Question for neets. Are you a neet out of choice or are you looking for a job?
Question for neets. Are you a neet out of choice or are you looking for a job?
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>Anyone being NEET by """"""""choice""""""""
I'm gonna have to go ahead and ask you to reevaluate your view on reality, son
I'm trying to escape the neet life but it's not easy for a fucking autist like me
I'm only semi-NEET. I do phone app jobs when i need money, but it's been over a year since I did that shit. Now I'm in a bunch of credit card debt I'm thinking about killing myself rather than giving up the NEET life.
>NEET by choice
no, but I don't mind it
being an actual retard, it's the best I can get anyway
I'm looking for a job but no one will fucking hire me because they'd rather hire Pajeet who can work 80 hours a week for $5 an hour.
Im in a hellish limbo and my anxiety keeps me from getting a job. I want to end my neetdom. But im scared that ill never have the opportunity to be a neet again until im dead
I could work but my psychosis and panic attacks gets in the way a lot. I use to work for my dad's business but he even told me to go home. If my own dad pretty much fired me then what are the chances of anyone else wanting me to be an employee for them? Doesn't matter anyways, I get neetbux from the government so fuck the wage life.
Currently looking for a job after going to college for 4 years. Didn't do any internships and didn't work at all because I had scholarships. Been looking for almost 2 years now with only volunteer experience and hardly get any interviews. I've interviewed 4 times never been offered the job.
If I had unlimited money or was allowed to live with mommy to pay for all my food and bills then yeah I would be a neet for the rest of my life, but currently I am looking for a job because I only have enough money left for a month or two and finally managed to get some anxiety meds. But being a white male I have a significant disadvantage in the hiring priority despite being qualified enough.
I'm trying to get over anxiety.
2 weeks ago I got a job volunteering at a charity shop, and I did the induction then had to leave due to anxiety and never went in for my next shift and the shame and added anxiety means I haven't spoken to them since.
I want to be normal so bad.
As soon as I get a job, I get real fucking bad anxiety and can't go through with being normal.
I've worked my whole life till 4/5 years ago, then the panic attacks hit me like a fucking missile and since then... fucked.
I'm very close to suicide.
I'm giving myself till the end of the year to get it together though.
>I'm thinking about killing myself rather than giving up the NEET life.
dying is still giving up the neet life
It's more about not accepting the wagecuck life than leaving the NEET life.
Trying to look for a part-time job but know I'm too much of a fucking wreck to be able to hold one
I find it difficult to get any kind of job that I'm able to stick at it. I don't particularly like being a NEET, but it's far better than working in retail or a fast food chain.
I'm from a shitpoor family with no real skills, so unfortunately the only types of jobs I can get are the ones I completely fail at because I'm a retarded, anxious, socially-oblivious mess.
NEET by choice.
Took many years to get where I am now, but it feels good to be free from the grind
go bankrupt, i am
The neets who are fine with being neets are legitimately mentally ill.
both. i was sort of looking for a job but i don't really want one so i'm not really trying.
man you really love being a slave, don't you
I've tried getting jobs, but I'm a broken human being and people can apparently see it immediately. Doesn't help I can't talk to people irl.
>The neets who are fine with being neets are legitimately mentally ill.
good goy
i have a major disability that makes holding a long term job for me next to impossible. i'm still kind of looking for one even still but to tell you the truth i've more or less made my peace with the fact that i'll be a useless eater my whole life. so it's 50% circumstances beyond my control and 50% choice.
tfw to autistic to sell drugs
tfw losing neet bux
I'm ashamed I had to fake my resume to get an interview but if the next Shuaiby is out there, this is for you
literally all u have to do if you really wanna work is go door to door selling.
You'd think this would be obvious at this point.
You heard the term "wageslave" op?
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
Yep. Let's take a step or two back here. Question 1. How many of us actually considered living into and enduring adulthood? 2. Who expected to be the way they are, in their current circumstances at their current adult age? 3. We are forced to make choices, but we simply aren't making any due to indifference. Would you agree?
I'd like one, but I'm too unmotivated/distracted to start applying and when I finally get to applying I get anxious. I've applied for 7 over several years and never got contacted back.
I don't think one enters the neet life consciously. Personally I made a whole bunch of bad, bad choices and absolutely moronic behaviors that led me to have a 5 year long gap in my CV in a country where there is a very serious job crisis and finding a decent job even for an extremely qualified person is as hard as finding the cure for cancer.
I had your problem but I somehow pushed through it, turns out low level job interviews are stupid and require almost no effort on your part, the interviewer always spends 70% of the interview shilling his company in front of you. The problems started arising once I realized my country is in a DEEP job crisis and you will not get a job unless you have nepotism, and the only available ones are bullshit non-jobs where you have to stressfully reach a target every month or you get the boot/don't get paid at all. The world is a cold, uncaring place if you don't grow thick skin, and I find myself longing for my carefree childhood days multiple times a day.
NEET on welfare
Have been a NEET for almost 11 years now in total.
Choice but I should have a job by the ens of the week. Thanks mum for letting me be a NEET one last time. Enjoy it losers, paying your own bills sucks ass