i've been here for 8 years and just realized sage is pronounced sah-geh
I've been here for 8 years and just realized sage is pronounced sah-geh
You're being mis lead
Its pronounced sayj
Fucking newfricks
You're both wrong. It doesn't have a pronunciation because it's not meant to be read aloud.
I always thought oneitis was pronounced one- ite -iss. Sounds better then one it is
nobody should have ever known how "meme" is pronounced
Even when it used to be paired with noko, you still didn't realize it wasn't an English word?
I pronounce it like say.
sage tree.
I've been saying "onetitis" for years.
I say noko like yoko
Yoko Ono
It's pronounced sah-jee
it's actually leviosa.
It's pronounced say-ja
Just realised it's actually called "Are - Nine - kay" and not "slash - robot over nine thousand - slash".
I've been pronouncing it like this since i came here 4 months ago. Only got corrected in a reddit thread recently.
Hey that's life brothers haha
~ Anonymous
I pronounce it our-9k
It's read "sag-geh" and pronounced "SAYGH!" when you're furiously saging some retard's thread.
Of course most whippersnappers are too young to understand just what a sage meant back in the day. Those were good times.
I pronounce Whippersnapper like Hwip-Persnapper
Yeah man I get it, because it belongs to all of us as fellow loners, gamers, hackers and most importantly anonymous brethren.
If you think about it it's actually kind of poetic. Top key look at me rambling. I guess that's just the mind of a robot
TheManWhoGames, singing off.
Its oneitis because its supposed to sound like a disease. You were right the first time.
Oh I've heard it pronounced the other way. Maybe they are newfags
is there a point to this ironic shitposting?
I've been here for 12 years and I've always known OP is a faggot.
Nothing boils my balls more than when a normie says the word "meme".