Earthly life is all about overcoming hardships, it's not about happiness.
Earthly life is all about overcoming hardships, it's not about happiness
if that were true, there's no reason not to just skip the fuckin' thing.
There'll always be hardship. Just the more heavenly your life becomes, the more vain your problems will be.
Hailing to all the haters.
Then earthly life sucks balls
Yes, life is not about "fun."
Overcoming hardships to do... what exactly?
to create a strong character, to grow.
For the purpose of what?
Grow into what? Life is short and can end at any time for reasons entirely out of your control.
My hardships can't be overcome, they're not temporary situations, they are constant and ever-present.
life never ends. after death you will come here again and reap what you sow.
>life is D&D
Whatever you need to tell yourself to try and make sense of this bullshit, user. Surely your magical sky daddy/wheel of fortune will reward you for your oh so important accomplishement on this speck of cosmic dust.
You are merely matter interacting with matter, in the same, impersonal fashion as chemical compounds interact with each other. There is no Self, no metaphysical soul, no 'You': what you believe is 'You' is but the aggregate of your physical environment interacting with your biological make-up.
Form is Emptiness, and Emptiness is form. All phenomena are devoid of characteristics. They are not created, nor destroyed; they are not pure, nor are they defiled; they do not increase, nor do they diminish.
You are Empty, Robot. There is nothing to be attained. And because nothing is attained, there are no impediments. Thus, Robot, you can leave distorted dream-thinking behind, and, ultimately, enlightenment.
nobody will reward you, it's only you and existence. do with it whatever you want but you can't run away from it.
>reap what you sow
>sky daddy
>what is cause and effect
teehee user... you didnt take the bible LITERALLY did you
the only point in life is to transcend hardships. The meaning of life is to become a god.
This world is a factory farm/prison, not a fucking school you retarded newage faggot. Have fun getting farmed for loosh forever.
thats how a normie virtue signaler thinks. He thinks its about hardships even when there was nothing wrong to begun with. They LOOK for hardships and if they can't find any they will create them. Ungrateful chaotic pieces of shit. They need a good ass raping. They need to feel ACTUAL pain to see the wisdom of peace. We need to remind them what it's like to live in fear. We need a third world war.
are you sure it's not about physical health and living as well and as long as you can?
However you choose to cope with suffering is your own business. Nobody asked for this
Yes, become overman.