FACT: AGay people can't feel real love.
FACT: AGay people can't feel real love
Other urls found in this thread:
FACT: OP is a major faggot
the gay get the slay
if you like the dick you get the brick
It's the other way around, women don't feel love so only gay relationships can be romantic
>gay penguins dont mate for life
Homosexuality is entirely natural. Just because you cannot feel love for a man does not mean than men cannot love men.
its a genetic dead end.
natural ? yes
a malfunction ? equally yes
I'd like to inhumanely euthanize a "gay" penguin.
better wear gloves dude, you wouldn't wanna cut yourself on that edge
nice m'd00d
Your genes dont determine whether not youll procreate as a human being.
Being gay isnt even hereditary.
That makes you cruel, for arbitrarily inflicting pain on a living, feeling being.
I'd rather beat the shit out of a fag but I'm too scared to come into contact with his gay AIDS blood.
so it is a malfunction that is adopted ? an illness ? gays eternally rip
Gays are a sickness and need to be removed. I don't even believe the gay penguins are anything other than fag propaganda.
So can you explain what love is, OP? And explain why it is that gays can't feel "real" love?
Romantic love is a special feeling that only a man and a woman can have for each other.
Why though? You're not explaining what either of these things mean.
You can't explain a feeling.
Watch gay people. You will see that their "love" involves a lot of poz and cruising bathrooms and rectal prolapse.
So love is the feeling of a man and a woman outside arguing while the woman cries rape to attract the attention of the police while the man is repeatedly yelling "Shut up you fucking bitch" and she responds "Fuck you you piece of shit, I can't believe I've been married to you for fifteen years" and then she slaps the ever loving shit out of him?
Honestly, being gay sounds better to me
Sounds like you're already gay. Fucking faggot.
Sounds like a gay couple can feel "real" love too. Thanks for proving my point, user
Gay love is pure and cute, the realest form of love!
It's a way to keep the population from growing too large without needing to kill
The fact that gays can't be monogamous undermines that argument.
>its a genetic dead end.
So is being an incel. But such is life. You don't need to procreate to fulfill life, you're not a protozoan and humans are suffering from precisely the opposite of low birth rates.
You sound like you could profit from some man tonguing on your hole
That image is fucking disgusting. It's so gay I want to hurt something.
Gay people make me violently disgusted so keep that faggot shit away please.
ill make sure to knock at least one up dont you worry
I am not gay, yet I cannot feel real love either. Does that mean I am not ok?
You probably are gay because you sound like a defective faggot.
> Homosexual impulses trigger angered responses
Take care on that psyche, user. It would be normal to feel a reason-driven dislike, or a sexual disgust, towards homos... But outright anger? That's not a very normal response to something that shouldn't affect you. I don't want to be that guy who says the screeching homophobe is repressed gay, but it's a far more feasible explanation. You repress homosexual feelings, it's a part of you that you hate, and when you see it in real life, those self hating feelings are triggered in the shape of violence impulses. It's a much more reasonable explanation than "I hate gays because [anthropological factors]". If your hatred was derived from reason, it wouldn't be so guttural and emotionally driven. Hate is a feeling, after all.
Lesbians can
I think it's evolutionary. Faggots are obviously diseased and defective. My senses identify them as a threat. It's natural. Most people feel this way but don't acknowledge it due to social factors.
We have an edgy evolutionary psychologist here boys
And you are a defective faggot. who is worse?
Implying gays are incapable cumming on a vagina
I'm defective for being ugly as a sin not for being gay
you will gets aids and die. I'm living the right way.
>Watch gay people. You will see that their "love" involves a lot of poz
Hetero "love" involves the woman doing mental gymnastics to attribute her physical attraction to something more noble: "oh, he makes me laugh like no one", "he's so gentle and compassionate", " he's the kindest man i have known".
Until some day after years of marriage she feels that she could do better and dumps the guy, allegating that the spark fade, lack of communication or some shit and life is too short.
The guy keeps paying for a house he can't live in and the food of children he can barely see, while our princess is getting pounded by random dudes from a bar.
This is exactly what TRUE LOVE looks like
I can't get AIDS cause I'm too ugly. Not even a STD ridden oldcel would touch me.
Most yeah. The last three guys I was interested:
- The last one was using grindr to cheat on his boyfriend and I found out by accident because a friend knew his bf
- The guy before that had AIDS and didn't tell me, but I found out from someone else (no fug). And I was basically done with men YEARS before that. This was kind of the last straw.
