Everyday you have the possibility to stop participating in a holocaust, but you choose not to.
Everyday you have the possibility to stop participating in a holocaust, but you choose not to
People do the same to others
But you can be the one who decides to stop participating in the vicious cycle.
What a giant cum guzzling homo.
Real men stand up against people who torture and kill the innocent.
Cowards just do what everybody else is doing and forgets about it.
Personally, I don't think eating meat is necessarily animal cruelty. Perhaps I don't value animal life enough, but at least the killing can be done with relatively painless methods. Just like with many social issues though, the blame for animal cruelty is shifted to the consumer which divides us against each other. I think most meat eaters and vegans would agree that our meat industry is inhumane and that we should do more to regulate it, but instead people are deluded into thinking that the issue is meat consumption rather than its horrifying production.
I love their pain. It is tasty.
Does that mean you defend non-offending pedophiles that are attacked by normalfags simply for existing?
because I'm not going to hit 130g of protein a day being a vegan without it making me fucking hate eating
Now this is a based post. If the issue was simply bringing attention to the meat industry's dysfunction and didn't demonize any human that consumes meat as they evolved to do, better progress could be made to institute legal reforms that would make the process more humane and more acceptable for all parties involved.
spooky post friend
>real men need to 'arbitrary position'
>people only eat meat because of conformity
>egalitarianism for fucking ANIMALS
>meat is okay, the way its produced is not. People shouldn't go vegan, they should instead change the way the animals are treated
It's easier to just not eat animals in the first place. Could livestock animals be raised and killed "humanely"? Sure. But it would be such a hassle that it is just easier to not have them in the first place.
>justice is arbitrary
Very low IQ post.
>don't demonize people just because they do what they evolved to do!
People evolved to murder and rape people. Don't demonize people just because they murder and rape like they evolved to do!
>grug angry because tribe killed cute pig
>grug no like killing animal
>grug eat barry instead
>why grug not as strong and healthy as other grugs?
>implying it's not based on some evolutionary instincts that were only relevant 50,000 years ago
>I anthropomorphize animals and apply my own conception of 'justice' to them
>I have the dominant metanarrative of modernism lodged so far in my brain that I believe even animals have natural rights
Animals exist to serve humans. If I want to eat them, I'm going to eat them. It would be nice if they didn't have to suffer while we raise them, but if I had to choose between animals not suffering and me being able to continue eating meat, I'll take eating meat any day. I'd hunt if I couldn't buy meat in a store.
I clearly said "people who torture and kill the innocent".
Non-offending people don't do that it.
Nigger exist to serve whitey. If I want to enslave them, I'm going to enslave them. It would be nice if they didn't have to suffer while they pick my cotton, but if I had to choose between niggers not suffering and me being able to have free labor, I'll take enslaving darkies any day. I'd enslave them myself if I couldn't buy them from a slave trader.
Good thread, but I think the best way to sell veganism to r9k is the moral superiority that comes with it.
>Does that mean you defend non-offending pedophiles that are attacked by normalfags simply for existing?
Who wouldn't?
Almost everyone would like to commit murder. Yet we don't attack everyone for wanting to commit murder. Why should it be any different for people who would like to have sex with kids, yet don't?
except those animals wouldn't exist if people didn't want to eat them. sure, their lives are short, but without the evil carnists most of them would never have been born, and most of the rest would have been eaten by predators at a young age anyway. why not contribute to the success of their species by purchasing meat and thus giving their benefactors more incentive to breed them?
This post was handpicked by a moderator
I'm not the person you were replying to but do you actually believe your own bullshit, user?
>it's better to suffer for a lifetime than to never be born at all
You tell that to everyone on here who wants to commit suicide just because girls don't like them.
eating meat is bad for your health.
I'm not that user, but unironically this is what we spent most of our days telling each other here. This site is basically young men telling each other that life is woth living despite the fact that most of us don't really believe so.
what's in it for me? originally original
Most of r9k doesn't think life is worth living due to boredom and loneliness. A minor problem compared to the suffering livestock animals are forced to endure.
If someone would rather be dead simply because they lack fulfilment in life, why would animals rather live a life of suffering than to never have been brought into this world?
I mean shit I get unexpected bills and I question why I haven't just killed myself already.
because livestock are basically crops, who gives a shit what you do to them
Cause animals are (and I don't mean this literally) God's parting gift. We can do what we want with them. If we want them as pets,or as food. Food animals are below us.
