7 hours ago my mom told me not to eat anything because she was taking me out to an all you can eat buffet and wanted to get her money's worth.
I got dressed almost immediately and waited for two hours when she said she didn't feel like it and said she'd order a pizza instead.
just now, I went up to her room to ask if she could check on the progress of the pizza because it should've been here by now, she told me she didn't even order it yet because she was too busy browsing Instagram.
so now I'm eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and going to bed.
7 hours ago my mom told me not to eat anything because she was taking me out to an all you can eat buffet and wanted to...
That pic mad me sad because my labrador died last week U_U
That made me seethe after reading that.
At least you have something to eat. Be grateful.
I know this feel stupid roastatoes are so indecisive
>le someone else is having a worse day than you so you're not allowed to have a bad day or feel sad meme
Gratefulness is mediocrity in disguise.
Yeah, I kinda feel for you OP. Sounds like your mom doesn't really care at all, and that's rough
Sorry you got all dressed for nothing bro
Oh well, live and learn i suppose. Next time never relax around the roast
This is a dead meme, if the only person allowed to be sad is the guy in the absolute worse scenario possible then even starving African children aren't entitled to sadness because "at least they aren't being slowly tortured to death by the government/cartel"
I'm sorry to hear that user. I hope you get the dinner you deserve.
are you fucking 12? learn to do shit for yourself fucking faggot
As someone who barely ever eats anything because nobody in the house buys or make food, this is a sad story that hits too close to home. Brotherfist bro. Brotherfist.
i don't know how to do anything myself and also i was really looking forward to going out with my mom for once, she's been busy lately and I've just been sitting at home alone. I haven't been out of the house
>dont eat we going to buffet!
>dont eat we eating pizza!
>no pizza
>house got nothing
you're a dumb bitch.
This either some high quality OC larp or your mother is a genuine cunt whore. Sorry buddy. Maybe stop relying on your mum to rpvide and go and get your own food? Have you told her that you have been waiting all day for this because she told you not to eat anything? And that maybe browsing instrgram isnt the best choice she should be making.
Lemme guess, shes young and the dad is not around? And you guys are poor?
>This either some high quality OC larp or your mother is a genuine cunt whore. Sorry buddy.
I don't know if i would call her a genuine cunt whore but she is kind of finnicky and forgetful...
>Maybe stop relying on your mum to rpvide and go and get your own food?
i can't do things by myself
>Have you told her that you have been waiting all day for this because she told you not to eat anything?
yes but she told me she didn't give a fuck and also told me to stop being a little pansy-ass faggot.
>And that maybe browsing instrgram isnt the best choice she should be making.
she loves instagram, I can't pull her away from it
>Lemme guess, shes young and the dad is not around? And you guys are poor?
no, yes and yes. she's 50.
That is sad honey, maybe you should tell her about your frustration and talk it out
she wants me to leave her alone
sorry OP, I hope you get a nice pizza soon. chin up, tomorrow is a new day and you'll forget about this after a good sleep, or at least it won't feel as bad.
>yes but she told me she didn't give a fuck and also told me to stop being a little pansy-ass faggot.
Wow and you jst took that? How old are you, 10? Your mum is a giant cunt but holy shit you need to take control of your life own life. Unless you are an infant there sno reason why you cant take care of yourself. Stop being such a pansy. That being said its her fault you are that way and she clearly doesnt caree. Ide run away from her bitch ass.
Get your candy ass to the grocery store now and buy yourself a goddamn digiorno.
Dude fucking tell your mother she told you to wait for dinner and that now she is neglecting you. Get upo her, yell at her, tell her shes a useless lying bitch and a terrible motherwho cares more about tyrones likes on instrgam then her own suns welfare. Have some fucking balls cunt.
Your mom is a bitch fuck her
i don't like to fight so i just went away to my room
i don't have any money
>"Mom! The pizza arrived!
>"uh what?"
>"It's not delivery. It's DiGiorno, bitch."
appeal to vvorse problems.
Why did you use two v's instead of a double-u?
my script fucked up
it's supposed to replace double vs with ws since my w key is broken.
How did you break your w key?
dunno, way too much use I guess
It's a laptop keyboard after all and I've had this laptop for a few years now
Your mom is an instathot? You must be a fuckin zoomer.
That sucks. You should save up for a new one.
Found the 50yo boomer
Should've ordered a pizza yourself and ate it right in front of her to rub it in.
"Texts her baby daddy"
"Can you please come get your autistic boy?"
>7 hours ago my mom told me not to eat anything because she was taking me out to an all you can eat buffet and wanted to get her money's worth.
that seems fucking weird to me
Especially since OP is 43
he's a recovering vvovv addict
Tell her that she sucks being a mom and never should be grandted the responsobility to have a child
Why can't you take care of yourself?