>What's your craziest customer experience as a wagecuck?
>Why are you a wagecuck?
>Will you ever be able to leave or are we all just trapped here forever?
Wagecuck Feels Thread
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I work a mcjob. not exactly mcdonalds but similar. I'm stuck doing this for at least a few months as I'm waiting for the hiring process to begin on a job that's in my field.
things could go very wrong and if so I will be stuck working this same job for a while as I pay off a car loan.
shitsucks, not the work but getting sucked in the poverty hivemind and the us vs them mindset that people have with customers.
I just want to live my life and work in a field I enjoy but life is basically out of my control rn.
btw my schedule will just randomly change from week to week as they filter in new workers or whatever and I'm constantly somehow worried that I'm going to get canned from my minimum wage shitjob. like what the fuck?
once I'm finally in a routine I'm suddenly going in at 8 am on a saturday when I had that day off for 3 weeks. it's hell.
yesterday I spent an hour mopping up some gigantic mess that my elderly coworker made because I'm a pushover and no one else was there to do it. it's complete fucking bullshit and I drink just to get to sleep many nights.
damn that sucks. what field are you going into? also what's the us vs them mindset you're talking about? im not a wagecuck yet but i will be soon. i applied to Starbucks because i like the smell of coffee but I haven't heard back yet
>age 15 to 25 worked mcjobs
>pizza delivery, retail, dish washing, movie theaters
>including literal mcdonalds
>age 26 go corporate
It feels so good to not have a mcbitch uniform and to work in a comfy office with a desk. And I have weekends to myself seriously fuck the service industry.
how did you move up the ladder user? did you have to get a college degree? i really don't wanna have to go back to school and get stuck with crippling debt and i hate the education system anyway
alright i got a decent one
>worked as a busboy in shitty local restaurant in high school
>french canadians family came in, mom dad and like 15ish year old son
>they were obviously very rich
>were acting like complete assholes to 60 yr waitress
>finally waitress flips out and slaps the mom
>they end up fighting and cops are called
>both taken away in handcuffs
>the son tipped me a $20 for the trouble
i ended up quitting 3 months later when i found out they were only paying me half of what they should, they closed a few weeks after that, owner went bankrupt and moved
lol how did you not know that they were paying you less than minimum wage?
Yeah I finished up at 25 but my degree didn't get me the job, having a brother who worked at the company got me in the door. I had a good interview and passed all the other formality stuff so I got hired on. Showing up is half the battle.
I work next to a starbucks in a foodcourt, lol.
it's not all bad, there are a lot of opportunities for interaction, but it can be pretty overwhelming. if it's the only thing available I'd say go for it.
everyone on staff just whining about customers basically, it's pretty annoying when I find it a lot easier to just not react to a difficult situation.
another situation that happened recently that really irked me was a woman brought her food back saying there was a hair in it, and it was clearly a nappy black person hair and not mine, as I have long, straight hair.
I was bitched at slightly by my supervisor, even when it clearly wasn't mine.
there's tons of little situations where you just have to swallow bullshit and see people at their worst.
hoping to get in to some graphic design job with the government, I'm on file but it was pushed back because of the furlough.
Maybe not craziest, but one of those moments where you just step out of yourself and think "life is gay, this is one more small bit of proof that god isn't real"
>Work at hot topic (ayylmao)
>Guy comes in to buy something
>He says he needs to run his card as debit
>I say okay, but being a minimum wagie who has no stake in their job I forget that hot topic runs all its cards as credit every single time, no idea why
>Ask him to sign
>He gets mad, "Sign? I said credit!!!"
>I say "oh sorry, I think we can only do it one way."