-the sense of purpose that comes with doing the right thing
-the sense of pride for doing what requires more will-power
-better health
-a lower chance of getting a limp dick
and others
I thought this thread was about white genocide.
Instead it's some pointless vegetarianism.
White genocide needs to stop. Fuck animals.
More importantly, fuck NIGGERS and SPICS.
Because it's a very yummy holocaust.
>dont care
>dont care
>I want to die
>my dick is already as limp as it gets
Sure but then you don't get to eat meat
I agree. Niggers are just slaves, too. They're useless for everything except picking cotton and hanging from trees.
Your comparison is invalid because blacks are humans, while deer, cows, pigs, chickens, etc... are not.
This but unironically.
Chimps are not people.
God gave us niggers, too. We can do what we want with niggers. I whip my niggers every day when they don't pick my cotton fast enough. If I see a nigger being a lazy porchmonkey I go out there and shout "boy you best be pickin cotton now or its the tree for you". I've lynched 5 niggers this week alone. Some people tell me that niggers have feelings and I shouldn't send them to niggerhell just for not picking cotton. I tell those people if God didn't want me to own niggers why did he invent niggers?
I want to help exterminate every living creature on this planet.
>your comparisons are invalid because although cows, humans and niggers are all sentient animals, only humans and niggers are homosapiens
So what? White people and cows are not niggers, but niggers are niggers. Clearly niggers are the odd ones out. That means we can kill niggers but not cows. Are you stupid?
as much as I want to preserve western civilization, and following from which preserve the ethics of it (like natural rights and related), it is a lost cause, the west is on life support
I'm not saying these ideals are arbitrary, they arrive quite clearly as a result of cultural evolution, and are (or were) useful, but we have been sufficiently alienated through the deterritorialization of capital. We have lost the moderating factors of western morality, and have kept all of the commodifiable bits.
These spooks are no longer capable of maintaining the stability of the west and creating meaning for it's people, so why continue to use them? and why in god's name would you expand them to animals?
Lmao you think what we are doing to animals is like holocaust?
Its not even comparable both in the amount of suffering and the total scale. What we are doing to animals is billion times worse.
Almost no human on earth has suffered as much as millions of animals do every single day.
>attributing human characteristics to animals as if it was obvious
The guy in this thread constantly comparing animals to black people is absolutely hilarious too
>animals understand cars
This. 10,000,000 people were killed in the Holocaust from 1940-1945.
Since 1945, about 2,000,000,000,000 animals have been killed. That's 200,000 animals for every person. Unless each person suffered 200,000 times more than the average animal, the Holocaust ain't got shit on what we're doing to animals.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You think suffering is only a human characteristic?
How braindead can you be
>stop eating meat
>some 20iq mcdonald's customer eats it instead
you're not really doing anything, just thinking you're superior to everyone else.
Yes, yes it is. Self awareness is key to genuine suffering.
I'm not comparing animals to niggers. Where did I make that comparison? Some guy (you, I guess) said that it's okay to kill animals but not niggers because niggers are homosapiens and animals are not. It's an arbitrary distinction. It's as arbitrary as me saying that cows and humans are not niggers, but niggers are niggers, meaning it's wrong to kill humans and cows, but it's not wrong to kill niggers.
If killing cows is okay because they're different, then it's okay to kill niggers, too.
I would say it's actually more unethical to kill a cow than a nigger. Cows just want to eat grass on a nice sunny day with their herd and live in tranquillity. Niggers wanna cap sum foos, rape white wymin, steal TVs, shoot cops, get thrown in the slammer, and then rape white bois. I'd rather live in a world of cows than a world of niggers.
A strong argument can be made that domesticated animals, including those raised for slaughter, live much better lives than their wild counterparts.
They are guaranteed food and shelter and are protected from harm. They also receive the benefits of veterinary medicine. The machine of human society takes good care of them, if only to preserve their value as products. When it's time to die they're killed humanely.
Compare that to some poor fucker enduring the freezing chill of winter with no shelter, starving, being hunted and torn apart, eaten alive by a wild predator.
It's an advanced form of masturbation. I doubt even a tenth of vegans know what's actually coming in 15 years, and why. Their consumer level habits are no different from choices in a video game that only has one ending. The only benefit is their own temporary sense of moral superiority before the collapse of the food chain and extinction of all life on Earth.
