>Girlfriend has mainly guy friends
>Wants to go out to dinner with one of them, 1 on 1
>If I try to stop it she'll probably use the controlling card
Should I just bail now? I'm pretty sure our grandfathers and great grandfathers wouldn't put up with this shit in a relationship.
Girlfriend has mainly guy friends
>hetfag looking for pity
yeah fuck off thanks. come back once you've truly suffered.
The fuck is a hetfag?
I uh just wanted some advice from decent anons.
Sounds like monkey branching behavior. She's going on a dam date, trying to confirm attachments to a new mate before letting you go
Name one thing hard about being gay.
Beat her to death and bury her in the forest OR dump her.
AIDS and prolapsing.
The cocks, badumtss
huh, yesterday I went out with a girl who has a boyfriend, I think you should tell her you don't really like her being with mens alone, ask her how she would feel if you went to see a girl alone maybe
Has she had any history of dating or even fucked these guys she's having dinner with? You're not giving much information here but your girlfriend having dinner one on one with her guy friends isn't that big of a deal.
It becomes a problem if she's setting up dinners with them all the time. Notice how often she is texting them and how much attention she's giving them before and after the dinner. If she's still texting them like crazy after their dinner that's a red flag man.
In my experience my gf has gone to eat lunch and dinner with some of her guy friends one on one but it only lasted about an hour and she would ask me to pick her up afterwards. Also she wouldn't text/talk to them for a long time afterwards either.
dont care
Yes she likes keeping friends with her exes as well. Surely if the girl was worried about keeping the relationship she wouldn't do something like this.
That's fucked up. I wouldn't my partner to have any kind of contact with any of her exes. You need to speak to her about it or just break up dude. I wouldn't trust any girl who keeps in touch with any of her exes. She's disrespecting you.
Okay the actual sex sounds difficult and dangerous. Why not buy gallons of lube and condoms?
I'm a rare breed of blackpilled Chad and trust me when I tell you it's over OP. Yes you might as well exit the relationship with Grace now before it gets any worse.
How long has she not been fucking you nearly as much as she used to?
First week it was every night then after that it's gone down to once or twice a week at most. Shortest honeymoon period ever experienced by far.
Also lately she has been encouraging me to finish after about 5 minutes of sex.
How long has she known the guy for? Is he attractive?
I'd probably be cool if he was like a childhood friend with no previous history but going out with chad that she has known for a few months is unacceptable.
>inb4 insecure beta
At least I am not a cuck.
>>Girlfriend has mainly guy friends
You knew this going in and "friends" hang out one on one so you don't have any cards to play.
Your grandfathers and great grandfathers would never have been so desperate to be in a relationship with someone like this in the first place. They would fuck her like all the other guys but move on.
OP you are like the guy that gangbangs some girl at a party and then wants to date her and take her home to meet mom.
>>Girlfriend has mainly guy friends
Dump that roastie whore. Every girl I ever knew who was friends with all the guys was a slut. It's a date otherwise why be 1 v 1? You are being cucked user.
Switch the tables and you can imagine the shitshow she would produce if you asked her the same thing.
All women are lying cheating whores, just be glad this one is less talented at hiding it before she robbed you blind in that thing called marriage.
she's fucking other dudes, sorry. that's why she doesn't want to fuck you much anymore, is she realized you're a clingy wierdo but doesn't want to deal with the drama of a breakup with you yet. she'll probably just ghost you at some point desu.
if a girl has more guy friends than girl friends, she loves the attention from her orbiters, and keeps them around as backup plans for when you get boring or when she feels lonely. you just became less exciting after she got over her initial physical attraction and learned more about you.
>Girlfriend has mainly guy friends
She's a whore. Every girl who says this is a whore.