>Dude is super pissed but signs and walks away
Obviously I should've known and said something, but it seemed like such a small thing, debit or credit. Me fucking up and him getting (to me) unreasonably mad made me step into the break room for two minutes and just think about how fucking dumb life is. Like, credit vs debit, the fact that it impacts someone's life, that I forgot to tell him we only run credit, that this is all happening in the pre-teen shill zone that is Hot Topic, I think I quit like a week after.
i live in new york and back then the rule was they can pay you much less than minimum if you make a certain amount in tips, they basically wrote down that they gave me 4 times the tip they really did and then could get away with giving me barely anything in paychecks, it was clever on their part
ita been so long i dont remember the bad anymore it all blends but i do remember the high i got from teeny boppers hitting on me when i used to work cashier at a trendy clothing store
But that's their reporting to the state, you would still know you were getting duped
was it chinese owned by any chance?
yeah i know Starbucks won't be a comfy job but they have nice benefits. i feel like i can deal with that bullshit easily, i basically never get angry or upset over trivial things and im good at staying calm
i was a freshman in high school and it was my first real job, i should've noticed but was stupid
no they were from Montenegro
I work at a machine shop, it's probably one of the best jobs for a fag like me. No crazy stories because I don't see any customers ever.
I'm a wagecuck because I like doing shit that costs money. Living on my own is awesome too.
In like 5 to 10 years or something I want to move and maybe start my own thing.
Most of the time that has no effect on the consumer. If the dude didn't have a mastercard/credit card then it isn't a credit charge..if he is using his debit card it will debit directly from his account like ever other purchase he makes. You don't hand someone a debit and "run it as credit" it doesn't work that way. This particular instance was something like between hit topic and the card reader service and who is taking the fee for the transaction but it shouldn't be the consumer either way typically the business eats that charge or else tell people there will be an extra cents added for debit.
That guy was a moron I think
>work at a tutoring center
>make near min wage since no degree
>What's your craziest customer experience as a wagecuck?
seeing all these underaged girls with their buttcheeks hanging out of their short shorts, their buttcracks, this trend of asspants with girls of all ages, cleavage and nip slip, some (mentally and physically) precocious 5th grader keeps trying to get me to grope her. Really brings me back to middle school, good thing I trained myself long ago not to touch
>Why are you a wagecuck?
For the scrilla, for the work exp, so I can afford to get drunk and high af and fuck proasties on the weekend
>Will you ever be able to leave or are we all just trapped here forever?
Almost finished my degree in actuarial sciences from a top tier uni. On the other hand, your dumbass is probably trapped forever. JK, but you need to have a good plan and stick to it. Compared to you mcjobbers, I bet I'm like a god amongst men.
I just accepted a job at an aerospace machine job as their shipping/receiving guy. I'm not used to the kind of expensive precise shit they deal with so it will be a learning experience, parts that get a single scratch become garbage, parts that can't be handled by hand without being garbage
But the pay is good and I might actually be able to afford a house one day
>parts that get a single scratch become garbage
I know those feels.
>might be able to afford a house one day
I don't know about that personally, houses are kinda stupid around here.
i know this is r9k but that's kinda creepy desu
I start my first job in 4hours and I'm nervous as fuck. I'm just worried i'll get looks from everyone standing outside the store before they let us in bcause I'm the new guy.
Just find a group of people having a conversation and ask them all what their favorite anime is
Either they watch anime or they'll leave you alone for the rest of your time there
>ask grown women what their favorite anime is
No thanks i'll be known as that weird 30year old dude who watches cartoons
>or they'll leave you alone for the rest of your time there
how do you guys deal with rude customers?
>be known as a weird man-child that watches cartoons
i always just was polite to them because really needed the money
every fucking normie zoomer chad watches anime or avatar nowadays. it won't be seen as weird.
probably not the greatest idea but just saying.
First thing you want to do is sympathize, say to the essence that you understand their problem and that you're sorry it happened to them, next step is to find a resolution but this can depend on what your management is like, if you can't make the customer happy offer to get your supervisor
What part is creepy?
>chill gm who didnt give a fuck and I could talk to about beer and weed is transferred to a different store
>new gm is a corporate robot with no real personality
Damn it robots, I used to like going to work but now I dread being constantly hounded about reward signups and policy changes. This shit blows.
