Just like we think girls are braindead and meaningless.
It seems like the majority of females think men are braindead
Other urls found in this thread:
Funny, we think the same thing about women
Women hate God. Who cares what they think?
I'll post some more. also, can someone post the wojak shower thoughts image with the female wojak?
''men are so stupid, they don't understand linear story telling''
I have never had a discussion with gf of 3 years of any depth because she isnt able. She will talk about clothes, starbucks and her dog.
"we females have deep meaningful thought while male think about video games and fighting"
It's almost like we're the same species or something
>not constantly talking about yourself constitutes being retarded
>it's not just being a vapid, vain, narcissistic cunt
what do you mean by that, faggot
Women have very little workings imagination. Most of them have very little sense of wonder.
Who cares? I like thinking about mundane stuff. Why is being boring (I don't see myself as boring but society does) is such a problem in society but cutting off your own dick isn't?
We both enjoy making wild generalisation about other groups and completely ignoring any counter-examples.
>>not constantly talking about yourself constitutes being retarded
>Implying everything you do is not also ultimately motivated by your ego
I don't agree with that. I think they have as much as men, but they tend to wonder less about actions and things, and more about people and interactions
ah okay I understand now. Also, I had to call you a faggot because my post wouldn't be original otherwise.
>can't even conceive of doing things for the sake of anything but your ego
i truly pity you user
Honestly, I'm surprised that it was original even with the added faggot in the end.
You are right, said it better than I have. Honestly, I think that their priorities are misplaced.
>Not constantly talking about yourself treatig a teenage break up as if were the end of the world
what would be an example of an act that is not motivated by your ego?
could you expand?
Altruism, unoriginally
women are just jealous they cant zone out because theyre emotional terrorists and exhaust themselves from being manipulative cunts all day
She wrote
>important things
Do you know what females consider important?
It's emotional shit.
>how you feel about your breakfast
>how you feel about that other guy at work
>how you feel about the most unrelevant shit in your life
They don't care about
>innovative ideas
>abstract concepts
>actual important things
When I bought a new guitar all I heard from females was
>why a black one
>why not a blue guitar
>or one with fancy dots on the side
This is unrelevant shit.
Not even once did they think about the pick ups or the wood type or just the overall quality and price of it.
Do not get fooled by simple words from females.
Only because they say that it's important it doesn't mean that it's actually important.
Only for them. And who the fuck cares about what females think?
I will never tell my gf my true thoughts. So sometimes I have pre thought stupid shit like this to appease her
I'll talk about these things but usually only with female friends
Imagination it's about things out of reality. Women can't think outside the statu quo, so they don't have imagination. Social interaction it's not about imagination.
anything that doesn't involve self-promotion to others. or are you gonna treat the term like a nebulous freudian thing inherent to every human? if so, then yes i guess you're right but thats obviously not what we're talking about here and i don't know why you'd bring it up in the first place...
I think anyone who tries to make sweeping generalizations about what either gender thinks about is retarded. Damn it feels amazing to be superior to both sides.
This would be begging the question - if someone doesn't believe an act can be altruistic, then answering altruism isn't going to convince them otherwise. Altruism makes the person feel good, and they only do good because it makes them feel good - it is ultimately self serving. An exception could be made in the case of sacrifice - but this is very rare. One could even argue that a sacrifice was made because in the past, acting good has increased their pleasure, and this is the only reason we would sacrifice ourselves.
The problem with saying everything is motivated by ego in this sense is that it becomes indeed vacuous () if we want to derive some moral claim from it. You're basically saying people do what they want and that's all there is to it. My first and second post were actually just bait but i feel i still owed you a response
>Men insult each other and don't mean it, women compliment each other and don't mean it
women will blow smoke up your ass and then reserve shit-talk for venomous barbs and when they need to hurt/control people. men will shit-talk constantly and only express affection or vulnerability when it's genuine.
>come to Jow Forums
>expect actual discussion
>it's just "hurrr I'm so gay roasties btfo" and "hurrr I'm so desperate for pussy roasties pls love me" shit
They're not wrong
I don't shit talk anyone and avoid being friends with people who try to shit talk me. It seems like a blue-collar male thing for the most part.
of course, there are machiavellian sociopaths, those are just men beating women at their own games
>he's never bantered and roasted with his friends
man you're missing out, it's pretty fun, plus it's an invaluable experience that improves your wit, your social acumen, and how thick skinned you are, plus it drastically decreases your chances of being bullied for real, and it helps out with girls if you care about that
>"why don't men communicate their feelings?"
>date dark triad sociopaths
>reject or cheat on men that show emotion
>break up with a guy if he cries ever
Disregard anything women say
what do women want us to do with our friends? hug and cry with each other and talk about our feelings? that's what women do with each other, fuck off and go cry like retards.
