All women I've known that claim to be lonely or clam that no one likes them are extremely fraudulent. They've either been on several dates or have dated someone in the past, have dozens of friends at their disposal, usually have a great talent, or are extremely pretty. Not to mention the fact that almost any woman can get a date if she tries at least a little bit to be attractive, or just asks a boy out. Even if you're ugly, you'll be able to score a date quite easily.
Therefore, the only types of valid loneliness that women have are invalid and self-imposed, making them not actually lonely. Girls are incapable of understanding true loneliness and inferiority without it being totally in their head.
Women claiming to be lonely is invalid
Men and women aren't the same. They're lonely because they haven't found the right guy yet.
Also, you forget that women are vastly less dependent on male approval than vice versa, especially nowadays. Most of the girls I know don't want to date anyone. Not because they've had heartbreak in the past, either. Just legitimate disinterest in getting a boyfriend
In this day and age it is literally impossible for a women to be lonely as long as they have internet access. When women say they are lonely, what they mean is that none of the men they want are giving them attention.
Oh, I also forgot to mention how even women with mental disorders have it much better than men. Psychology is basically run by and for women. Men are neglected and made fun of if they go to see a therapist, and even when they are they're misdiagnosed and given the wrong pills. Women are given priority in nearly all circumstances. Studies time and time again show that psychology is skewed to benefit women
To women, the approval of other women has always been more important than the approval of men. The man approved by other women is the man for her. They're not disinterested, they have high standards none of the men around them meet.
>they have high standards none of the men around them meet.
Then by that logic, would that not still be self-imposed? Standards can be lowered.
I don't understand how anyone can be lonely when you can talk to people instantly on the internet. Anyone who complains about loneliness is the normiest of the normies.
No, it's natural. It keeps the genetic trash from breeding. The system has its faults but is generally sound. Women shouldn't lower their standards, you can man up and meet them.
Its laughable when they say they're lonely.
The female brain probably has the same reaction to their situation as the male brain does to ours.
They probably feel just as miserable.
There's more to it than having a meaningless conversation on the internet. I think when most people say they're lonely, they mean they're devoid of real life emotional connections.
You have to actually go outside to have guys hitting on you though.
A lot of people, women AND men are lonely simply because of some mental illness that makes it hard for them to relate to others-whether it be by alienating THEMSELVES physically or emotionally.
Let's be HONEST here, anyone on this board could get at least a FRIEND if they really put effort into it.
It's useless since women don't do any self improvement and still breed
>its all about sex
try and be female and develop a genuine friendship with someone, it gets harder the older you get
it's not as easy as you think. people don't put up with awkward people very well or for very long and if you have no interests there's not going to anything for you two to bond over.
I've never dated anyone and I've never been on a date. I have friends but they just fill the need for social interaction instead of actually forming deeper connections. Sure, if I wanted to I could just date one of the countless brainlets that I know who can only talk about sports, getting laid or getting drunk or some beta who doesn't actually have any thoughts or personality and just molds their opinions to impress me. I could get laid easily if I wanted to but how would it make me any less lonely?
some people complain that they are lonely.. but they then say that they cant hold a relationship and only do ONS.
Also with people complaining they have no friends yet the complain about constantly have people which talk to them not loving them.
How about having no one talking to you whatsoever? That is true pain.
so women are just more important than men or something and that's why they need more
How old are you?
I feel you
>I have friends
>if I wanted to I could just date one of the countless brainlets that I know
>I could get laid easily if I wanted to
are you actually a retard? you literally just proved OP's point
Yeah, I could get a date if I dropped my standards so low that I could as well date a pile of rocks and the quality of the conversation would stay the same. Anytime I try to talk about anything deeper with a guy who seems interested in me the response I get is
> Ehhh I never really think about stuff like that can we talk about something else
And how would getting laid solve my loneliness? Seriously how is casual sex even rewarding for a female?
