Hey, you still around larp man? Is there somewhere I can talk to you? I'm filled with a hundred questions. It was surreal reading your posts, like looking in a mirror. thread 404'd before I could ask.
Hey, you still around larp man? Is there somewhere I can talk to you? I'm filled with a hundred questions...
Hey. Feel free to ask me anything.
Why is it like looking in a mirror? Do you relate with me or my larp?
Go ahead. Before you say anything, yes I'm going to transition.
Because I did the same thing, story was so similar to the one I came up with.
How old are you? What was your upbringing like? What was your personality like? Do you have any mental illnesses? Do you have Discord? I really want to see what you're like. I want to see if you're anything like me. It'd be extremely useful to know.
>Because I did the same thing, story was so similar to the one I came up with.
Tell me more.
>How old are you?
21. Just like my character.
>What was your upbringing like?
It was okay. Not too bad, not too great. My parents aren't super dysfunctional, but I don't think they really ever fit each other. My dad is a bit of a loser and an occasional alcoholic, my mom is a pretty cool-headed person and an intellectual. I honestly have no idea how they ended up together. Growing up I was just a quiet, "smart" kid that no one really paid any attention to. My parents never really pushed me to do anything. Typical robot.
>What was your personality like?
More or less like my character's, perhaps just not as extreme. Cold, distant and apathetic, though I get terrible physical symptoms of anxiety, I mostly keep it under control.
>Do you have any mental illnesses?
I could probably get diagnosed with something if I bothered to. I almost did once have to, but just didn't bother going.
>Do you have Discord?
No. I didn't really like it. I don't care for that sort of stuff.
>I really want to see what you're like
Really nothing special. Just a more tame version of my larp. And probably not a schizo.
Don't forget the part where you now envy women.
Haha. Yes if there's something i learned from my larp is that being an attractive female is like playing life on sandbox difficulty.
>Tell me more.
18 year old Russian lady from a small village, she wishes oh so dearly to one day immigrate to a first world country. She has bi-polar disorder, and doesn't want to bring it on her future children, which makes her depressed. At first she was just someone who was depressed, but it turned into a whole story about her mother offing herself (mine died as well, but not like that). She hates herself, and thinks she doesn't belong on Earth. Her mom meant to abort her, but her granddad stopped her. She really likes taking walks during the night. Helping people is the only way she feels useful in life.
I kind of realize how fucking terrible and manipulative it is for me to do this, but I got fucking addicted, and I hate this now. I did use it to vent my problems to others, and she did somewhat reflect me. I live in a small town in Midwest America. life is kind of boring. Just stagnated to say the least. No-one bullied me, I was just ignored. Parents were okay. I do like the thought of being female, but would never become a tranny, or crossdress. I'm not that dumb.
Lemme tell you something. I once played an MMO and decided to make a female character for reasons. I hated all the attention I received, and it was way too easy to fool dudes into thinking you were a woman, although I never abused it, because I already felt like a massive faggot getting all this attention from MALES already. All I wanted to do was look at my female character but the truth is everyone could look at her as well, and the fact that I was playing as a girl had an effect on all my interactions with people. It felt terrible and I had to delete the account.
So in the end, I really didn't like the experience, and I especially don't envy women, because the attention you get, is from males, and unless there's something fucked up about you, you really shouldn't have enjoyed it, nor "wishing" your life was like this.
Congratulations, you fooled some people, but in the end, who really won?
It was kind of shitty of me, planning on either telling the people I respect that I lied to them, and saying good bye to them, or just ghosting them, and leaving the account, and trying to act normal from here on out. I'm in a weird mess.
Damn. That does sound awfully similar. Did you larp just here? How long have you been going? I've been doing this for around 3 months. What made you decide to stop?
>I did use it to vent my problems to others, and she did somewhat reflect me
I feel you 100%. I never truly lied that much when larping as her, I just exaggerated the truth. Had I asked the same questions as a dude, I would have gotten just 1/10th of the replies I'd get as a girl. So it was useful for me too, I suppose.