>What's your craziest customer experience as a wagecuck?
Worrying if a fat old lady was going to fall as she was out of breath from walking
>Why are you a wagecuck?
Money and because I fuck hookers and drink expensive alcohol
>Will you ever be able to leave or are we all just trapped here forever?
I like my job but I don't play the lotto or gamble nor am I intelligent enough to find "the next big thing"
I'd say Start looking for a new job
It's like this everywhere. You always have cool managers and shit but once HIRE UPs change management it always goes to shit. I've never seen anyone/anyplace change management and it got bettter
How? The fact that some 11 year old has the body and mind of an adult and is definitely trying to get with me, but I refuse her advances because our love is forbidden by society?
>and mind of an adult
She has a mind of 11 years of pure zog tv and internet brainwashing.
>shitty janitor/landscaper
>People assume I'm a fucking brainlet because that's my job
Actually smart, less than 20 years old and still in school
>Desperately want to move out but don't want to rentslave
I've been saving for a down payment on a house
It gets fucking hard day in and day out, no fun. But some day things will be better
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
No, she is very mature for her age. She gets straight As and is in all advanced math classes, she is capable of doing high school geometry already. She always does her work studiously, unlike other children, even highschoolers, who like to mess around. Whenever some other kid is being a distraction or not doing her work, she can get him to cut the crap right away by just giving him a dirty look. (She probably goes to beat him up after tutoring lmao, she does martial arts and is strong for her age). After completing numerous packets of advanced material and still having time left in our session, she will often hug me out of the blue, intentionally pressing her boobs into me or my arm between them, and grab my hand and try to put it on her crotch. One time she literally sat on my lap, pressing her crotch into my thigh, looked at me, and said something along the lines of, "please, I want this." It's unfortunate she doesn't have a cell phone of her own, or I would totally give her my number, teach her how to sneak out of her house, and set up a late night fuck with her. If only the tutoring center didn't have those damn cameras, we could do "private tutoring" together.
maybe I should ask /b/ for advice?
That's it fer me fellas, I'm hangin the hat up, walkin out of heer two weeks time. Eye'v saved n'd swiped enuf. I'll just be uh schoolcuckin it from heer on out.
I get it lad, girls hit puberty very young, they are highly sexualised. They're literally biological adults. No arbitrary age of consent law can compete against 1.2 billion years of sexual reproduction driving our evolution. If the age of consent law was dropped tomorrow to 12 we all know what the most popular search term on pornhub would be. The important thing is not to dive into that abyss, but accept it and move on, as you have done.
Hell no. I have this opportunity to bang this tight young girl, and we are going to figure out how to make it happen.
Dude just ask her to meet you at the mall and tell her to tell her parents she is going with friends
What city you in friend
She's not old enough to go to the mall alone. And what would it look like that a grown white man is hanging out with an asian girl?
>tfw I can fap at work and nobody will ever know
how origiendnfnrjwnally?
>11years old
>can't go to the mall alone
Dude what I'm a boomer but When I was 11 I can go to the mall with my friends alone. If not just tell her to tell her parents she is going over a friends house or something and then pick her up couple blocks away
>male boomer
that's why you don't get it. If an 11 year old girl goes outside she will immediately get snatched up by a predator. Nobody just "allows" their 11 year old girl to go outside/to the mall/to their friends house without getting some confirmation of parental supervision.
You'd be surprise. Just ask her how strict her parents are. Or tell her to sneak out once her parents are at work/sleeping
She's 11 you fucking rejects
>>What's your craziest customer experience as a wagecuck?
Having a woman about 35, in heels larger than my dick, a leather mini skirt two sizes too tight for her, waddle in to my office with her collagen implanted lips to take a photo of my bosses light up millennium falcon on his desk, with the laughing sort of grin a child gets when they are making fun of someone. She had the gall to ask "is that from star wars? hahahahaha thats going on my Snapchat"
Why the fuck would you be surprised to find nerd things in the IT room, and why on earth would think its ok to laugh at them?