>No validation because it's easy to get
>No love
>Most likely less pleasurable than masturbating
>Possibly painful
>Damaging to my reputation
Loneliness can't be solved by talking to just anyone when you're looking for love or at least a quality conversation.
>wahhhh sex is easy but I can't have quality conversation and love, I'm so LONELY
you really don't understand what loneliness is do you?
This is 100% true OP. I was talking to this girl once, and she said "I'm ugly", and I just said "ok" and she got mad at me. Then she told me that she was just doing it to get me to call her pretty. I knew that though, because a lot of women do that, but I wasn't going to play that fucking game.
Are you seriously so simpleminded that the only way you can define loneliness is a complete lack of human interaction? Cause if that's the case then you can't say you're lonely since you're interacting with me right now.
Not even the guy you responded to, but god you are so fucking smart, you know that?
>you can't say you're lonely since you're interacting with me right now.
Someone get this motherfucker a scholarship.
Dude, I found a picture of you on Google.
Sorry user but i would bet you would find a romantic partner if you just look hard enough. I am not talking about just who is around, but actively seeking for it.
loneliness is more complicated than that but given what you've said about your past experiences, your condition is entirely self-imposed, once again proving OP's original point
guys on here are lonely because they are INCAPABLE of interacting with women
they are INCAPABLE of going through the roulette wheel of partners looking for a deeper connection
by your own words, you are not
you are lonely because you choose to be
>. It keeps the genetic trash from breeding
Now this is bullshit. Trash will just breed with trash.
Don't forget - even Chad has to settle down eventually. Most likely with trash that only looks good with makeup.
my man out here dunking from half court
But by those standards how is those guys loneliness anything else than self-imposed? They're not literally INCAPABLE of human interaction. I bet if they just pretended to be someone they're not and forced themselves to do things they don't enjoy they could have plenty of friends and possibly romantic relationships.
jokes, chad settles down with the good girls who are younger than him, no whore ends up with chad
Doesnt change the fact that women can still find something. Men on r9k cant find anything. So gtfo.
No, just because your problem may end up the same its not the same. Learn to settle and you wont be lonely.
The weirdest thing is that woman actually want to be able to claim titles like lonely, robot or incel, like its something to aspire to.
Doesnt matter. The fact is they have options and its their fault if they dont act on them. Be happy with you got, you arent going to get chad.
>try and be female and develop a genuine friendship with someone, it gets harder the older you get
Boo hoo cry me a fucking river.
>Sure, if I wanted to I could just date one of the countless brainlets that I know who can only talk about sports, getting laid or getting drunk or some beta who doesn't actually have any thoughts or personality and just molds their opinions to impress me. I could get laid easily if I wanted to but how would it make me any less lonely?
Better than nothing. Its your fault your lonely. You're not pretty have to do better but the fact you think you deserve better goes to show the level of arrogance women are raised to belive. Fuck off.
When you cant get anything then you can come here and complain. Until then fuck off to crystal cafe.
Even so, there is a huge gap between what men and woman consider lonely, pic related. That's really the biggest issue, I'm sure woman have their issues, but compared to men we can't even take their version of loneliness serious.
you're right, they aren't literally incapable, you'd just have to dope them up on some xanax and find the very rare person who can stand to be around them for more than 5 mintues
you seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of how mental illness works
>Are you seriously so simpleminded that the only way you can define loneliness is a complete lack of human interaction?
Yes. This is not tumblr slut. Now fuck off.
You cunts seriously dont get it do you. You wi;l never be a robot.
>They're not literally INCAPABLE of human interaction
Evcen if we werent we have to work 100 times as hard as yo cunts do. You can get flash your tits and get irl (you)s. So fuck off. And no Im not gona sit here and listen about how being used as cum bucket is as bad as loneliness, it isnt. Plenty of robots would be happy to get a pone night stand once a decade.
and mens loneliness is a real issue. by wanting to think of themselves just like everybody else women ignore men having an actual issue and that's kind of fucked up.
