what are good alternatives to suicide?
possible while broke
What are good alternatives to suicide?
Hobbies. I don't know your exact situation bit I assume you have enough to at least buy food. I felt a lot better when I started cooking.
See how much suffering you can stand. Make a game out of it. Maybe game isn't the right word, more of an endurance sport.
20 years worth of constant hate
Just play a lot.of video games
buy and live out of a trailer in the woods
or become homeless
why bother suicide
just wait
serial killer, rapist, shut-in, hobo, traffic warden
How about drug abuse? its a much more fun way to kill yourself if you want to do it anyway.
drugs are for degenerates
and also require money
Feel ya user
There cant be a good answer to that you can wait or try shrooms or lsd. Psyhadelics open a new gate for you. I know some ppl that wanted to kms but they tried shrooms and saw a new way for their lives.
probably bait but. hes broke you fucking faggot retarded disabled mongoloid plebitter go kys faggot
crime op. You get a nice bed, meals, showers and no responsibility. I know you're too pussy but any minor shit will do. Like take a bat and break your nearest police station car and front door before running away.
then get a job or kill yourself.
Complete and total nilihism.... see how long you last not giving a shit about anything
Unironically getting a job is a slow suicide method also
> get a job to buy drugs so you can destroy yourself
Jow Forums huh
i wish i had the answer, i failed suicide so many times
Are there any hobbies that don't suck?
>become mountain man
Videogames are free if you own a half decent computer there are thousands of good games from the past 4 decades you can play.
Not anyone can aford a decent computer, user.
______ lobotomy
Decent computer as in, from the last decade.
become the next unabomber
then fucking stole it, stupid cunt