what would you do if you were a negro woman?
What would you do if you were a negro woman?
>what would you do if you were a negro woman?
kill myself desu
post my naked body in this thread, have 200 horde of beta reboost my confidence
The same thing I'd do if I was a woman of any race: have sex with other women and make extreme fetish pornography.
post on Jow Forums and claim to be white
based on astronomical levels
fuck a big horse
Get free money
Behave poorly in social situations.
see how much shit I could get away with, and how many gibs me dats I could get to live the neet life.
you don't get many gibs as a black woman and we don't get away with anything because literally everyone including our own men hate us
I'd go eat my some frrried chiecken MMMM HMMMM
Have any job that I so desire handed to me on a silver platter.
Get a blonde girlfriend like all black people
Get really obese and act all sassy.
are you one of the obese and angry black women, or the chill and skinny type?
make watery noises when i'm mad and eat chicken probably
Not her but I'm overweight and I'm not angry. When I got into one teeny tiny """fight""" in school everyone talked about it because people couldn't believe the idea of me getting aggressive with someone.
How long have you been overweight? have you ever tried to lose weight?
>finally got my dream job after four years of trying
>may or may not have been hired due to diversity reasons
>it's a highly scientific/research-oriented job so there are pretty much no black people around
>sometimes get double takes when you're simply eating or walking around the site and minding your own business
>most of the people there are nerdy and white, so they like typical nerdy and white things
>this means they're into D&D and medieval reenactment
>tfw you need a European soul to enjoy those things because that stuff is all about knights and kings and fair maidens and such
>tfw never felt more out of place in your life
>tfw should have just been a hairdresser and given people weave
I am pretty chill but not as skinny as I want to be
Literally kill my self, who wants to be a nigger?