Why do normies love pepe but not wojak?
Why do normies love pepe but not wojak?
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Pepe is cool
Feels guy is a faggot
they do they just dont know his name most normalfags think apu is just a small pepe and grover is an older pepe theyre so unselfaware its honestly frustrating when i see the shitty normalfag memes they post
all the memefrogs are pepe now, it was retcon'd
but feels guy is much more relatable to non normies.
no theyre not, shut up normalfag and get off the board pepe is pepe grover is grover and apu is apu you fucking retard just neck yourself
>most normalfags think apu is just a small pepe
Lol, you wish. I found this out when I was looking for a specific image in which Pepe was actually retarded.
I choose both. Both are needed I think. Pepe without Wojak or Wojak without Pepe is a hollow, insipid thing.
They're both memes that normalfag enjoy. I prefer much more refined memes for my taste.
yea thats what normalfags know apu as retarded pepe who do you think jewgle is gonna pander to the millions that use it unironically or the real bot that uses a an good bot search engine, btw get out normalqueer
Eat my ass, it's not just jewgle.
Non normies don't have feels. Only failed normies do. Feels guy is a failed normie.
prepare to cringe:
>uses shitty normalfag search engines
>"itz noht juhst jewgle"
i bet you have an extra chromosome
what would a non-normalfag search engine be user kun?
if you dont kno then dont worry about it normalnigger, im sick of you faggots infesting this board you have the whole world why take a bots last respite i swear every norman will die
bing because normalfags make fun of it all the time
if you think bing is the robot search engine you need to neck yourself
Well memed friendo buddy, my guy
Edit: spelling
Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger
Help helper is the English translation of apu apustaja
everyone has feels. robots just bury them deep and disassociate.