I wasn't talking about people with mental illnesses. When that's the case, you're right I can't really compare myself to them. But most people who complain here don't have mental issues.
>Plenty of robots would be happy to get a one night stand once a decade.
Of course they would because they are male so getting laid would be much more rewarding to them. That's not the case when you're a girl.
>most people who complain here don't have mental issues
alright, I'm having a really hard time taking you seriously at this point
is this your first time here?
If that's the case why do they always blame their loneliness on the fact that they're male and not that they have mental illnesses?
>That's not the case when you're a girl.
-Better than nothing
-Says the girl who goes out and fucks random guys over and over
-cry me a river
Take your pic sweety.
Because women with mental illness still get into relationships with ease. Depression is a death sentence for a man.
How is that better than nothing? How is humiliating act of unpleasurable casual sex better than staying in comfort of your house? Why won't you just hire a whore if sex means so much to you?
because it's a combination of both
also, men are naturally prideful and do not like to show weakness if they can avoid it
this is why they often blame it on society and the fact that they're men while ignoring their own mental issues
if you spend more than a day here you can see that the vast majority of men here suffer from some combination of autism, SAD, BPD, severe depression etc....
seems like this is mostly because depressed men withdraw from social life
bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy
>How is that better than nothing?
Because you admit you still do it otherwise you wouldn't and still be a virgin at home. Obviously you knew it was better than nothing
Hm? When did I admit I do it? I'm a virgin and planning to stay this way until I find someone I can love. Of course staying alone in home is a better than letting someone use my body as a cum bucket
>getting laid would be much more rewarding to them
Thats the point. If you are a fat pig or simply ugly most of the guys only want to fuck you. Good luck deciding who is the one who really likes you.
>t. self-diagnosed tumblr girl
I mean... It might be true when it comes to self-diagnosed girls who say they are depressed because they're looking for attention. It's different when you're a shut in neet female with actual depression and social anxiety.
lmao never claimed to be diagnosed with anything my dude
I was diagnosing other people
Do you want a relationship? Literally download Tinder and you'll have your pick out of all the men in your city. There are millions of men who have social anxiety and depression but still have to put significantly more effort than you ever will to have a chance at a relationship.
no fucking shit idiot. women are chronically, eternally insecure. they want attention at all times.
"women are hysterical" is the hottest take of the entirety of human civilization.
>usually have a great talent
>having a vagina gives you talent
Why did I think this post would be anything but an incel cope?
I think we would benefit from a visual here. Certainly fembots have it harder than chad, but probably not as bad as robots. As far as the availability of sex goes, maybe it's like:
stacy > chad > tumblr > normie > fembot > robot
The relative gaps between these is unclear though. I'd like to see this on a number line.
>That's not the case when you're a girl.
Explain the increase of slut culture in women?
BECAUSE ITS SOMETHING. how retarded are you.
Rich person crying about steak qality to starving people analogy.
You will never find empathy here so fuck off. Its not your fault you let chad use you as a cum target. Its yours. Now piss off. We hate you.
The fact you can choose to remain a virgin is why you can never be a robot. Robots want to lose their virginity and find love but cant. You dont fit that bill so get lost.
>agoraphobic, alcoholic, paranoid, anxious, angry, friendless online and off, unemployed, ugly female
>has loving bf of over 5 years
>mfw failing on easymode is impossible
It's actually funny, I wonder how far I could go, I bet I'd still have a bf even if I were a quadruple amputee or had another head
On average men have twice as many sexual partners as women.
yeah based on self reports you brainlet
most men inflate their numbers while most women do the opposite
But they can pay a woman to lose their virginity. There's no such thing as involuntary celibate.
If women decrease those numbers then that's a proof that casual sex is something shameful for women.
>why are people poor, they can just steal money
Buying a prostitute is often more risky than being one. Recommending someone do something illegal just to lose their virginity isn't reasonable, retard.