I guess you're right to a degree. The attention from all the Discordfags could get annoying, but simply the fact that you could one day just pick a provider and never have to worry about a thing seems pretty amazing to me. You simply don't have to succeed on your own in life, just be attractive and your life is set.
Keep in mind that the downside is you have to be a woman and suck a guy's dick ...
I don't want to compare women to animals, but here's something. Pets don't have to do shit. Do you wish you were a dog or something?
I've been going on about a year now and a month now. Usually just a few smaller discord server that I was invited to. I decided to stop because I desire to be more closer to the people I talk to. I want to talk to them with my voice. Claiming to be a female while I'm not kind of disallows for that. I also just realized how shitty of a thing it is for me to do. The people I grabbed honestly seemed like decent people, who I honestly started to respect a lot. I just felt like I couldn't make friends as a male, and hell, I'm trying hard now being honest, but I'm having a hard time. I'm just generally a shitty human being. It's okay though, If I can't get friends as a male, and without sob stories, than fuck it, I don't deserve friends. I'll learn to live alone.
Just don't go on discord you retard
Unironically kill yourself
Well if I was a woman, I probably wouldn't mind sucking dick.
It really is disheartening when you realize you're not actually the person they think you are. I did feel a bit shitty about it too. Plus having to always be careful not to give away your larp could be tiresome when you just genuinely wanted to discuss some topic. I remember my low point was when I began fantasizing about at least temporarily having the body I claimed to have so that I could take a bazillion photos in front of a mirror and fulfill requests thus providing definite proof as to who I was and shutting down any doubters forever.
That's the thing, you don't care about being either a man or a woman, otherwise you wouldn't say that. Some parts of your LARP were genuine. You just wish someone could take care of you and all your needs.
Blah, I know Discord is shit, but I'm honestly not sure where else to go. Maybe getting some hobbies would help, but I just don't have the drive. I feel like I can only really make friends by talking to them in text chat, and making a good first impression on there, because if they met me first in real life, I can't imagine them really liking me. I'm realize how pathetic this all is. I'm just a fucking retard honestly. I don't even necessarily hate being a male, just feel lonely I guess. It was probably very disrespectful for me to larp as a women, since I never went through the shit they do. This shit's so pathetic to read back, I'm sure someone will make a copy pasta of this shit.
yeah, being careful what to say was kind of shit. Also couldn't complain about being lonely. I know woman can be genuinely lonely, but I had discord friends. I just didn't feel connected as they liked a fantasy character I came up with. Not actually me.
Well yes, I don't deny any of what you say here.
As controlled as your LARP wanted to be?
I complained about being lonely all the time. I just blamed it on my chronic apathy that I couldn't connect to others. When someone tried makes advances on me, I'd just pretend to be super scared and anxious and start apologizing to them for being so useless and pathetic. Then they'd feel sorry for me. That usually worked.
How did you reinforce the idea that you were female? I would sometimes make threads with obvious pro-feminist topics where I'd hide some "unintentional" hint that it was me making the thread. When some orbiter found the thread, it would reinforce the idea to him that I am in fact so confident in the idea that I'm a female that I don't even bother flaunting it too much. It actually worked so well that one guy still believed I was a girl after I came clear. lol,
I don't know. Sometimes I think yes. I think the best obstacle is the fact that I'm not attracted to men, if I was maybe the idea would be much more acceptable. And it's not like any man would actually put that much control over a woman as these larpers claim. In fact, most of them went over their heads to respect me as a human being while still wanting to provide for all my needs. So it's a win-win.
>I complained about being lonely all the time. I just blamed it on my chronic apathy that I couldn't connect to others.
That would have been a good idea honestly.
I'd just pretend that I was pretending to be a male, and let people come to the conclusion that I was female through feminine mannerisms, and having people come to the conclusion on their own. When people would ask me to go on VC, I'd bluff and say that I could if they really needed me to, but that I was scared to death of it, and didn't really want to do it. That'd usually be enough, and they'd lay off. I'd admit in dm's once they asked, saying I just wanted to avoid attention. I had gotten my way into the Crystal Cafe discord through a female friend who bought my story (man that place was horrible), and kind of picked up their mannerisms.
