Is there any legitimate reason not to jump?
Is there any legitimate reason not to jump?
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van halen don't think so
That picture is beautiful in its own way.
Yeah if it's not high enough
I think a semi would kill me instantly if I jumped down in front of one. Can anyone confirm?
It's an overpass along route 70.
If it hits you directly it will kill you however it could swerve
an actually legitimate reason is to not fucking kill someone or wreck their car, if you care about that kind of thing.
also plenty of chances for something to go wrong, just find a tall building
Jumping over a highway overpass is a good way to kill several people possibly on their way home from a long day at work.
Ironically you would probably even survive so you get to live with the thought of knowing that while recovering in the hospital.
You wouldnt do that to someone, would you OP....?
If you do that you'll cause a big accident that will do a lot of harm to other people.
If you don't care about yourself, that's fine. If you want to end your life, that's your right. it's your life and you can end it if you choose.
But you do not have the right to do harm to others on your way out.
>But you do not have the right to do harm to others on your way out.
and you have the right to tell others what to do?
Yeah it's probably gonna be messy and unsuccessful my dude, far better off going for a train or something that's more guarenteed, currently you're heading to get maybe permanently fucked up ruining your life even more and potentially ruining the lives of multiple other people
I'll jump down as one passes underneath, they won't have time to react.
I don't really care about what happens to other people, I'll be dead. There aren't any tall buildings near me and I can't buy a gun so this is the best option.
I don't and I'm not. the thing about morals is that they're not derived from any one person's authority.
you don't have to believe in god to believe in right or wrong, either. you just have to have a shred of empathy.
>I don't really care about what happens to other people, I'll be dead.
you'll be dead, asshole, but the rest of us will be stuck on this rock cleaning up the mess you left. With that attitude you should kill yourself with a goddamn fork
asking a suicidal person to do ethical calculus is a bit much don't you think?
If only he could kill as many as possible with his suicide. OP, please make sure there are as many cars on the road as possible. Take some of those fags with you.
no I don't think it's too much at all. there's nothing absolutely unethical about suicide.
imagine being a burden onto others even beyond your death, what a pathetic person.
you clearly deserve something much more painful
Dude I literally failed a suicide attempt last month, I put in 5 weeks of research and prep, just went wrong cause of extenuating unforeseen circumstance
But trust me, this is likely to go horribly horribly wrong and no matter how bad things are for you now they would be much worse laid up in a hospital bed for the rest of your life unable to do jack shit
At least just give it a day, see if things get better and if they don't then plan it out properly
Call a hotline for now, just have a chat
I'd be grateful if I randomly died.
It's not like anyone else has ever cared about hurting me.
>I don't really care about what happens to other people, I'll be dead
What worthless, self centered piece of shit you are.
I can only hope that no one dies except you in the inevitable car accident you cause you selfish retard, but this method isn't a 100% chance of death.
Can't you just take an example from the Japanese and poison yourself out in the middle of the woods?
Such a shame you won't be one the road when he does it. If I could only see you scream in pain.
don't get up from the table when you still have chips left. Plenty of life ahead of you, bud.
Every thread like this we get a million moralfags whining that it'll be messy or something. Goddamn, no one gives a shit. We wanna die, and you only make us wanna die even more, and with even more inconvieience for you guys.
It's gonna be real fucking painful if you survive.
You need a good height to garuantee death.
Yes goy just call a hotline so we can put you in an insane asylum and you'll never get the chance to kill yourself again.
I don't have poison and that sounds painful.
Cool platitude bro, you're right I have so much to live for.
the death i may deserve but wont ever get, because i plan on going out in a much more explosive manner
and jumping off a highway overpass won't be painful...?
Its not high enough to actually kill you and youll be in a lot of pain before you actually die.
There are semis constantly passing by underneath me, I plan on jumping in front of one. At the speed they're going it should kill me instantly.
It's kinda cold out here so ama before I go.
So your plan is to force a trucker to run you over and finish you off?
He'll react to your body and try to swerve out of the way causing a huge accident.
>ama before i go
What country and city are you currently in?
take another picture
>it should kill me instantly.
probably not. most likely you'll die at a hospital days later.
What's your name? No point in retaining anonymity if you're about to die eh, nothing matters
Put up a selfie as well
Are you a virgin? Need to know
There is still a road to go, don't do it. You have a life of good experiences if you take the white pill. It's not over yet Op.
