>he's not voting Yang 2020
>he's not getting $1,000 a month *ruff ruff*
He's not voting Yang 2020
Discord tranny spam
UBI will destablize the economy and destroy and actually necessary welfare systems, for people who are old or disabled like me. Neurotypicals can suffer in the wagecage, they deserve it, they all deserve it for what they do to people like me.
>$1000 a month
that's fucking poverty level man
>actually necessary welfare systems, for people who are old or disabled like me.
>actually necessary
lol. go fuck yourself
>UBI will destablize the economy
no it won't retard
>and destroy and actually necessary welfare systems
people will be able to choose between their monthly UBI or welfare, in many cases the UBI will be better
I am unemployable. I was born with a disability and it is societies responsibility to make it up to me.
In the past, you would have been hit in the head with a rock and left to die in the countryside.
The economy is already fucked anyway, it's gonna collapse in 50 years and all massive countries like the U.S., europe, China, Russia will disintegrate into anarchy, and then nothing save for a few small communities of survivors. Due to technology an industrial age will never come again. But you retards will make it collapse in a third of the time.
Lucky me then, I like in a world where I can force you guys to make amends to ME for your mistakes instead of just removing the people you don't like.
what is your disability that is debilitating enough that you can't work but can shitpost freely?
stupid nihilistic faggot. we're already at the brink of a new industrial age due to major AI advancements. thousands of people will be out of jobs once we have things like artificial intelligences that can perfectly drive any car. UBI is a preventative measure. Yang knows it's coming and he wants to prepare us
More like, lucky us that Yang is handing out the UBI Yang bucks.
>world's gonna end in my lifetime!!1!!!!11
>implying ALL jobs will be automated
fucking idiot
Severe autism and executive functions disorder.
No, I'm not joking. I had trial "employment" with a family member and they told me even they couldn't keep my job for me despite me being a family member in their own company.
You know what, if automation gets up and running before boomers can stop it, you're actually right and I take back what I said. But I don't think he can do it.
you're literally just lazy
I help administer a government program for autists and retards, ground level, and many of the persons on my caseload are severely autistic and still manage to hold down part time work doing menial shit
I can guarantee none of them are with it enough to shitpost in threads about proposed UBI. get your shit together
I'm convinced that autism is created by single mothers or households where the father is severely lacking.
It's not a real disease. It's created
Of course not all jobs, but a lot of entry level jobs will be, and its only a matter of time before more skilled jobs will be given to machines as well. This shit is inevitable.
no but a lot of them will be and you're looking at major job crisis when that does happen. it's already hard enough to find good jobs, with or without a degree. imagine every single employer refusing to hire anyone without a 4 year degree from a major university
No, you're wrong
Not raised by a single mother, my father was not lacking. He was also autistic though. Actual autism is being unable to control screaming when a bright light gets turned on, or a loud sound happens. It's forgetting certain words every time you want to speak. It's not some "so quirky and le socially awkward" shit. Hell, most autists are very extroverted, like me, embarassing myself as a child until I realized people hated me.
Wow, riveting. They should have just sterilized you and then sent you to a mental asylum or something.
I mean you can inault me and wish death upon me all you want but my point stands. There's a reason actual autism used to be mistaken for childhood schizophrenia. And yeah, I mean, I'm actually retarded. What did you expect from an actual retard, normal behavior?
jesus christ, robots aren't sophisticated enough to stock shelves at walmart faster than even the most green employee. and they won't be good enough for decades. you people just want any excuse not to bother getting your lives together and would rather live under the poverty level than do anything but stagnate
my vote is going to Yang
>no ur wrong
ok. so you're convinced that I don't know a number of men with diagnosed mental retardation, schizo disorders, and autism who work part time. whatever fantasy makes you feel nice I guess, NEET life is supreme delusion after all
I'm convinced they are on the high end of the spectrum, as opposed to geniune retards like me.
same here.
Post your address. I'll end your fucking life for you, queer. Hahaha
Guess you have no argument, huh?
wrong again, these guys are sub 75 IQ, on serious medications, and require 24 hour staff just to make sure they fucking eat and properly wipe their asses. they work at retail stores, sorting mail, etc. shit most of them can't spell or remember names. you're just lazy, plain and simple.