It's funny because I said if I somehow get fooled, and that this person is actually a man, you've just went through so much effort pretending you're a girl that in the end it surely has something to do with you as well, and that it without a doubt affected you. So really, I didn't think I would be 100% the loser if I was to be proved wrong.
>I'd just pretend that I was pretending to be a male, and let people come to the conclusion that I was female through feminine mannerisms
That's a good tactic. I initially didn't even think of having my character be female at all, but started doing it to spice things up a bit. I was an avatarfag so once I mentioned being female once, it kind of spread. Honestly I wasn't very subtle with my approach, but considering how thirsty some of the men here are, it didn't even matter.
Well yeah. I didn't really lie much when I was larping. I couldn't have kept up with it, otherwise some autist would go through the archives and call me out on some bullshit.
Well I guess that answers most of my questions. See you around, Aiste.
I feel like honest shit having done this, playing with peoples feelings like this. Everyone's worried to death I might shoot myself, because I honestly do plan on taking some xanax, and doing it sooner or later. I'll probably just tell them the truth. Thanks for letting me vent a bit I guess. Nice seeing someone so similar on here.
Haha. I do really like the name.
Yeah. I remember making a thread where I was supposedly going to hang myself. Then I stopped posting for a few days. I remember seeing one user blaming another one for encouraging my suicide. A bit surreal.
I also want to say that your "pro-feminist" stuff really came out terribly, but took a turn for the best I guess. All I saw was a schizo girl with fucked up views because she most likely came from an abusive environment, and the fact that you weren't too good with your arguments only reinforced this. How did you originally envision this?
I'll say that the fact that you kept talking about women's rights, despite you wanting to be a submissive housewife, really was incoherent, which also reinforced the idea that you were a dumbass schizo who needed help, but at this point I dont think it did you any favor.
I think the arguments were good enough for what they were for. I'm not a feminist so what do I know. It did help me in the long run. I still had anons referring those threads after a while as reinforcing the "fact" that I'm a girl. Regarding the housewife stuff, I always came off as really doubting it to bait people into reinforcing those beliefs. Is there anything hotter than a feminist waiting to be put in her place, finally realizing that women's rights were a mistake? I enjoyed those threads a lot. Brought out a lot of orbiters.
>finally realizing that women's rights were a mistake?
well she never did "realize" it. I guess the cannon was that she was going to kill herself prior to your revelation thread, because she figured out she wouldn't ever be a good housewife in any case.
Well yeah, it's the possibility of her realizing it that kept people going. She did become more desperate and submissive at the end. I don't know what the cannon ending would have been. I mostly wanted to wrap it up because I fucked up with the pictures I was posting and people were starting to notice.
She felt like a whore posting a tit pic, yet in the end she posted her vagina and body, I think she was going to make something extreme, considering she said she wasn't feeling "all there" when she posted the tit pic, yet now she went far beyond that.
And no I've been following this whole thing until the end, she didn't become more submissive, she just gave up.
I've once talked to some guy with klinefelter syndrome who used to avatarfag in a videogame general thread. Just as attention starved, and had a somewhat similar personality, except he posted verifiable pics of himself, such as pissing on his rug, showing his shitbox, and his cut arms. That's why this was all pretty believable to me, because this wasn't exactly the worst I had seen concerning avatarfags.
Well she gave up on being a person of her own. She wanted to submit to someone who'd care for her. The whole idea with the nudes was that she was trying to prove that although her personality was shit, her body was still useful. I thought I drove that point pretty hard.
If that's how you envisioned it, it's incoherent. When she posted the vagina pic, she said Hahahahahahahahaha. I dont give a fuck anymore.
