Is there anything wrong with having a harem of girls?
If I have the ability to emotionally manipulate a bunch of women into being my harem should I?
Is there anything wrong with having a harem of girls?
If I have the ability to emotionally manipulate a bunch of women into being my harem should I?
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Trying to manage multiple girls is tedious, annoying and a nightmare long term.
nothing wrong with it as long as everyone involved is happy.
We're not based and Islampilled yet.
What kind of habillity would that be? Mind control?
Hmmm perhaps having a small sized harem 2-3 girls would be easier to manage.
Although I cannot tell you my exact method I will give you an idea. Works best for damaged girls. You emotionally manipulate them to fall deeply in love with you. It takes time but eventually they will get to a stage where they never want to leave you. You combine this with addiction with (amazing sex) that 99% of guys have no idea how to do. However, it is a lot more complex then I am making it out to be.
I mean I had 3 and even then it was annoying.
I'd go crazy with a bunch of harpies around me and micromanaging all those relationships
If I was a rich fuck and they were with my simply for my money, that's another story though. I'm all for that
Are you Charles Manson's ghost?
What about just two girlfriends? Both ideally low maintenance. I will go out and meet hundreds of women till I find the perfect low maintenance + 10/10 gfs.
How did you get 3 girlfriends? Why can't I even get one. This is a normie thread. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Because we live within a society where anyone who tries to take more than their "fair share" of relationships is villainised in the name of our Christian morality.
Just keep your relationships "casual" or wait a couple of decades.
I'm pretty sure keeping 3 bitches is well beyond normie mate.
Just look like a male model ability
My only problem with polygamy is that it's bad on a sociological level. You would need to significantly tweak the male-female ratio to make it work, and that would probably come with its own problems. Otherwise, virtually every male would love to have multiple sexual partners. I'm pretty sure every guy has fantasized about it at some point. Unfortunately the Western mindset is quite odd in that it acknowledges and even encourages unconscious desires, but attacks any real application of those desires on moral grounds. This happens a lot with sex in particular, such as: finding 16 year old girls attractive; liking a girl because of her body, etc. It's particularly funny with celebrities who dress in very sexualized ways, and promote the typically chant of free love, but get offended when someone calls them sexy.
But anyways, yeah, nothing wrong with a harem. I would have one if I could.
My fantasy is to have a harem of girls with ritual mass inseminations
>Is there anything wrong with having a harem of girls?
yes women are parasites and you need lots of resources if you want a harem like Dan Bilzerian.
>Is there anything wrong with having a harem of girls?
The end of civilization unless you adopt preventive measures
Assuming that the same number of males and females are born. Lots of males wouldn't even have a minimum probability of having a relationship. Society would still expecting them to wagecuck without giving something in exchange, and they will become bitter and violent.
The preventive measure would be aborting males until a ratio of 25% male 75% female or so
>The end of civilization unless you adopt preventive measures
Most successful civilisations have practiced polygamy. The West just happened to buck the trend with the rise of Christianity. Even the Macedonians took multiple wives, Alexander the Great's father Philip had around eight.
>hates women
>wants more women to be around him at all times
I don't care about society and the guys who miss out. Most guys can't get a girlfriend anyway. A lot of them are poor and cannot support themselves. If a guy intelligent enough to be rich and is also able to support lots of girls he deserves multiple partners to please him.
I don't hate women. I love them more than anything. That is why I want to have lots of them.
How about his girlfriend helps support him? If she really loved him she would.
>What about just two girlfriends?
I can attest that that's completely doable (and quite wonderful).
>Most successful civilisations have practiced polygamy.
Muslims practice that shit and they have wars all of the time. also in nature lower animals rise up and kill the alpha male for having all the females.
The girlfriends do support him. They please him (sexually) whenever he wants. They cook and clean and do any chore required. In exchange he takes care of them financially (not being a bitch and getting them whatever they want only appropriate purchases).
I have a harem of 2d girls they like to act out and fight for my attention but if you treat them all equal then they come along
Not the same way that would be done now. Women couldn't sustain themselves so in the past a harem would be reserved for richs and royalty.
Now girls can work. Chad wouldn't have to pay a single penny for his harem. Also every Instagram fuccboi or any other good looking male could have one. This would leave the majority of males helpless leading to social instability.
I don't want that. I want one of the girls following me to help me with money and stuff. If they truly loved me they would.
Getting money is included under chores. However, making her to go work (modern day slavery) is not allowed. If you loved her you wouldn't make her be a slave to another man. However doing tasks for your business is ok because then she is your slave.
I agree it is completely possible to do this while being quite financially unstable. You might even be able to get girls to work for you. However, I am not talking about broader society e.g. it becoming normal. I would hide my harem away from society and not discuss it.
Did you cheat? Were the girls ok with it? How did it end?
>Did you cheat? Were the girls ok with it? How did it end?
No. Yes. It hasn't.
How did you meet these girls?
R Kelly is currently being demonized in the media, not only for his love of teenage girls, but also because he's a 50-year-old man with a harem of consenting 20-year-old women.
>How did you meet these girls?
Lived on the same street when we were very young (I was 12, one was 11, the other was 10).
And then there's this asshole being a fucking anime protagonist IRL. You better not fuck this up for the rest of us you lucky cunt. God bless.
Coming up on 12 years now; so far so good.
Should of better hid his harem and private life away. I believe deep down our cavemen instincts want us to have a harem and teenage girls. Any man who denies this is brainwashed by society.
It was only temporary for a short time, and mostly the situation rather than me being Chadly. I basically spent the summer rooming with three girls in a pretty isolated beach house. Us living together alone, after one of them pushed me to getting frisky the other two came around.
So yeah mostly just me being the lone resident guy on vacation rather than being Chad enough to handle 3 gfs normally. It was nice but still annoying to deal with though.