Have you tried boypussy yet
I'm in the us and I mentioned before what highway this is, not saying which state because then you'd know what overpass this is and someone could call the cops.
I doubt it.
But user that's against the rules, I think I have one on my phone I'll upload. Name is nicholas.
Not anymore unfortunately, it's a shitty story and I don't really want to think about that.
I hope a platitude poster dies in the wreckage.
OP was a lying attentionwhore go figure.
>not saying which state because then you'd know what overpass this is and someone could call the cops.
Cops wouldn't arrive fast enough to stop you if you actually went through with it.
You're clearly just a bored weirdo making shit up for attention if you refuse to even reveal your state.
An actual suicidal persona wouldn't even care tell everything.
Why can't you stand still and take a good picture faggot?
If you were going to jump, you would have just done it. You've been sitting there posting for an hour. that means you aren't ready.
Go home. Go to sleep. the road will be there tomorrow.
No idea what I'm looking at but the possibility of survival is the only one really. Living sucks, but living while physically debilitated really sucks, so if you're going to do it MAKE SURE you actually succeed. Do not underestimate how hard it is to actually die.
Alright, you're right I'm in Ohio.
I'm sorry I can't do anything right, I guess I'll just kill myself.
I'm posting so I don't chicken out.
How would I livestream this you think I brought a tripod with me?
Go back home and get a camera or something, man. I NEED to fucking watch this, man.
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Record a youtube video showing the highway.
Looks like OP is just attention whoring, nothing to see here lids, time to pack up.
Is there a way he could live stream from his phone?
>I'm posting so I don't chicken out.
fill your mind with the despair you deserve and stop wasting everyone's time uwu
The only camera I own is on my phone and I still wouldn't have a good way of getting a shot of what's happening.
Haven't seen the first one.
Id need to set up some kind of stand if you guys wanted to see the action, Im not opposed to doing it but it might ben a bit weird setting something like that up on a road.
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I mean is looking weird really a problem at this stage?
Do you have any acquaintances? Give them your phone and tell them to post pictures after you've ended it.
I could maybe duct tape it to the overpass at a good angle. My house is like a 40 minute walk home though.
None, and if I did I don't think that's something they would do.
Okay, thanks for stopping by, Redditor.
OP ... I have worked in Law Enforcement Agency and Have both called the Suicide Hotline... Don't call that number unless you want to be even more depressed with the bill of paying for being Baker Acted by the cops. Second if you are going to jump off a highway make sure you don't debate it unless you want an idiot passing motorist to call the cops on you and of course get Baker Acted. There is nothing more depressing than going to the mental institute with genuine Mentally insane individuals. it is not like "It's Kind of a Funny Story." they put you on watch with a caretaker 24/7 and you do not do anything besides eat sleep and watch the news because they don't have any thing other than basic antenna. Make sure that the day you do it just don't have second thoughts and not fully commit as others have mentioned being depress and physically disabled is the last thing you want.... Financially and Physically.
user be careful dude
I'm the guy who survived a suicide attempt last month. I leapt off a cliff that was around 105 feet high. I survived with a minor ankle injury and I thank to fuck that I'm not a quadriplegic, this could very easily not be the end of your life
Just walk to the nearest train station and do it there instead man
Oh em gee so truu upboated.
Ah as the guy who leapt off the cliff last month I guess things work differently in the US
Our suicide hotline can't actually do anything, they just talk to you and it's totally anonymous, they only way they can do shit is if you tell them where you are and ask them for help
Guessing the baker act is similar to being sectioned which is what happened to me. Holy shit the mental health services are a living nightmare, I was kept in for 2 nights and had to be checked every 15 minutes but at least I got my own (relatively) locked room and a bunch of good books to read. Some of the crazies were really funny though, It's Kind of a Funny Story wasn't all wrong
Sounds like it's different in the US though
I know, I'm not stupid enough to call and I've heard the horror stories.
Better luck next time.
On my way home to grab some duct tape, how do I stream from my phone?
OP, drive in your car and run someone over and take a pic for us. That way we will know you're being serious about ending it.
>I'm posting so I don't chicken out.
you already chickened out.
do a flip faggot
I'm literally going to stream this shit in an hour. What site do I need to make an account on?
I walked, I can't drive.