This only indicated that she gave up and was scrapping the bottom of the barrel for attention. One could then think that she was trying to display her body because still useful, but that's definitely not the first impression most people had. We all just thought you would kill yourself and gave up on life, especially after people said your body looked awful.
In hindsight, maybe the timing was off. It was a point I made many times before, but perhaps not as much in that specific thread. I kind of gave up after that body shot did worse than expected. I thought I might get called out for it being photoshopped, but most of the comments were just tranny accusations. Made it hard to recover from that. Then again. I never really had a coherent plan.
I've seen much worse female bodies in my life. To me it was a good reason why you hated motherhood. Because your body could barely even bear a child, so you didnt have as much instincts are other women, on top of being schizophrenic. It's true that the timestamp was weird though. I think you could have held this up for 1 or 2 more threads, but I'm glad it ended sooner, and getting to know the man behind the bait.
Always glad to entertain. I still wonder what some of the orbiters thought of this. Pierre went absolutely insane. I wonder how the Lithuanisn and ''be my lover'' reacted.
You've been talking to Pierre this whole time my guy.
Oh hey Pierre. Still not over it, huh?
Just trying to understand.
Well what else are you wondering about? There's really not much to it. I'm just someone who wastes a lot of time.
lmao, I've been wondering how "be my lover" took it too actually. He was pretty into you as well.
For what it's worth user, I'd take you talking like this over being schizo redhead any day. A lot more interesting to me.
this thread reads like a creative writing fiction workshop lmao
you should write a book or short story or something man, you put a lot of thought into this and you probably gained a lot of material in terms of characterization
Not much else. I was mostly curious about you, and wondering if my assumptions were right. Looks like they were.
Probably hiding from shsme. Haha. Interestingly enough, one habit that I picked up from this larp is often using ''haha'' instead of lol or kek. I initially started using it because I thought that it made me sound more feminine.
Oh god, that would be terrible. Like a worse version of 50 shades of grey haha
Haha is how I identified you in other threads lol
It did make you sound more feminine under the right circumstances for sure
not him, but it all makes sense now! I remember you saying something about you working in some medical research position and I got excited thinking there was another person I could talk about medicine or research with. when I brought up the departments I worked in and asked you where you worked, you ghosted and I think the thread 404'd. I guess it would've been too much work to expand on that part of her character and I would've likely easily have called you out on any inconsistencies in your medical knowledge.
Well I did like your shoops and all the orbiters were pretty funny though, so I thought this whole thing was pretty entertaining, good stuff man
Yeah I don't get why other posters hate on OP. Aiste has been pretty entertaining and provided a solid service to this board. He got me to post and I usually only lurk anywhere outside of /x/ Jow Forums or /mu/ .
Sorry, but that was someone else. I don't remember ever larping like that. I eventually started noticing people larping as me. Larpception.
She said she made her wealth from working in a laundry company in norway, 80000 euros in savings, she was a neet.
Yeah. I eventually realized how unrealistic it sounds to have 80000 euros from working with laundry so I added that part about inheritance and owning land, which is partially true.
Damn, denied again lmao. I was following the conversation chain in one of your threads though and it ended up coming to that. It is genuinely amazing that your character caught on so hard that other people started trying to impersonate you.
Yeah, it looks like it was another LARPer or an actual woman. The story I was following was that she used that position to show she was self-reliant but there was a part of herself that wanted to be taken care of or something like that, and that she was actually crazy. It's kinda hazy but I remember it being in this thread so I think that's why I thought it was her. I think that other user took over the thread from that first "crazy girl reporting in" post
I'll go to sleep now. I really hope to leave all of this behind me. It's just too depressing for me.
Damn Aiste, big dick Aiste, now I kind of feel bad for calling out your larp so hard. Maybe if I hadn't done that you'd kept going. It seems all this helped you in a way, it's normal to feel fucked up a bit. They say if you repeat a lie enough times people start believing it.
hope you stay regardless
no need to hope tho, You're Here Forever
Don't feel pity for the guy. He deserves all the suffering this experience will bring him