>that's what women do with each other
this, female friends listen to each other vent and cry and offer consoling gestures; male friends instead try their best to help you move on and improve your life afterwards
I've bantered with friends when I was in middle school, I just don't find it entertaining. I'm naturally thick skinned because I don't care enough about other people's opinions to be offended. And I'm not worried about bullies because I already graduated without anyone bullying me. Never really had girl problems and am in a great relationship. I'm convinced that shit talking your friends is a pleb thing at this point.
That's what most of the guys on this board do, your post is an example of that. It's basically just consoling the guy you replied to without improving his life in any way.
Yeah, ok
I guess I should be asking how you even ended up here despite doing and thinking all of that but whatever
I love language and I love playing around with it and making it do different things and have different meanings, so I love banter because in essence, it's an exercise of and practice in verbal creativity.
Off my board now normie reeeeee
I'm not really consoling him though; that would mean he feels grief or disappointment and I would be trying to make him feel better
plus I said male friends; none of us are really friends.
I started going on Jow Forums because of Jow Forums during the crypto mania in 2017 and someone mentioned this board. I checked it out and saw that people post some entertaining things here.
so, they hate us in the same way the majority of r9k hate them, that's cool to know
Damn, I remember when admitting something like this was completely taboo; this was even true as recently as 2013 or so
>I started going on Jow Forums because of Jow Forums during the crypto mania in 2017
>I checked it out and saw that people post some entertaining things here.
These only make it weirder for me bro. The last place I would come during a crypto boom is fucking Jow Forums; you'd unironically be better off on Reddit or doing your own research, unless you only came for the wojaks or panic or whatever. But then I'd imagine you'd find those on Reddit eventually.
As for Jow Forums, you've probably recognized that the "entertaining things" you speak of on here, or really, any board like this, are tiny gold nuggets in an ocean of shit, porn, negativity, self-deprecation, desperation, lack of masculinity, and lack of self-awareness, and for the most part, the nuggets aren't really worth the effort of sifting through everything, unless you like sifting. You've had to. I can't imagine someone like you (and I don't mean that as an insult, truly) wanting to stay here very long. There has to be something else beyond that which makes you stay, what is it?
Jow Forums actually made me a huge amount of money, a lot of obscure cryptos got shilled there before reddit. Though it became shit towards the end of 2017.
I've had a decent life but I've also always been a loner by nature so I can relate to a lot of views here. It's still intersting to see a side of people that I will never witness in person, either because people hide it or because the people here never leave their house. I don't come here too often, the extreme negativity can really make me question life in ways that I'd prefer not to.
>Jow Forums actually made me a huge amount of money, a lot of obscure cryptos got shilled there before reddit
That's good I guess, but how'd you even find out about Jow Forums anyway?
>I've also always been a loner by nature
I guess from Jow Forums's perspective considering everything you've said, you'd probably be that stereotypical "dark and mysterious but pretty desirable" loner they always want themselves to be, kek
>I don't come here too often
I figured you'd say that, it was the thing that came to my mind first. From my experience in all my years here, the biggest sign that a person has truly succeeded in the social sense is someone who is able to exercise caution and restraint when coming here, i.e. someone not affected by "you're here forever." You've said that, everyone I know who uses this site but has a big social group, gf, whatever, IRL has said that, and a guy I introduced to this website, who by all intents and purposes is a Chad, has said that. It's probably one of the more subtle and underrated but at the same time most definitive signs that someone from here has "made it."
dunno how you do it. i got bored after a month. felt like i was bashing my head against a wall trying to talk to my ex.
Remember, the best way to keep your posts original is to just use proper grammar. Most faggots on the internet don't know how to properly type.
As someone who has had a decent amount of smart female friends, this is true. They never talked about what they wanted to do or other stuff like that, it was always, "did you hear what prof B said in class haha" type stuff. It was such a surprise that people who in class were in the top 5-10%, but sounded completely braindead in regular conversation.
>important things
the thing is, those type of girls are really really good at organization, studying, homework, routines and mechanical memorization, so if their natural intelligence is in any way above average, they'll usually catapult to the top of the class because their study and work ethic is already really good.
but then the application, the "thinking outside the box" or the hands on part comes along and they struggle because it's a different set of skills, unless it's specifically doing the same thing over and over again. I feel like this is the reason behind the stereotype that girls are shit at STEM. Every girl I know is extremely good at keeping to their routines, but then when something comes along that challenges it, they fall apart much easier than the guys I knew did
One of the few people in this thread who's got their shit together
A friend mentioned Jow Forums. All we really talk about is finance or computer science so crypto was huge for us. Most of my friendships are very professional, it feels like my girlfriend is my only "true" friend in some sense.
I'm pretty pale so I wouldn't say anything about me is dark, but it's cool that someone out there thinks I might be mysterious and desirable lol.
I think coming here frequently could easily be harmful to someone's psyche.
This seems to be the case I think. They were astonished that I could study like 1/4th the time they did and do just as well or better. They also were the type to leave spaces blank on a test, because they couldn't guess. They were really good at memorizing stuff from a paper for the test, but basically forgot it all before the final and had to study really hard again.
everything is rooted in selfishness.
the way people think now is 100% self centered, even the projecting.
if what you're doing isn't serving women, they don't like it.