>implying an activity cannot be both shameful and enjoyable at the same time
Pfff. Women don't go to bed with men to get pleasure. Men are very selfish during sex and especially one night stands. Only one girl that I know was able to orgasm with a man and that was because they were in a long term relationship so he knew her body very well. If a girl agrees to have casual sex with a guy it's because she's desperately lonely and trying to fill a void buy will regret it later OR she's in love with the guy and will do anything to keep him around.
this thread is shit. r9k is shit. I'm sick of wading through endless whining incels just to find a decent conversation.
>hurr durr I am a female robot, yeah I can get endless stream of partners by simply downloading Tinder, but they are all brainlets with no conversational skills and beneath me
>I am so lonely
Its so ridiculous that someone can write this and mean it seriously.. Nope, your loneliness is entirely self-imposed.
Do you realize that its statistically completely impossible that all those masses of people you can get off Tinder by simply being a female are dumber than you? Even if we were generous and say that majority indeed are dumber, it still takes less than few tries to find someone who is at least at your level.
A male robot is lucky to have 1 or 2 tries. You can just keep going until you find the one that is acceptable. And sooner or later you will, thats statistically inevitable, unless you are literally the top 0.0001% of female (which you are not).
Fembots do not exist.
You can get technical, yes, but how about we look at it this way; An incel is unable to obtain sex through the primary method, and is only able to through secondary, impersonal ways. An incel may never know though, the emotional attachment intercourse can have, only the dirty side of it.
Prostitutes are legal depending where you live. Here in AUstralia, it's something like the Western areas allow prostitution, but no escorts/brothels, ect. In the Eastern side, it's the other way around.
Tinder is just a hookup app. Only shallow people use it. How can you possibly decide if you want to date someone based only on their picture and some retarded basic description? Besides, it's not very popular in my country so only people who want quick sex use it.
>They've either been on several dates or have dated someone in the past
>Dating someone means you are never alone again
>have dozens of friends at their disposal
>Having friends means you can never feel lonely
Loneliness is an emotion anyone can feel for a variety of reasons, and any of them can be valid. Having friends doesn't mean you can never feel lonely, as no one spends 24/7 with their friends. Same with significant others. There will be times you are left alone and in those times it's perfectly understandable for someone to feel lonely. In fact they may feel loneliness more acutely than someone who has become inebriated against loneliness due to constant isolation. Why are you trying to gate-keep the ability to feel loneliness? Why not try a bit of empathy?
>Tinder is just a hookup app.
Does not matter. Casual hookups very often grow into more serious relationships, especially if the female is willing.
And there are always more serious sites for non-hookups available, I used Tinder because its the most popular. But every country has a local "looking for relationship advertisments site" (I dont know the word in english). And its always overflown with males looking to meet females.
>Women don't go to bed with men to get pleasure
what fucking country are you from?
is everyone bad at sex there?
Men are just bad at sex in general probably especially in my shitty eastern European country
Are you not aware of the fact that most women fake orgasms?
If there really was a sizable amount of women with sensible standards looking for a serious, respectful guy the statistics wouldn't be as unambigious about women on online dating focusing on a tiny minority of attractive men leaving the rest of men completely ignored.
Women probably don't even notice that the """average""" guys they match/write with are Chads because of their fucked up concept of "average", see 80/20.
>Men are just bad at sex in general probably especially in my shitty eastern European country
Eastern Eurobot here, which country?
I'm well aware that they fake orgasms but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy sex
That's because e-dating is a meme. You don't get much more information about the person other than the looks so of course women choose good looking guys over the ugly ones.
Poland. This whole country is a meme
Take your stupid ass to facebook then. This isn't a chatroom.
It's by far the biggest Eastern EU country, if you can't find a guy there, then the problem is in you. And you can find a guy in UK or Germany or whatever other Western EU country you like, if you want someone who won't mind that you're a slut and will pay for everything.