- The guy before that was some camwhore playing around with tons of guys who used me (I didn't realize a lot of it)
Men are trash.
This cartoon shit is pure fantasy.
I love Kass with all of my heart, and I'm gay!
...that said, I can see OP's point, I haven't met any real gay males capable of love either.
Listen here OP. There are studies out there that both prove homosexuality is genetic.
Also, there are a couple of studies that find that homophobia is actually often practiced by self denying homosexuals demselves.
Im gonna go out on a limb here and make a statement: When OP says gay people cant feel real love, he means himself. Because he is both a massive faggot and an unlovable, sad, pathetic piece of shit.
I'm not a homosexual. There is no proof homosexuality is genetic. You are a retarded fag
You are a strange faggot but at least you're honest about homosexuals being incapable of love.
Just got dicked earlier today. Might have two more hookups tomorrow
Promiscuity is so constant among faggots. Its disgusting. Yet we're all supposed to pretend their "marriage" means something.
I'm gonna marry my boyfriend someday uwu
I hope when I get married I'll wear a white wedding dress and he'll carry me out >~
>homophobia is often practiced by self-denying homosexuals
uhhhhhhhhhhh don't mind me imma just leave
I hate you more than I can put into words.
As I said, there have been increasingly more studies which say that there a lot of genetic factors that determine homosexuality, but keep lying to yourself, faggot
Deal with it alt virgin
thanks op got me lolin'
Probably the genes that make your mom into a shitty slit and your dad a molester lol
I'm not alt-anything. Also not a virgin.
Die of AIDS faggot.
Same poster here. The study that was made by this is actually pretty kek.
They took two groupa of men, one who defined themselves as homophobic and ones who didnt.
They showed them porn of both heterosexual, male homosexual and female homosexual content, and mesured their erections.
All the homophobes in the study had erections during the male homosexual porn that matched those of non homophobes during female homosexual porn.
Most of the homophobic examinees confessed to the erection, but one got furious and still denied it.
Huh maybe. Or maybe you are just a massive self denying faggot who loves cock but hates himself. Its not the gays fault that noone loves you user. maybe you should just kill yourself
>citing literal gay industry propaganda
Nah man I had a gf and I don't like dick cause I'm not a sick fag
Because we can actually get laid, while you're stuck in your NEET hovel, angrily shaking and sweating that there are people out there who don't need to appease the almighty vagina to gain validation?
And it'll only get better for us, while it'll only get worse for you. Stew in your hatred, sweetie~
Have fun with your STDs gay faggot. I've had a gf and I could get another if I wanted to.
>Had a gf
Your discord girlfriend who was probably a catfish doesn't count. And no mentally stable woman would ever want to fuck somebody with as toxic of an ideology as you. The only women available to like you are fat, dumpy, mentally ill bents like Aydin Paladin who will probably dump you eventually the moment someone better comes along anyways. I think I'll take my boyfriend over that, thanks.
I fully agree that faggotry should be treated as an illness but I don't get what you mean with
>they can't feel real love
How do you define love?
This, I'm surprised more people don't realize this. It's the only logical conclusion.
Those trips tho
Maybe it is genetics but let us get one thing straight: being a feminine man, who wants to get dominated, is a genetic defect. A man is made to dominate and provide, and going astray from that premise makes a man genetically immaterial.
A mentally stable woman would come to the same conclusion as OP.
>You don't need to procreate to fulfill life
This. A lot of people on Jow Forums put so much emphasis on this animalistic goal, it's pathetic. If your greatest achievement is ejecting slime into a hole you are no better than a rabbit. Instead, make something of yourself as an individual, not yourself in relation to another person. Write that work of fiction you've always fantasized about. Practice an instrument. Learn a new language. Travel. Become a Renaissance Man. Reproduction is a scam, an endless chase with no satisfaction at the end. There's no higher call to it, it's just what allows animals to make more animals. Do whatever it takes to find value within yourself, because you'll never find it within another person.
ah the good old
>everything I dont like is a shill/propaganda
Imagine being this incapable of making a valid argument
Except that's wrong.I get you don't talk to women in real life and wouldn't know that, though.
You do realise all gays arent these slutty bottom sissies you see on Jow Forums?
People like that are defective, Ill agree with you on that. However, I dont belive its genetic but rather a social or psychological defect, Id guess most of them were just lonely abd desperate virgins that got indoctrinated into the discord tranny cult and have gone so far off the deep end that they would require professional help
Women don't like your kind unless they are low quality sluts.