>I think coming here frequently could easily be harmful to someone's psyche.
it is
t. every day for 9 years
This is the only thing that women hold over us. It's true, it's hard to talk about "deep" shit with other guys. I only have two male friends that I feel like I truly, DEEPLY know, and that's primarily just because I grow magic mushrooms, and we've tripped together multiple times, thus inducing a forced chemical-powered bonding and opening up between us.
That said, the biggest actual advantage that men have over women is that we're more resilient. Part of resilience comes from not burdening every single motherfucking person we meet with our problems. We've had to learn from a young age how to deal with these things ourselves, or else we risk being called out by other men, or ignored by women.
Contrary to what women SAY, a sensitive man that shares his issues with her is not desirable, and will find his love life difficult. There is an unofficial but tightly enforced policy against men being able to be open with our feelings. The second we do, we stop being leaders and warriors and go-getters in people's minds, with both sexes. It's fucking maddening.
I truly believe humanity will not reach its cultural peak until men learn how to be a little more vulnerable, and women learn to be a little more tough and guarded. A well-rounded human can and should do both.
One day I was walking somewhere having just gotten out of a store with a bottle of something and some snacks, then some guy asked me if I could give him any money or food I believe and just gave him the bottle and said something along the lines of "I can spare it and you probably need it more". Sure, I didn't donate to charity or stop a world war but nobody ever found out about it, I don't believe in karma either, and it's the first time I ever even told anyone. News flash: I never got any reward for that and I don't mind.
>A friend mentioned Jow Forums. All we really talk about is finance or computer science so crypto was huge for us. Most of my friendships are very professional
Oh okay, are most of your friends your colleagues from work or something? GL with your girlfriend
>I wouldn't say anything about me is dark
Well I don't mean literally dark lol, just more along the lines of "mysterious"
>I think coming here frequently could easily be harmful to someone's psyche
You're completely correct, though honestly I've learned a lot by coming here, and that's probably the biggest reason I keep coming back. I used to be a complete and totally oblivious social sperg, but I've become a better listener, a better critical, more questioning, and more analytical thinker, and a better socializer, by either directly applying advice I learned here, developing those skills as a necessity to coming and posting here (what with all the false flags and political bait and everything), or noting what other people have done and trying my best to avoid doing those things.
I think this site can be healthy when approached with the right mindset, and I indirectly owe a lot of what I've achieved (in terms of IRL success, mostly career success) to it. I still have a long way to go socially (never even been more than acquaintances with a girl, for example) but I'm honestly extremely grateful for everything Jow Forums has done for me over the years, and I come here often dearly hoping to learn more.
Im glad your philosophy degree is paying off
Yeah the girls I knew were exactly like that too. It's the one thing I wish I had from the female brain: that uncanny ability to just turn off your brain and desires and do the routine or do the rote memorization and never get bored or disillusioned or question it, basically to have that type of discipline. My life would be so much better in so many ways if I had that unconscious discipline, in addition to whatever I already have.
I remember watching that video and thinking that all of those comments applied to both men and women pretty well, so it stopped bothering me. These women just married simple men.
Because men dont have the emotional states of a 5yos and can handle our own shit and other men respect that.
>Girl ask me whats wrong
>Notices I've been starring out the window up
>Look of concern on my face
I mean I want to tell her that all actions in life are meaningless and that we are just s grain of sand floating in an ocean of darkness, isolated. I just tell her that my Xbox is broken and I'm broke this week...
lmao are you a 12 year old who just discovered nihilism? no wonder you're poor and play videogames.
I've been nihilistic since i was about 10 , so try again faggot. Who said anything about being poor? God you're so fucking dumb. I said I was broke for a week, not a life time tard.
>implying the majority of women aren't braindead too
If they weren't, we would have ended the species a long time ago
>hands in pants when relaxing
This baffles me a little too. Is it a horniness thing? I used to know a couple normalfag dudebros who did this shit all the time no matter who was around. Shit was nasty breh.
Hands in pockets is comfy. Hands are one of the main parts heat leaves the body, nothing to do with horniness
Mate, I don't mean hands in pockets. That shit is comfy too, I get it, ya dunce. They're talking about hands under their pants on their junk. Not sure if it's touching their knob or if it's their undergarments, but it's definitely not in their pockets.
It's true males overrepresent IQ scores below 95, but they also overrepresent IQ scores above 115. This greater variance in males is not unique to IQ. Height is another attribute where males have a greater standard deviation. The phenomenon is called "the variability hypothesis" or "the greater male variability hypothesis".
I'll let history speak for us.
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
>youtube screencap of a reddit post
Just burn this board already.
>why don't men share their problems with other men?
Because unlike women, men are adults, and we know that we are the only ones who can solve our problems.
Women on the other hand, are childish dependents who force their problems onto others.
its cause my balls are warm, bro.
>can someone post the wojak shower thoughts image with the female wojak
someone please post. plz