>This whole country is a meme
If a guy says he lost his V card to a whore he becomes a fucking laughing stock. Its a lose lose situation you retard.
>But they can pay a woman to lose their virginity.
Its illegal and requires money. Cannot do so regularly. Not comparable to how easy women have it.
And saying you lost your virginity with a random guy will get you called a slut. Also a lose lose situation
yeah because having sex with a person that wants to be there is the same as paying a stranger to fuck you
whores have rules, you can't even kiss them
comparing those two things is beyond retarded
>caring what others think
Not true robots/incels.
Women feel lonely more easily than men though, because of how insecure and neurotic they are by nature.
Romantic failure for them is not being around an Apex Chad and getting to suck his dick 24/7.
Social failure for them is not being surrounded by friends and family whenever Chad pops out for 5 minutes.
This BTW is one reason why women find single men so wierd, they can never be alone either romantically or socially without losing it so besides self-interest they can't relate to men even taking a break from dating or socializing, let alone imagine opting out entirely. Now of course there are men PUSHED out of the group too, but the point is women have evolved to feel like that's a death sentence (men often don't like it either but being alone isn't AS bad, especially for lower-ranking males who might feel like shit a lot in groups).
strange that id find clarity in r9k but this is probably true,
This BTW is one reason why women find single men so wierd, they can never be alone either romantically or socially without losing it so besides self-interest they can't relate to men even taking a break from dating or socializing, let alone imagine opting out entirely. Now of course there are men PUSHED out of the group too, but the point is women have evolved to feel like that's a death sentence (men often don't like it either but being alone isn't AS bad, especially for lower-ranking males who might feel like shit a lot in groups).
Surrounding one's self with meaningless superficial "friendships" and riding the cock carousel with a series of dudes just looking masteurbate with your body must feel like a lonely existence. Those thots are building walls every bit as much as the robot who retreats to his basement dreaming of waifus. Problem is there's no point in connecting with the "I'm so lonely user" girl because she's going to wall you off from her heart too. At best she's going to play her part well and you'll be lonely together. More likely you give her your heart and she moves on to the next becaus she's still alone in the way that matters.
Online dating is literally the most popular way for couples to meet nowadays, quit your "Tinder is not real life bro" cope bullshit.
You have to keep in mind that women only see Chad as being a human male. When they say they're lonely, what they mean is that Chad isn't paying any attention to them. Betas are more like gnats or flies than actual men in the eyes of the average woman.
>try and be female and develop a genuine friendship with someone, it gets harder the older you get
maybe it's because you spent the first 30 years of your life basing your entire personality and worldview on being hot, getting laid and being popular, and now that you're 30 and most people are over that shit and your looks are fading, you're realising that the only value you had was in your looks and that, actually, you're super fucking boring.
Part of getting over depression is having legitimate support from friends and family. Women get that, men don't.
"Dating apps" are not a realistic way of bringing men and women together though. Not in any way that our ancestors would have recognized.
Proof? Just look at modern birth rates. All dating apps do is bring reckless, irresponsible men and trashy women together. They also ruin IRL dating because women want a break from attention and reject men harshly IRL because of it, which means that you still are effected even if you don't partake. It also makes men warier than ever of loose women and vice versa, because it's stretching the boundaries of what risks either sex will put up with so satisfy their urges to the absolute limit.
You might be willing to sleep with a woman who had been with 10 men, but how about 100? Same for women, they can't help suspecting than any attractive popular man is too tempted to resist and probably has a notch count that is dangerously high in terms of what nasty surprises he might leave behind after sex.
tl;dr online dating is not only ruining the curve for regular dudes, but is also making more people drop out not just out of despair but also out of anxiety (didn't even get onto MeToo and that barrel of craziness).
Bottom line is modern mores accelerated by online dating are effectively sterilizing populations with access to it, basically killing them off. Women in most developed countries have around 1.0 child on average, which equates to a population halving each generation. This is not sustainable.