Great point. Supply and demand doesn't exist.
>stop buying pointy stink and buy gun instead
>someone else buys pointy stick
>guns flop because pointy sticks sell so well
>stop buying horse-drawn carriages and buy cars instead
>someone else buys the horse-drawn carriage
>cars flop because horse-drawn carriages sell so well
>stop buying brick cell phones and buy iphone instead
>someone else buys brick phone
>iphones flop because brick cell phones sell so well
Pointy sticks, horse-drawn carriages, and brick phones don't exist any more. Know why? It's not because they're shit; it's because people stopped buying them.
>it's okay to abuse animals because they would have it worse in the wild
In that case it's okay to abuse children because they would have it worse in the wild.
Besides, I'd rather be out in the wilderness than to be in pic related.
Pain is not, suffering is
What makes you think animals can't suffer? Animals are as smart as 3-4 year old humans. I can remember being 3, and I was certainly capable of suffering.
Animals are pretty dumb
A cow would jump of a cliff if it got spooked by something
And this is why nobody is willing to help you. Why don't you thump that bible some more?
Babies are dumb. They will literally starve to death if you don't put food directly into their mouths. That means it's okay to kill babies.
I know you are taking the piss but come on I'm being serious. If life didn't want us to have hamburgers,hotdogs, and the like it wouldn't have come existed.
these are more of straight-upgrades kinda cases
you could argue a pointy stick and a gun serve the same purpose
>I doubt even a tenth of vegans know what's actually coming in 15 years, and why
That's pretty generous of you. I doubt anyone knows what's coming in 30 seconds and why. You believe that a tenth of vegans can predict the future 15 years in advance? lol
We are animals fella, what do you want us to do? It's in our very nature to be this cruel and efficient, its what gets us the most meat for the least amount of work.
>but we already have enough!
>Why not eat other thingsthat are just as nutritional?
We, as animals,, are functionally rational, not rational rational, we do what is most logical to feed our ilogical desires. It may be that eating plants is best for both the enviroment and ourselves, but meat tastes really good. So, basically, the current "Animal Holocaust" is not only the most natural thing to be, its the logical end to what we or any other animal in our condition would do.
If life didn't want niggers to be whipped into picking cotton faster and the like, it wouldn't have come to exist.
I hope you manage to find death before the cannibals get you.
>people stop buying X
>people stop producing X
>X ceases to exist
What's so hard to understand? This is lesson 1 of economics.
You are completely misinterpreting the point, humans and other animals are fundamentally different. Black people are human, white people are human. Chickens and cows are not human. Also cows don't want to just hang out in the sun with their herd, they're not a wild animal, they'd be extinct in a generation without domestication.
I couldn't agree more. We are animals, and it's perfectly fine to indulge in our animalistic tendencies.
That is why I rape and murder people. People tell me to stop hurting others, but I tell them, "it's okay to rape and murder people because we are animals and animals rape and murder members of their own species".
That's stupid. My cat also gets scared when I have to drive her in my car. The cow didn't know anything about its predicament as a farm animal when it jumped, it just knew it was on a loud shakey thing that's moving fast
>humans and other animals are fundamentally different
Not really. We have far more similarities than differences.
>Black people are human, white people are human
Not true. Black people are 100% homosapien. White people are 95% homosapien, 5% neanderthal. Does that mean it's okay for black people to kill white people since white people are not entirely human?
>they'd be extinct in a generation without domestication.
And that makes it okay? Niggers wouldn't be in the US if it weren't for greedy white men cracking whips and shouting "boy i want 5 bags of cotton today or it's the tree for you". Does that mean slavery is okay?
that's not what I mean, you just provided a bunch of cases where the necessity didn't change, the product did
unless we find a way to create a product that not only replaces meat but improves on it, it's not going away, even if you yourself stop consuming it, you know.
Ok now you are just being a faggot. Just want to let you know that enjoyed a nice juicy burger a few minutes ago and i will continue to enjoy them until the day I die.
>The cow didn't know anything about its predicament as a farm animal when it jumped
Yeah because living your entire life as a farm animal makes you completely oblivious to the fact that you're a farm animal.
Are babies delicious and can I open up a business where I kill/farm them? Face it fag there are double standards for every animal.
