How's your transition coming along, user?
How's your transition coming along, user?
Your cult is dying qt
it's not coming along.
praying i can get at least one appointment with a psychiatrist at a clinic that does HRT before I go to rehab.
also praying court doesn't send me to prison so i can just start my life. i just wanna go back to college and get a decent job and get money together to move in with my gf... sigh ..
>Your cult is dying qt
dumb sissy white boi
I am probably gonna break up with the trap Ive been with online for the past year. Met up with a grill from highschool who fucks like a champ. Hoping she doesnt kill herself :/
Even though traps can be hot you guys deserve to be crucified.
To think how many dudes lives this Reiko shit ruined.
I'm surprised no one tried to track this fucker and murder him if being blackmailed.
Fuck off tranny mafia. I swear the fuck to god if you mentally disturbed degenerates don't get off my board I'm gonna fucking shoot your asses
I understand the appeal of crossdressing but transitioning is basically just devoting your whole life to a sexual fetish. Not gonna be worth it
Give them a couple of years, they're going to do that themselves.
You might as well call bodybuilding a sexual fetish then.
People do HRT to look better, to fulfill an image they desire. It's not based in sexuality.
You don't even have to be transgender to be on HRT. Maybe you just want a more feminine figure. People do that.
>You might as well call bodybuilding a sexual fetish then.
You are so stupid it hurts
Fuck off back too discord. This shit doesn't belong here. Sage goes in all fields.
The fuck happened? Cult? Rundown pl0x
not great for health, just used to gain ego and self-image
not great for health, just used to gain self-image (sometimes ego)
Buddy I'm sure I know infinitely more about HRT AND bodybuilding than you.
do you actually want to propose an argument or are you gonna act like a bumbling retard?
>do you actually want to propose an argument
you're comparing shooting yourself up with hormones meanwhile sterilizing yourself because your'e MENTALLY ILL INSANE FAGGOT to training gtfo here absolute retartd
My transition from a bi curious lad to a hate driven homophobic straight man is going well, thanks to you fags.
Mad cause you literally can't deny what I said because it's a fact?
Also I already told you that you don't have to be transgender to take HRT.
If JUST taking HRT (considering absolutely no other variables to this situation) makes you a mentally ill faggot, then so does bodybuilding.
goal is greater self-image
goal is greater self-image
What happened? I want the story
The lady doth protest too much methinks ~uwu~
amazing desu, a friends said im becoming a 3d version of a waifu
still would not recommend/10
tl;dr faggot nobody cares about ur gay autism
My cult is better than yours
Does it have a banner uwu?
>Trannies cult only exists on discord
Not much of a harem if you can't use it duder
for all of my misery and vices, i'm glad i'll never be gullible enough to fall for the tranny meme, most of you turn out ugly as fuck
Hoping he does NGL
>Not great for health
What planet are you from where building muscle mass doesn't affect your health positively LMAO
Why do these cute grils seem to make anons so uncomfortable?
A typical bodybuilder doesn't have great health. Someone who does general fitness? Yeah, great health. Bodybuilders put immense stress on their bodies and usually push loads of chemicals into it as well. This isn't some secret, it's common knowledge for anyone that knows about bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is cool and all, but it's not very healthy.
Not going to lie, I've given up at this point. I can't be fucked with makeup and cosmetics and fashion.
What a waste of time. Is being a tomboy femboy fine?
Yep, sounds about right.
One off from quints.
>people getting memed into taking hrt
fuck how pathetic and stupid do you have to be to do that
t. tranny
bodybuilders take steroids and eat massive amounts of food
they don't live long at all
hey have you guys heard of the "Michelle Obama" is a man theory? yeah its pretty fucked you can see his cock protruding on the Ellen show RIGHT THERE, very very disrespectful
>What a waste of time. Is being a tomboy femboy fine?
Yeah I'll date you user
I tried once. Fucking once and I regret it.
i almost asked my therapist for estrogen but didn't. a few months later i met the girl of my dreams and dont even think about dick anymore
Don't know much but there was this Discord server where some dude named Reiko and his "followers" tried to fulfil their ideoligy of turning unattractive men into mtfs for something like that.
When you joined they apparently needed you to send pictures of yourself in women clothing with face which was blackmail material after they doxxed them.
Made em take HRT and tried to turn them into boytoys. Weird and f'd up
most of the trannies that treat becoming feminine as some sexual thing to get off to are actively frowned upon by the majority of trannies. most trannies don't see it as a sexual fetish, they see people who get hard when they put panties on or something as creeps
It's going well! My boobs are sore again they're growing a bit. Thought I was going to be an A cup forever ;_;
>tfw i caved in and got implants
>unironically turning yourself into a faggot
>not just getting a sex doll