking void but nothing has changed.
Why the fuck can't I just be satisfied with what i got. I've always failed at any socialization that wasn't work/academics related and I've had to accept that over the years but why the fuck does this desire for companionship show up again now that I should be happy.
>tfw you're riding the bus with your friend and he'd rather use his cellphone than talk to you
Doesn't feel good gotta be honest.
>The endless void caused by my family
My biggest dream, is to be reborn into an 80's american, suburban nuclear family, with a present father and a lovingly worrying mother.
Instead I had an abusive, cheating, heartless father and a lying, two faced, backstabber of a mother.
It's truly a worthless fight anons, no matter what I do, how much I improve myself, hit the gym, talk to girls, or do whatever I can never close the void, I wish I died crushed by the TV when I was 4.
>be me, 11 year old betafag, 1/10
>sitting next to my beta 5/10 best friend (who we'll just call colin for privacy) and in front of my 10/10 crush (we'll just call her emily)
>would you rather
>before we started we did truth or truth
>colin's turn lol
>asked who he has a crush on
>wants to keep it a secret
>my turn, keep saying dare until they give up and skip me
>would you rather time
>emily's turn
>other friend asks her "would you rather lick the floor or marry user"
>think she'd rather lick the floor
>"i don't want to say it out loud" she says, so she whispers it in other friend's ear
>think i've won, but watch
>ffw next 2 classes
>look at colin and emily
>colin you dick, i think to myself
>if i had a fucking dollar for every time i wanted to kill this kid i'd be a billionaire
>my fucking face when he's stealing her
>mfw i was about to lose my fucking virginity in my future
I understand you I had something similar a few months ago, suddenly started getting off my ass and doing stuff, even applied and got a job. Then like 3 weeks in i broke down again and got fired
idunno what causes it but i wish i had it again
>tfw i thought I found love for the first time in my life but he ghosted
We were in a conversation about the taboo nature of the word "nigger" and I said "well it's not like I can say I haven't let it slip if a basketball player misses a free throw or something"
I know I shouldn't have said it and I wish I could take it back but I don't think that cutting off all contact is an appropriate reaction
I've been thinking about suicide constantly lately. 28, khhv, unemployed for over a year. No human responses for why I got rejected from being a candidate (from the 10% that reply at all), only feedback I got from one of the 4 interviews I got was "you wore a polo shirt". I wasn't wearing a polo shirt. Degenerate joints and progressive spinal decay means I get up and walk slowly and with a bend for a bit before I can walk normally. Can't even lift 65 pounds without screwing up my back and hips for days.
I didn't make any friends at uni, and I tried every semester. Even the coworkers who shared majors and stuff don't even respond when I message them. At least you get happiness from food, it's a boring and pointless task.
That's a good joke though. You're a total normalfag btw.
I don't think it was just about the joke but she won't tell me what else I did or said so it's all I have to go on.
And I WAS a normalfag. For the last 6 months or so. Now I have no friends and I come here everyday for human contact just like I did when I was a NEET piece of shit
>tfw you can fake to others but not to yourself
Whats the point of living if one doesnt see any meaning of it? Its just like being a flower without sun - no need to bloom.
>no friends no anyone for the past 5 years
>crying in my room about it every night
>won't do shit about it
Your a nigger
Your a nigger too
And you're especially a nigger
And you too are a nigger