>>Why are you a wagecuck?
Because I cant do anything else. I have no other skills than "HURR HAVE YOU TRIED TURNING IT OFF AND ON AGAIN"
>>Will you ever be able to leave or are we all just trapped here forever?
I cant do anything else, and quite frankly I dont WANT to do anything else. Anything else is hard.
>not strict
I don't want to drive 20 miles to her house at night...
>states the obvious
>then insults me
what's with the hostility?
how much do you make originally?
>what's with the hostility?
just started my first job ever 3 days ago. had a shit day today. im a wagie because im 19 and cant afford college.
>filthy boomer comes in and complains about the wait time.
>finally seat him
>throws a fit because he waited like 10 minutes for his server
>walks into our kitchen and complains to manager
>i have to take his drink order because his server is busy
>im not a server so i dont have a pen to write with
>take his order with a crayon
>dude starts laughing
>almost lose my shit
>gets mad and complains to manager because I swept too his ugly gook wife
>niggers being rude to me for no reason
>constantly complaining about wait time when all the tables are taken
>people who complain about there being open booths but dont realise the servers are too busy to take them
>the other host cant speak english and is on his phone his whole shift
>he gets to do silverware while i run around the store for 5 hours
i just get my manager kek. not my fucking problem when they raise their voice. my job is to seat them and thats it
I'm not some 50 year old ugly lardass on the internet pretending to be 20 intentionally going for 12 year olds trying to convince them to let me into their house to give them booze and rape them. I'm a good-looking young man, a beloved tutor, who in no way is instigating her behavior. If you're trying to make the To Catch a Predator analogy, this is entrapment.
If you're old enough to be her tutor you're old enough to know better, unless you are a legitimate predator
>if I'm old enough to be her tutor
Aside from the fact that I'm on Jow Forums, how do you know i'm not 15?
If you're 15 and going after an 11yr old you are still a predator. If you are 15 and on Jow Forums that's a 3 year ban
Stop being such a cuck. Why don't you get on your phone and do nothing your whole shift? If your manager starts bitching tell them that one dude he can't speak english does it too.
>I have this opportunity to bang this tight young girl
Too any ABC's looking, I am just a disgusted bystander.
I literally just said I'm not going after her, she's going after me. One of these days shes going to figure out that she can wear a skirt to tutoring, pull her panties down, pull my cock out, and sit on it with such speed and violence of action that there is no way for me to stop her in time. In no way is that my fault. And if I was 15, you wouldn't be able to blame me for letting the animal instinct take over. But since I'm in my 20s, I'll just intentionally ejaculate immediately (I have this kind of control over myself), and pull out and tell her she shouldn't do things like that.
I work a pretty sweet job in food distribution. Anyone else who works at my company is barred and only taught to do one job so they can pay them a low wage. young hotshot like me strolls in and is taught literally every single job. Our company was bought by a billion dollar multinational and I haven't even been there a year but I've been given opportunities to exceed. I grabbed every opportunity with both hands and I'm about to be promoted to a branch manager. I spoke to our general manager who lives at another branch and he told me he was very happy with me and everything I do.
to me, it goes to show that the hard work meme is real, but you need to be lucky just as much. glhf
>I literally just said I'm not going after her, she's going after me.
She is a fucking kid who has gone through who knows how much sexualized television and internet use. Who gives a fuck if she's going after you, you hold a position of authority over her and should have the mental capacity to know that not everything a kid wants is going to benefit that kid in the long run.
>that there is no way for me to stop her in time.
If you have such a bad reaction time that she would be able to pull down the pants of an adult twice her age without any response from you then she should go to jail for assaulting someone with downs
>I'll just intentionally ejaculate immediately (I have this kind of control over myself), and pull out and tell her she shouldn't do things like that.
How about you be the only good type of pedo and jerk off to the fantasy you'll never fucking act on. Even shitheads in prison know that people like you are scum
>If an 11 year old girl goes outside she will immediately get snatched up by a predator
In this case you're the predator
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
Pubes. I keep one in my left pocket and have placed one ever so gingerly on a very rude customers food.
