This is America:
>woman beats guy in his face and head at full force non stop
>all of the crowd cheers
>guy walks away with probably some nasty injuries to the face
>everyone goes to girl, concerned for here, asking if she is okay
USA is the whore of Babylon
girls are so trash at fighting hahaha what the fuck was she even doing for like half of that.
It's just some low tier white male, who the hell cares
Why did she do it? The fuck
Hot. I bet he went home and masturbated right away.
the reason women are spoiled and absolute CUNTS are because weak white "men" have made them that way and allowed them to be that way.
no fucking shit. women have sexual power over men,political power over men and they are the limiting factor in reproduction. their value is over inflated and unbalanced. men are going to white knight women because they want to get laid and the duluth model only protects women in abuse.
what did he say before she hit him?
Blackpilled and beyond based
story pls
She starts telling him to get the fuck out and he says "you're the most repulsive girl".
>0 context
but cringe at the end of video where she's staring someone down
what a tough gal
She barely even lands one punch.
This only happened because she was so confident he wouldn't hit her back.
Fuck trannies
We live in a misandrist society. That's just a fact by now. Feminism is not equality.
Thought preview had discolored peepee desu
No ammount of beta cucks and white knight would save this girl when I would patiently wait for this girl outside with knife, waiting to split her gut open and maul her face.
She wouldn't dare to do that second time.
this is the new abnormal, white women have to savagely attack white beta males if they come in proximity to them; it's offputting to their BBC hunt.
lmao virgins always taking things too far
Even if he gets mobbed by whiteknights afterwards he should fight back.
Hello roastie.
Because shes an unhinged and emotionally unstable cunt. WHo thinks the state has her back
The jews made it that way. We cant exactly go around smacking women because we will go to jail. Even if you hit a chick in self defence you will be known as a woman beater.
You dont need context she acted like a cunt. That being said its obvious she was in the wrong, women always are.
>using a knife on this average, skinny girl
Agreed, beat her black and blue like a real man
>"get that hoe"
a rare sight of a non-beta
And if you retaliate you get sent to jail #metoo
> has nigger art
Haha gayboy