>tfw asian male
>tfw can only get off to white men fucking asian women
being asian sucks
Tfw asian male
>tfw azn girl
>tfw all around me are tall, kind white men
>tfw all eager to give me cute hapa babies
being asian is great
Good taste, user. Asian girls were made for white dick.
I doubt you're actually an asian male, just a larper
user, I'm a white guy... but I actually feel a bit bad. I almost went into cuckery myself when I was doing nofap for long time. You just got snap out of it, man. You will eventually. Just don't go too far. And start now.
If you want to see something very terrible. Go to 8ch /wmafsex
>Go to 8ch /wmafsex
where the fuck is even that board all i could find is a bunch of mentally ill cucks for BBCS absolutely revolting
they also blacked Murdoch-chan which is a big no no
>Tfw Jow Forumsack
>Tfw want to save the white race
>Tfw have developed a fetish for watching teenage white girls getting fucked by black thugs
Lifes a joke anons
actual asian here, don't care either way
it's just the Mere Exposure effect due to being bombared by racebait porn 24/7
quit watching porn and stop going on pol degenerate
This but with boys instead of girls
Wow, this is the most pathetic thing I've ever heard. You're like those politicians who are staunchly anti-gay but then literally suck cocks at every possible opportunity when in private
Those politicians arent real, its just a myth shilled by the gay lobby to peddle degeneracy. But yah its true for me, only thing I beat off to these days. Really fucked up
Thank god Im not female, otherwise I wouldve lived out this fucked up fantasy a long time ago and had a mulatto baby.
Anything forbidden will spice anything up its just science. It's a race to the bottom
the only cuckolds who don't disgust me are asian men because they're so feminine and always meek & subservient to me whenever i encounter them
i'd love to fuck an asian girl in front of her asian bf and have him clean her pussy squirt off of my cock
You're a fucking degenerate retard. Kill yourself, nigger worshipper.
You haven't figured it out yet, have you? Jow Forums were the real "jews" all along
By making something taboo, you've begun to desire it
Thankfully I cant act it out as im not female so its not too bad
>implying you're not gonna let black thugs fuck your wife
Life has never been fair.
Such concepts do not exist in the reality outsides of the brainwashed minds of people.
means you're racist towards white people and see us as animals, just watch blacked like a normal person
Taboo doesn't "spice" anything up, this is a jewish trope. What happened is that user is a porn addict, simple as that. If he wasn't, he wouldn't think of it or, futurely, about taking dick in the ass.
Asian-American here.
This is why it's important to be bilingual. I keep trying to tell my Asian friends to learn Chinese/Vietnamese/etc because it opens up a world of options man.
I'm dating a pretty cute Chinese girl studying nursing. Her English is pretty good but we converse in Mandarin.
You're me except I'm a spic that can only get off to spics fucking white men
Whomsoever is this big lady?
And what is it about white men that helps you guys get off?
My penis lacks melanin, it's not magic.
because our women prefer white guys
I know that, my gf and both my ex's are all asian.
But are you just getting off on some kind of esoteric, racial cuckoldry?
If your women preferred black men guy, would you have to watch bmaf porn instead?
>tfw asian guy that was cute
>easily hook up with white chicks with some effort
>transition easily
>now get white cock easier than ever
>have bf now
Asian men should unironically just transition, 99% of you anyways.
wtf there are more asian ethnic groups than white ethnic groups
Do you look cute?
I was in Asia a few months ago and the transwomen are not cute.
Aren't women date outside of their race pretty rarely, maybe you cant get gf not because you are asian, but because you are fat/ugly/gay?
Also thanks for racebaiting politics thread, i missed those so much.
Selena adams brah. She's a camwhore but she's branching out into Score and hopefully will be taking bwc for a major company soon.
And seeThat's pretty much it. Knowing any latina girl would choose even an ugly white guy over me used to piss me off but then I came to grips with not being about to change it and eventually I just starting getting off to it in a humilation/masochistic way. I guess it's how whites get off to niggers fucking white girls except I don't see whites as animals, I respect and fear them so I think that makes it even hotter in a way.
>I know that, my gf and both my ex's are all asian.
im a spic not asian
>But are you just getting off on some kind of esoteric, racial cuckoldry?
yea I guess so
>If your women preferred black men guy, would you have to watch bmaf porn instead?
im disgusted by black people so I wouldnt watch a black guy fuck a latina
spics shoud transition too desu
>tfw small dick
>tfw small frame
>tfw brainlet
>tfw weak
>tfw hetero
>tfw ugly
>tfw Asian male
I'm okay looking I guess. I personally don't think I'm cute but I have an easy time attracting people, both pre and post transition.
Were they ladyboi prostitutes that you went to go see?
I can't imagine people that cycle off and on estrogen so the testosterone makes their dick work are that cute
>spics shoud transition too desu
based. i've seen some qt spic trannies/traps
I was in the Philippines. You'd think a country where everyone's so short would help but the ones I saw didn't pass.
In any case, I only slept with biogirls.