We're all miserable whats making you sad? Images, greentexts, stories, and videos that give you feels are all welcome
Feels Thread Time
I can't really pinpoint what makes me sad, I guess my whole in general is just messed up. Typing that makes me sad. At least if I could pinpoint what made me sad I could attempt to fix it, but I can't. My only solace is in bumping interesting threads that seem to have no replies. I dont know why that makes me happy, maybe the aspect of having a fresh start is what draws me to do this now.
i dont know man, does it matter, does anything really matter?
Its all up to perspective man. Maybe you'll find the reason to make life matter, maybe you wont thats just the way life is
>be me
>last summer of high school
>small group of friends and i got into decent schools and have been coasting since
>park nearby that has a basketball court thats lit up at night until around midnight
>feeling freedom as we crowd into the car of the one friend that has one and can drive
>stop by 711 for gatorade
>go play some pick up games
>i was never a great player but do well that night
>win several times and stay on court for what seems to be forever
>drenched in sweat, after each game tell other team good game
>streak ends and we finally lose
>head to water fountain and taste the most delicious water ever
>on the way back to my friends it hits me that this is a beautiful night with my bros and we may not ever get to do this again
>sit down on the grass wiht my friends and drink some gatorade, watch some games until our turns up again
>almost tell them what i was thinking but we goof off and i dont want to ruin the mood
i treasure that night's memory in my mind. god i hope theyre doing well
>be me
>ugly as fuck
>jew nose
>weak chin
>small dick
Im so sad anons i dont even have this board anymore
tfw when drinking and wanting to cry for no discernible reason
I don't have any friends. I can't make any either, despite my best efforts. I scare people away and even the people who stick around only do so because they are being nice. The pain is real
Former really good friend who kicked me to the curb for superficial friendships with garbage people has been showing signs of wanting to be friends again. Hasn't actually contacted me but keeps reacting to social media posts. Could just be wishful thinking, though.
She was a good friend. Almost like a sister.
I wish I had remained with my friends senior year instead of falling for an insane bitch and then consequently ghosting EVERYONE in my life.
>No meaningfull relationship can be achieved currently
>Job is draining me of my energy
>Everything I want to do is illegal, altought it would be victimless
>Normies are pissing me off everywhere
>Can't help but being nostalgic of my time with ex
Holy shit anons I'm not gonna make it
This but i dont even try to make friends, im too much of a pussy to talk to people even online
>Be me
>3rd worlder
>Socially inept
>Ugly as all hell
>Constantly making suicide jokes
>Lots of potential, but no actual output
Honestly, i've been trying to improve, but i don't think anything will get better
>friend makes me an online dating profile because shes tired of seeing me lonely i guess
>sure why not ill just use it to troll and meme, not interested in females right now
>shit on a bunch of girls, have some lulz
>one rolls with the punches
>we end up talking alot
>she gives me her number without me asking, suggests we meet up
>hmmm i dont connect with people like this very often ok lets do it
>she is now responding very seldomly
>we had plans to meet up this weekend
>"something suddenly came up" and wants to push it out
youre not fooling me, you dont want to see me anymore and wont tell me why
>ugly as fuck
>jew nose
>small dick
you aint alone brother
I have had an inferiority complex established during childhood by my parents. This is managable, and is being remedied slowly.
On top of this, I'm lonely and tired. I feel like another depressive episode is just around the corner.
>Be me.
>Want love.
>No one wants me.
>I try. I get close. Only to fall like Icarus.
>Become anti-social.
>Time passes.
>Slowly come out of my shell.
>Try again. Try to be better, more confident, more funny, more interesting.
>Fail again.
>Rinse and repeat.
That's just one aspect. It fucking sucks. I honestly feel like moving out of this state.
>Be on social media platform (normiebook.)
>Have huge friends list.
>Always have to initiate conversation.
>Plus not a lot of people react to my posts.
It's basically like highschool again. I am lonely, and have no good friends.
>be me
Did I win yet
this kinda happen to me as well
I dont regret anything at this point in my life, but men, I really miss those days
I'll fucking die alone
Don't be her friend again. She showed her true colors. Women are snakes
>be me
>get wonderful girlfriend at party with mates a couple years back
>love of my life
>little bit on the left but kind and understanding so almost all disagreements between us resolved between us with little conflict (political or not)
>accepts my hobbies (otaku degeneracy and constant barrage of memes)
has some pretty bad depression
>already planned year long trip to the UK
>gonna be a rough LDR
>lost mother in accident shortly after we met
she's been in UK about 3 months at this point
>her stepdad kills himself in his grief
>trying to comfort her
>depression not helping
>we're both a mess
I'm sure we'll pull through somehow, I'm going to visit her and go on a holiday with her in a few months
I'm very much a wage slave.
Oh sure I get paid every week but I'm often broke two days before payday.
I cut my expenses, I cut fun money from my life, after debts and food there is very little, almost no money left for me.
I resorted to a gig app for chump change.
I'm a wage slave and a 21st century hobo.
>be me
>orbit girl for 2 years like the beta I am
>she finally agrees to go on one date with me
>we go on the date and she says she had a suprisingly fun time
>start dating
>fast forward 5 months(early february)
>im in heaven and I think our relationship is going amazing
>she calls out of the blue one day crying and says she wants to "take a break"
>im crushed and I cant even say anything because of the shock
>she hangs up and leaves me there
Fast forward to today and all I can think about is her bros