What argument? I think you're subhuman and should be liquidated. Aktion T4 and what not. God, I wish I was in front of you. I'd smash your fucking teeth in and strangle you.
Do they have involuntary bodily spasms when confronted with bright lights, loud noises? Do they fail to understand even the simipliest of instructions, do they forget they actually have work on a certain day? Do they throw stuff at people when they get upset? And if they do, how much work does it require for their handlers to pull their puppet strings and make it appear that they are functional, despite being unable to do the work at all without constant supervision and the guidance you'd give a trained monkey?
Okay, you dumb tough guy. Good luck, I'm behind all the modern legal systems protecting the misfortunate.
based and yangpilled cant wait for my $1k
>bright lights/loud noises spasms
>failing to understand simple instructions
yes sometimes, they're retarded
>forget work
rarely, but that's due to 24 hour staff who get them going in the morning. but even the worst among them can tell you they work tuesdays-fridays
>throw stuff when they get pissed
yes sometimes. these behaviors can be modified with training, and are
>handlers etc....
the handlers are paid and the retards are paid. the retards are not given tasks above their individual levels of functioning and they are able to contribute as much as they are able, literally no issues. and guess what? most of them don't really like going to work and would rather do nothing (like literally every single person alive) but they still do it. again, you just are looking for a handout. most of my guys don't even know the difference between a $20 bill and a tenner; but still work. what's your excuse again? besides unwillingness
I mean I guess you can force a square peg into a round hole if you force hard enough, but what a mockery of an existence. You can't seriously believe their work actually contributes enough to make up for all the training done for them, can you? It's just a sham at that point. If, in order to work, something must be supported mentallly and physically at exponentially more times the expense than they can earn, it's just a sham and a waste of time for everyone involved. Could I "work" if I had enough handlers? Yeah, you could get a rock sculpture to "work" with enough ropes and pulleys. Would it mean anything at all? No, it's not a simulacrum of an existence. I don't work because there is no way for me to make more money than is spent getting me to working condition.
so you don't work for the following reasons, just so I'm understanding correctly
>you're an autist
>you don't fit in with neurotypical peers
>you feel it will be a net negative to obtain a job, as apparently you're convinced you'll need a handler (you'd only get one btw, system doesn't provide more than 1:1 support for job development/job coaching)
>you obviously feel some sort of existential dread thinking about working, as evidenced by 'it's not a simulacrum of an existence'
the expense is nothing, it's government money anyway, so it's either paying retards to sort mail or paying retards to sit at home. literally any production is a net positive. you definitely seem with it enough to work at least a part time job; way more with it than the man I've know for 3 years and still can't remember my name or wipe his own ass but somehow holds a job at goodwill.
Everyone I know says "dude you seem like you could work I know this one retard etc..." but my experience has proved to the contrary. Of the few jobs that did hire ms, they kicked me within days for being so grossly incompetant. I've made about $500 total in my life for about two years and thousands of dollars of medication of trouble. Government money is taxpayer money, and at that point it's cheaper for everyone involved if the retards just do nothing. It definitely is not always productive to have someone work, especially when someone far more efficient could fill their place. It's impractical, unpleasant, and pointless for everyone involved. Personally I think society is stupid to support retards at all, but since they do, I'll take the less retarded path. It has nothing to do with existential dread, if I could work for real I would do it. I meant that it isn't really a real job if so much effort is put in for so little gain. It's a net loss for all involved.
whatever man, you're convinced. you don't want to work, is what it is. you can come up with whatever intellectual bullshit you want to make your situation palatable in your own mind (which demonstrates an introspection uncommon in most 'severe' autists). saying that society is stupid to not just kill retards on arrival and therefore you deserve a reparation of sorts is maximum cope. man eats by the sweat of his brow, just like your autistic father did
Are the discord trannies really behind this? I just assumed it was some NEETs shilling the free money man
>man eats by the sweat of his brow
Weird, I don't
Yang doesn't want to cut the other welfare programs. He also wants medicare for all
>hes not voting for yang ruff ruff
>hes not allowing the american taxpayer pay 3 billion so that fags that dont want to work get my money