Yea in the US it is quite the opposite for mental health for some reason, they treat it as a punishment and not an illness. I highly am against calling that number or even turning yourself in to be institutionalized, unless things change its either you fully commit and hopefully you do die or you live with depression unless you want to live paying huge amounts of debt to a psychiatrist or mental institute facility charges.... Side note I guess not all wrong but it is glorified, The Crazies are indeed funny once you get used to it but it just put me more depressed knowing people can be that far gone
Well You can thank god no one spotted you since the cops would have been in that area if someone called in a suspicious person with intent to jump off... on the other hand I would have done it in the morning so that way I can try to cause a major accident as well when I jump in front of a semi ... also I would have said facebook live is the easiest but i can't think of any other mediums right now
Maybe OP can do YouTube Live?
op, drop an update please. where are you planning to livestream? when? are you still going through with it?
Alright I'm home, I couldn't find any duct tape but masking tape is probably strong enough to hold a phone if I use enough.
Never used facebook before, someone said youtube live and I could try that. Does that work from mobile I've never streamed before.
Going to leave now, it's gonna be another 40 minute walk before I'm back at the overpass.
Youtube live does work on mobile
Reddit faggot, stop quoting your middle school heath teacher
At least try to talk to someone about this. Hell, talk to anyone for fucks sake. Why the fuck are you listening to advice on Jow Forums. Let's face it, half these people will end their night beating their dick to your death.
When OP gets his link working he should drop it here.
OP, if you follow through you will be more famous here than Shabby.
>just talk to someone
Why do you assume everyone who's miserable has someone to talk to? I have no one, fuck off.
Talking won't solve anything. Don't listen to him, OP. Just end it.
Sorry slight delay my phone battery was at 10% and I don't want it to die before I do. Heading out now.
Also a photo since someone asked earlier.
Hey son, maybe you should talk to the school counselor on Monday. I don't think someone your age should be on this website.
It will hurt.
Some spic did this and my uncle and a bunch of other drivers ran over the body parts.
Shut up I'm 23, you're definitely going in the note.
How do you know it hurt, wouldn't something like that kill you instantly?
By note do you mean Death Note? Or your "death" note? I wouldn't mind dying, just go easy on me. If it makes you feel better, I'm 24 and I look like I'm 40. Anyways, if you're really serious about this, then goodbye user. It's everyone's right to take their own life and any attempts to prevent that decision by force is tyranny.
Stream the walk. Sounds comfy.
She didn't die instantly and nobody stopped and waited for cops. Multiple people ran over a human being (a female wetback according to the local newspaper), like it was a peice of trash. Do you really want to that for yourself?
What happened to bring you to this?
I got into a fight with my dad ( a verbal fight) and have been all angry and feeling strong urges to kill myself. I won't do it though, it will pass. These feeling don't last forever, dude.
Things get better and they get worse, but I won't go through with it and make all of the people who want me dead happy. I live just to spite them.
inb4 kys, I deserve it t b h.
Bad news, youtube is cucked. Is there a delay for new account streaming on facebook?
What are you talking about?
God damn it. The house is out of food and I have nothing to eat while watching this. Damn, wish I had some cheeseburgers.
>Another waste of space mongoloid from this board is killing himself
Oh wow, nice. I haven't seen a thread like this one ever...I guess suicidal people are not original, because if they were they would not be killing themselves.
>expecting a pathetic suicidal 4channer to "connect with others"
Too big of an endeavour I reckon
I'm too tired for this shit, I'll just do it on youtube tomorrow. I'll make a thread with a link to the stream at 12:30am est tomorrow and stream my walk as well.
Make sure to time your jump well or you'll land on the roof of the semi, which will break your fall.
Why would you stream killing yourself to 16 year old degenerates?
Here's a short 3 minute video.
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
Why are you streaming it? Attention? You want to scream that you exist because nobody gave you attention in life?
Yeah boo fuckin hoo I haven't talked to a girl in 3 years and my only friends I had for 8 years don't talk to me.
Yet why do I continue living? What gives you the right to take the easy way out and end it?
...what gives the right to tell him not to take the easy way out?
If he wants to do it then let him. Who are you to talk him out of his own destiny?
Bc op is literally an edgy pussy. At least give us a fucking sob story so I can empathize somewhat and accept that your life is shit, do whatever.
But instead it's probably gonna be underage dumb shit like an argument or breakup.
If I'm doing it anyway why wouldn't I try to entertain my friends while I'm at it.
Maybe you should take the easy way out too honestly.