anyone been on antipsychotics? I stopped my zyprexa pills for the 3rd day for reasons. Feels weird and im extra anxious and worried. Not resting
Whats your story and secrets?
anyone been on antipsychotics? I stopped my zyprexa pills for the 3rd day for reasons. Feels weird and im extra anxious and worried. Not resting
Whats your story and secrets?
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does zoloft count?
why domt you answer me i said my greetings and yet havent answered. why dont you answer?how do you answer when its eaten all your goods rest now
Probably weird to not be eating everything in sight coming off zyprexa. Did you quit cold turkey, because that can cause you to rebound and go into psychosis.
zyprexa never made me eat a lot but im extra 2kg in that time so is it working idk im not trusting the doc again and i need to
i was also prescribed zyprexa and stopped taking them quite soon after starting!
what were you diagnosed with, oppie?
You have to taper yourself down. Don't stop completely at once. It's brain science or some shit
i AM MISDIAGNOSED with with pyschosis and paranoia but ik 109% are real even sveryone says thyy arent because they are too dumb to understand and im done convicing people 1 month of meds suck i want to be alert not mentally weakened to face whats coming
ik its bad not taking it slowly but it i got rid of ths remaining pills and i wanna learn your experienxes with cutting it off so fast and what u did to hide it
I was on olanzapine and lithium and quit them cold turkey after taking them infrequently for a month. Decided to stay home and not go out for the next couple weeks because I knew I'd have to deal with psychotic symptoms and a fucked up sleep schedule. Antipsychotics literally cause psychosis too, they're fucking terrible. Lithium is also way too over prescribed. Off all my meds now and feel mentally awake and alert, no issues with getting my sleep back on track either.
umm,, oh... i was diagnosed with bipolar. but idk. ur kinda typing like, kinda crazy lol...
thbak you this is what I needed. I knew they are causing me trouble and mess with my mind and im not taking ghem again and im gonna tell my doc about what he has done to me
no I am sane COMPLETELY. I was just thinking and didnt care for the marks and telltales of writing i got a single helpful answer. see how im writing better with focus? thanks
its the doctor that wants me to be insans to be abls to assess me and my fitness to be under his control and command
3.5 years ago I quit Abilify, Zoloft, and Wellbutrin, cold turkey. I was on max doses of Zoloft and high doses of the others. I'm probably lucky but I felt immediately better and had no symptoms of withdrawal that people get on antipsychotics and SSRIs. In fact, my mood probably doubled if I were to rate it on a numerical scale of 1-10. I had been on the meds for 6 years and just stopped and they did absolutely nothing good except prevent me from feeling happy while keeping me from feeling suicidal. No psychosis either, just depression but my psychiatrists kept me on it. I never needed Abilify but I definitely have unstable moods and can go from a 1/10 ready-to-suicide to 7/10, mildly elated so maybe I did. Better than feeling constantly 2/10 for years and years.
when I went to an appointment with my psychiatrist and told him I was off the meds because they were terrible, he told me that I was making him nervous because "quitting these meds are a bad idea" and he tried to get me admitted back into a psych ward. honestly your best bet is to just stop seeing your doctor if you can. they even make you take fucking blood tests to monitor your levels because antipsychotics like lithium mess with your liver. they could tell I was taking less of it too because my levels were low when I stopped taking them, I just told them I forgot to take them on some nights and just never went to appointments again lol. remember that they don't really care about helping you, they just get rich as fuck off of selling you these meds that you don't need. as an alternative treatment. your main goal right now should be to take it REALLY slow and relax your mind and body. get comfy and make sure you get as much rest and sleep you need. also, doing drugs is a big no no when you're coming off of this medication my friend.
i get prescribed antipsychotics for my bipolar disorder. can never stay on them for too long they completely shut down my brain and cause me to lose the will to live. I don't care how many times I end up back in the Looney bin I am going to voluntarily take them.
i don't care if i end up in a mental hospital or in prison or dead antipsychotics are horrible
damn it I have an apoointment soon i already skipped the last one and I believe you not to trust him anymore and what he has planned for me. Youre very helpful thank you a lot. Im getting off this poison
here I am not the only one who is sick of those things im gonna be free of their control.
posts like this make me worry. I was dx'd bipolar and given antipsychs as well, however that was over a year ago and I haven't been in a psych ward since... is it inevitable I end up in the hospital again? Most of my friends don't agree with the diagnosis
take back control of your mind user. im glad I could be of some help. if you take these poisonous meds for too long it could really fuck your brain up for good. they diagnosed me with bipolar and when I went to the psych ward for the first time they put me on three different antipsychotics all at once. shit fucked me up good, felt like I was paralyzed and just moving around was torture.
same here. i stay in bed for most of the day and when I am off bed my body feels weak like my muscles cannot be fully used sometimes my limbs twitch I need to get it out. Im having mild side effects right now but its not worse i need to prepare
I dunno man all I can is I personally have a history of ending back up in the ward after taking my meds but I still don't give a shit. stopped taking my zyprexa in fall of 2015 and I've been in the clear since but odds are good I'm probably going to end up back in one. I predict I'll be back in one before 2020 is up.
ah. i suppose our circumstances are different, then. you stopped taking your zyprexa long before i had even started. you've been off for 4 years and been fine, though, haven't you?
I've been fine but I am not exactly living life to the fullest I'm afraid. No job, no gf, barely any social life (I hang out to get drunk with an old friend maybe once a month if that)
ah, well, i guess we are alike there... i only hang out with old friends, haven't been able to connect to other people in a long time.
the stiffness was hell. had a fucked up appetite too and gained a crap ton of weight from it plus the meds. as soon as I got off of it my cravings for food started diminishing and it took months but I lost all the weight through strict dieting.
>No job, no gf, barely any social life
>i only hang out with old friends, haven't been able to connect to other people in a long time
all rings true for me, feels like I'm replying to myself
Caused me to put on a ton of weight in just a few months, so got off them.
Now i'm back at square one and can't decide what i should try.
They suggested i take a genetic test to see what would benefit me the most.
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
I think the pill I was on before was Abilify and I got a bad reaction to it and ended up in the psychward. I don't trust the pharmajew after that.