AAAGHHHH why does she have to make it so hard for me
>Be me
>Have friend that's oneitis
>Ask her out
>She says no
>Pretend nothing happened afterwards and continue friendship
>Realize it fucking sucks so I decide to start avoiding her
>A week later she comes up and comments on how she hasn't seen me much and asks how I've been
She won't even let me isolate myself goddamnit
AAAGHHHH why does she have to make it so hard for me
>Have friend that's oneitis
Stopped reading you beta cuck faggot. The world is better without you, kys
At least I asked her out eventually.
Female friends are worthless unless she's willing to set you up with one of her friends. But considering that she doesn't see you as a sexual being, she won't bother to set you up with anyone because in her eyes you aren't worthy of relationships. Just stop talking to her, or at least tell her you need some space.
well do you want to be her friend, are you ok with being her friend, could stand her finding a bf?
sort your feelings out first and act accordingly, but realize she does care about you even if it's not in the romantic way, and your actions might hurt her.
It's absolutely impossible for us to still be friends. I tried it at first, and every second I spend with her is painful.
talk to her, and make her understand it's not her fault and it's for your own good.
This is beta cuck advice
OP what you should do is keep avoiding her. If she bothers you again asking why you've been avoiding her, tell her "I've been doing my own shit" If she asks "like what" then say "like Minding My Own Business hahaha" You have to have a condescending smirk throughout, keep the playfullness but you arent a bitch.
you don't really need to be aggressive to her, it may make you feel good but the end result is really the same.
you could just end the relationship in good terms and maybe pursue a relationship again in the future.
What I said isnt aggressive at all, you're socially clueless/inexperienced with women.
If the end result is the same, then he might as well just keep ghosting her, because giving her a detailed explanation makes him look like a bitch; ghosting unironically "builds character" and is the first step towards becoming a sociopath who's in control of his emotions, especially regarding women.
You dont end a fucking friendship on good terms lmfaoooo, the entire point of being in a friendship is that you are on good terms, telling a woman that you're so in love with her that you have to stop seeing her is the most omega thing on this planet
You don't need to go down that route.
I got a little farther than you, I dated/fucked a chick for 4 months before she told me she wasn't attracted to me but still wanted to be friends.
I got friendzoned so fucking bad, but I still cared about her a lot so I pushed through the pain and stayed around her.
I'm glad I did. No, we're not dating again. But she's my best friend and we openly say we love each other. The pain fades after a year or so. It does take a while. But when it does fade, you have something robots don't often get: a friend.
She messages me first a lot of the time. I can talk to her about my nut being twisted and painful, and she can talk to me about how her meds gave her pussy cheese.
It's great. Hurts like fuck for a while, but if you stay through it, it's worth it.
See OP? If you stick around long enough, you get to talk about her yeast infections! If she's feeling drunk, she might invite you to watch her and tyrone going at it! What a wholesome situation to progress into...
you don't really need to give a detailed explanation, just telling her you're not feeling good around her should be enough. these things happen, she should understand.
also ghosting someone just because you can't control your feelings long enough to tell her why should actually do the opposite of building character, you can't just run away from your problems like they don't exist.
Well I'm bi and like bbc, so that would actually be pretty dope. And I have nobody else to complain to about gross shit, and it's definitely a good feeling to have someone you can tell who will feel bad for you.
Try just explaining to her how you feel and you don't think you can just be friends. Make a show of personal strength. Painful but ultimately the least painful in the long run. There's worse things than being alone. Good luck user
Yeah OP the most macho way to deal with this is to be petty as fuck and passive aggressive. Just be a whiny asshole that's what chad would do.
I mean why would you be straightforward and honest? That's cringe bro.
There is a fine line between comedic condescension and passive aggression. The people who cant cross it are here posting about tfw no gf.
Your sarcasm is duly noted faglord, so let me tell you, being straightforward and honest about your strong feelings for a oneitis being a deciding factor in avoiding interaction gets you a one way ticket to her list of little bitches
this just sounds like you have some personal demons related to women user.
She still cares that you're doing ok. Better than her ghosting on you and you still wanting to be friends.
Here's something similar
>Be me, in a friendgroup of 5 mmmff
>lots of orbiting happens around one girl but me and a friend cool off after a while
>the 3rd guy gets together with the female
>She ditches him in less than a month couse she wasnt feeling it
>the summer break happens and the whole friendgroup goes to shit
>we reasemble after the school starts and its kinda normal again
>ff 4 months
>These niggers are dating again and seem happy
>Your cringy Becky and BrandoMcRandom highschool couple
>They will fuck it up again and I fear another falling out might happen
>Fucking white niggers
Nope, I'm a giganormie sociopath who talks to and befriends women every day.
Kys op
>be me
>autistic fembot
>some autismo has been latching himself onto me
>it's really obvious he's starting to get attached
>3 years later, he finally popped the question
>try to let him down easy
>he broke
>started isolating himself
>afraid he's going to show up at my work one day crying over me
>I'm going to have to get the police involved if he tries something
>try to make sure he's doing alright
>he gets angry at me
>keeps trying to find excuses to talk to me regardless
>tfw he won't leave me alone
Tbh I can't tell if you're trying to mock me or are just a larper who needs to get off this board.