I'm dead
The meme magic will kill me soon
Goodbye anons
If you trully value yourself you will also value your ancestors and your future. Everything from literature to architecture from philosophy to advanced science exists because of countless years of cultural and biological evolution. Without this ,,animalistic goal" you would be nothing more than an animal yourself.
Starting a family is like writing in flesh and blood instead of ink and paper and it's not a work of fiction it's a work of the future. Endless possibilities more that I could ever hope to comprehend in such a short time that is my life.
What's trully pathetic and pitiful is that people don't realise the significance of simple things. Blinded by their ego they would rather go on a futile goosechase that always ends the same.
>anti gay thread on r9k
Are you serious cunt? You honestly think a post like this is eqivalent to bait? Implying there are enough fags in great numbers on this board to get baited?
Faggots are not welcome here, never have been. We are a Jow Forums board.
This. Family is everything and anyone who says otherwise is a traitor.
Oh golly me, I made an anti gay thread and now all these delicious filthy homos are posting naked men, whatever shall I do besides stare longingly at the images and reply with my feigned disgust!
That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. Please end yourself deviant.
I didn't ask for these feelings to manifest! I've tried to repress them but each night I imagine myself falling asleep in the arms of some fantasy bf. I hate the degeneracy that plagues the gay community. All I want is a guy who I can talk to and who likes me. I understand the arguments against my feelings but trust me I can't control them. Being gay is the loneliest form of existence. Maybe it's just a form of mental escapism that has become a reality. I don't know what to do. I just want to feel loved and to love someone. I never used to feel this way as a kid but once I hit my late teens (I'm 24) then it started to slowly edge its way into my life.
>If you trully value yourself you will also value your ancestors and your future.
Spooks. Nationalism is a cope.
This guy gets it
All frogposters are from reddit
Nooo you filthy cute guy, don't facefuck me with your sweaty cock, god thatd be awful you degenerate!
Nyaa~ :3
>Thats what you sound like
Reminder that women are incapable of love. Only men are capable of love.
You're making a strong case as to why fags should get the rope first, degenerate.
based and anti fag pilled
>If you hate something you secretly are that something
Fuck off, faggot.
There's actually some evidence to suggest that
[1] Henry E. Adams, H. E., Wright, L. W., and Lohr, B. A., "Is Homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?" Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 105, No. 3, pp. 440 - 445 (1996).
[2] Hudson, W. W. and Ricketts, W. A., "A strategy for the measurement of homophobia," Journal of Homosexuality, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp 357 -- 372 (1980)
[3] DeHaan, C. R., Przybylski, A. K., Legate, N., and Ryan, R. M., "Parental Autonomy Support and Discrepancies Between Implicit and Explicit Sexual Identities: Dynamics of Self-Acceptance and Defense," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 102, No. 4, pp 815 - 832 (2012)
I should clarify it's not scientifically proven, but the evidence seems to suggest it's true
Everything just has to be about sex when you're a fag. It's sickening.
There are whole university departments pumping out gay propaganda 24/7. Why should I trust this "science?"
Maybe try to get a gf?
Sounds like you're just really lonely.
They're from scientific journals. Where would you prefer I get my information? If they really are just gay propaganda, then you should have no trouble debunking it
Focus on your family and community is one way to achieve happiness. That's the Right Hand Path.
If you cannot for whatever reason, you can still focus on yourself and become the best person you can be by your own standards. That's the Left Hand Path.
These two terms are not just limited to new-age spirituality like a lot of people believe, they can be applied to all religions and philosophies. They're the two fundamental ways of defining what "the good life" is.
People like Varg Vikernes and Jow Forumstards have been popularizing the Right Hand Path (even if they don't use that term) with their focus on ethnicity, tribe, and nation at the expense of the individual. Despite the constant Right Hand Path propaganda on Jow Forums, the Left Hand Path is equally valid.
I suggest you look into alchemy and the Magnum Opus, a path of personal evolution that was pursued by monks and other celibate men in historical times.
Just look at gay people and the way they act. It's disgusting.
Taking these claims seriously would be a bad idea on my part. The whole point of this bullshit psyop tactic is to make the person who initially took an offensive stance against homosexuality shift to defending their own sexuality. It's a highly Jewish tactic.
citation needed
Gays arent people.
this isn't necessarily true, the same could be said of priesthood, but the implication of historical human family units shows us we typically had lots of related people living among each other, having a gay sibling in the family who doesn't have their own children would just free up an extra adult to make sure the younger children, with which he shares genetics considering they are his family, successfully survives long enough to breed.
fpbp the digits have spoken and the thread ended here