How do you feel about eating tuna straight out of the can?
How do you feel about eating tuna straight out of the can?
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Thats what I eat at the end of the month
Ramen and tuna is pretty good. Especially when you can't afford anything else
In water or vegetable oil?
The latter is worse but either way drain that shit
I feel like Im a cat eating cat food.
I don't think I've done it in over a year, but I'm not above it.
Water tuna is poopoo tier. Tuna is already dry as fuck so the oil helps in making it more edible.
>I feel like Im a cat eating cat food
And how does that make you feel?
>Slimey texture
>Disgusting extra calories and antinutrients
I'm not a fatty and I use tuna for salads anyway so being dry is a non issue.
Like a cat. To specify kind of animalistic, I dont know if theres any word I know that can describe how I feel, but that one os the closest.
Of everything on Jow Forums this triggers me the most
I also eat beans, chili and corn from cans because college
I live in constant diarrhea
Seafood is disgusting.
You have to be a "fatty" to not like dry bland food? Sounds like you're just a faggot lad.
Picky eaters are feminine and gay
I do it all the time. no big deal to me.
Do you like that feeling?
I've done this a few times but I always add a spoonful of mayo and mix it all up first
i do that when I feel like eating a hearty helping of baked salmon fillet but could only afford tuna..
I always add some salt, pepper, olive oil, and tomato sauce.
You've got to be a fatty to prefer your food drenched in antinutrients and empty calories, yes.
And what dry bland food? Vinaigrette sorts that right out, chubs.
Tuna out of the can is my favorite. Just add onions sauce and calamondin (or lime if you dont have those} juice. Never eat albacore though. Theyre disgusting.
Yeah you are definitely a homosexual. Any man will always prefer rich food over low calorie woman tier garbage.
Are you a convict or what?
>antinutrients and empty calories are "rich"
Confirmed for whale in need of 'poonin
Let's get an essential tuna ingredients list going
>persian cucumbers
>diced garlic
>minced garlic
Tuna is loaded with mercury. You can get mercury poisoning from eating it. Mercury makes you go crazy, and it interferes with all kinds of basic body processes.
Fuck yes, this is more like it.
>purple onions
>purple cabbage
you're consuming a shitload of tuna if you get mercury poisoning
are you fucking the tuna before you eat it?
are you drinking blended tuna shakes instead of water?
are you completely stupid and just making shit up?
do you read info wars and lick the hair on an old fat bald idiot's butthole?
have you ever fucked a bucket of poop?
come to my house and i'll suck your dick.
If you're a loser and fit in nowhere else, join this shit:
dab of hot sauce makes it taste really good
mercury mercury mercury