Guys I'm going into my new job today in an hour and I'm already having an anxiety attack. Any tips?
What's the job?
This, I genuinely felt bad for 90% of angry customers.
Even if I thought they were pricks it's really hard for them to be mad at someone who's saying they understand or share a story where the same thing happened to me
Dollar store stocking/cashier
I really doubt she has been exposed to any kind of sexualized tv/internet. She seems like the type to go home and do more studying/extracuriculars. Maybe that's the issue; daddy can't keep her locked in a cage forever. She is tall and strong for her age, and probably knows enough martial arts to get what she wants from me while I'm not expecting her to do this. And I'm not a pedo. She is legal in some parts of the world.
heh, you never expect you're the predator.
You're going to be fine, first day is anxious just because you don't know how things or done and have no idea at all. Once you've had a few days to break in to the routine you'll be good to go.
My biggest piece of advice is to be open to learning new things, ask questions if something doesn't make sense rather than using up time, and treat this job like the stepping stone it is. Don't walk out even if you hate it because you'll want to be able to put this work experience on your resume
> And I'm not a pedo. She is legal in some parts of the world.
That's the most retarded logic but you don't realize that because you're desperate to convince yourself you're not a pedo.
You are a fucking predator, if you're not trolling I hope you honestly get stricken down before you're able to act on your disgusting instincts.
That's some helpful advice user. Thanks for the tips. Hopefully my coworkers aren't douchebags and make me want to quit.
Hi nipp.
Are you actually trying to tell me that there are first world countries that legally allow adults to fuck pedophillically? weird. Also pedo=8 year old prepubescents. In case you didn't know, sexuality finishes developing at the age of 14. That's right bitch, if you didn't get laid in middle school you can never be chad.
new phone whot this?
np, and even if they make you want to quit if you want to put that job on your resume you should stay there at least 6 months but aim for a year. If you're able to accept a promotion or anything like that I'd say go for it as its more fodder for your resume. Something like supervisor or manager looks good for future employers
My parents are obseessed with me always being emplyoeed for some reaosn. Like even if I have tons of money saved up they still want me at a job. Boomers have such a bizarre mentality.
pedophile; plural noun: pedophiles
>a person who is sexually attracted to children.
The fact that you're having to do these mental gymnastics only further proves my point.
Yeah but this is only a part time job. I was thinking of maybe getting another part time job but going to stick with this job for a week to see how it is.
What do you do in your corporate job?
I worked at a call center. It was nerve wracking at first, but eventually I can to understand the distance the phone brought to the situation. Anyway, the whole job sucked. People who call in hate your fucking guts and the people you work for see you as totally expendable. Eventually I just walked out.
Where'd you get that definition from bitch? post your sources.
>implying mental gymnastics is an argument that proves anything
Year Old
Go to lunch.
Compare business cards.
That is about all.
Did you even read all my posts? It's more like she's trying to fuck me, and I might as well just let her have me.
>dude it's totally her I'm just trying to lure her out of her house
If you're a pedo there's nothing I can do about it
But I'm not trying to lure her out of her house. She is literally sticking her hand down my pants, putting my hand on her tits and crotch, bending over in front of my so her whale tail shows, telling me she wants to fuck etc. You should just accept that she knows that touching herself feels good, she knows she wants boys, and she figured out that getting touched by another person feels even better than touching herself, and that doing it with a man would be the ultimate combination of experience she desires.
>results to name calling
Heh, I bet you're really just jealous that no girl, from the start of puberty up until she's an old lady, could ever want your ugly ass. Meanwhile, a real life loli with tits is begging me for my dick. Have you ever heard the story of the fox and the sour grapes? You are so in denial because what you so desperately want is literally being thrown at my face on a daily basis.
It must be difficult to wrangle with this internally, at least I'd hope so but you seem to be fully embracing your pedophilia
It's not pedophilia if she wants it.