> Animals are as smart as 3-4 year old humans.
animals are as capable as 3-4 year old humans in sterile pattern recognition tests conducted in a lab
this does not mean they suffer, or that they are even self aware
in fairness to you, we also can't determine if other people are actually capable of suffering empirically, but it's a reasonable assumption given what we know about language and science
animals are not anatomically the same as humans and don't have language, so to assume they can experience self awareness as a human does, and by extension, suffering, would not be reasonable
If you're a retarded animal than yeah you never had to consider it once and dont even know what a farm animal is you dummy
>that's not what I mean, you just provided a bunch of cases where the necessity didn't change, the product did
Just like the necessity for food will never go away, but the products will.
>unless we find a way to create a product that not only replaces meat but improves on it, it's not going away
Slavery was never improved upon, yet it went away. You can't beat free labor, yet slavery has been abolished.
>it's not going away, even if you yourself stop consuming it, you know.
Animal products will go away in accordance to how much I don't consume them.
Just want to let you know that I whipped my slaves 30 times today and I will continue to whip them until they're all dead.
meant this for
Based. I dont consider niggers human either
>animals are as capable as 3-4 year old humans in sterile pattern recognition tests conducted in a lab
And in many other ways.
>this does not mean they suffer, or that they are even self aware
Proving that someone is able to suffer or is self-aware is impossible. For all I know I'm the only animal on the planet who can suffer and is self-aware.
>animals are not anatomically the same as humans and don't have language, so to assume they can experience self awareness as a human does, and by extension, suffering, would not be reasonable
I'm sure they do experience things slightly different. But not that different. Their brains function in precisely the same ways as ours. We've no reason to suspect they think differently to any significant degree.
>implying jews are equal to pigs
They know the lives they live. Meaning they know they're farm animals. Not in the linguistic sense, of course. But they are aware that they are in big buildings being neglected and abused day in day out.
Nigga me and my dad release the zyklon b gas
>animals are not anatomically the same as humans and don't have language
Animals do have language. It's not as verbal as ours, but animals have many ways to communicate feelings, thoughts, and intentions. You can tell intuitively what an animal (especially a mammal) is thinking just by looking at them. I have horses, and I can tell exactly what my horses are about to do just by looking at their faces.
> so to assume they can experience self awareness as a human does, and by extension, suffering, would not be reasonable
Well since animals are able to express their emotions, I have every reason to assume they are self-aware and can suffer. Their facial expressions are, in most cases, identical to human facial expressions.
And do you think he was trying to escape the farms when he decided to jump from that car or do you believe it was an animal naturally responding to being in a loud fast moving vehicle just like my comfy pampered cat does.
>do you think he was trying to escape the farms when he decided to jump from that car
>or do you believe it was an animal naturally responding to being in a loud fast moving vehicle just like my comfy pampered cat does.
My argument was that animals are aware of their predicament as farm animals as they live lives as farm animals. They are not aware of what we define "farm animals" as, but as they are the animals living in the farms they are aware of their own lives.
actually pretty thoughtful thread
Came out pretty good. Wish I could share with you guys
bacon is yummy and cheap
Not really. Consider not being a faggot?
I consider a lot of things, my sexuality is not between those tho.
Because it is the best, most moral, practical, and reasonable approach to nutritional industry. The Hindu cow is sacred but they still *slaughter* it for its bounty.
>I'm not the person you were replying to
Kill yourself. No one fucking cares.
Then you are actually better people than I realized. You are better than me, I suppose. But I'm afraid I just simply don't care about being good anymore. I wish I could be but honestly I can't say I care that things are hurt. Not anymore. I care neither about wrongly attacked non-offending pedophiles, nor the children molested by real child rapists. I have no moral attachment.
>Because it is the best
Sure, whatever "the best" means. I think that everyone giving me a million dollars is "the best", but that means fuck all.
>most moral
I don't see what's moral about hurting animals.
Resources and manhours are wasted on producing inefficient food yields. If we ate more plants and fewer animals we'd have an economy more suited to making better video games and movies. I personally like video games and movies.
>and reasonable
Nothing reasonable about feeding 50 pounds of grains to an animal that will only yield 1 pound of meat.
Well at least you're consistent. You're doing better than most meat-eaters who have the conflicting beliefs of "it's wrong to hurt others" and "it's okay to hurt others if it suits me".
little piggy went to market...