Unironically and memes aside, what does it feel like to have a gf? Is intimacy (cuddling, kissing, etc) really a lot better than sex?
Unironically and memes aside, what does it feel like to have a gf? Is intimacy (cuddling, kissing...
It's better with a bf
If she's a virgin and you have 0 worries about inadequacy or her cheating or some shit, it's pretty fucking great.
When you're cuddling you'll find yourself falling asleep within minutes from the sheer rush of relaxation and feel-good chemicals. It's honestly comparable to drugs sometimes if you find someone you really love.
But it almost always ends, one way or another.
You can only hope.
>is intimacy better than sex
Sex is cool. It's pretty badass, don't get me wrong. But too much is bad. You don't want a relationship based on sex. To answer your question, intimacy is way better than sex, but it's hard to be strictly intimate if you're horny as fuck.
Its cool to know youve always got someone you can rely on for most things
Also someone that puts my penis in their mouth
>If she's a virgin and you have 0 worries about inadequacy or her cheating or some shit, it's pretty fucking great.
This makes you sound horrifically insecure, you shouldn't be with someone unless you can see the value in yourself, set your boundaries trust your partner not to break them, don't break them yourself and respect both yourself and them. If they push boundaries or cheat, have enough self respect to not just let them get away with it.
Apart from the first line this guy is spot on OP. You do sometimes have to sacrifice your time for them, but as long as they do the same for you it's OK.
I'd also add that it's quite nice having someone to support you and have your back in a way that regular friends can't providing of course that you're in a good relationship.
Cuddling and tenderness soothes your soul in just the right ways. I could have that and remain content with only fapping until I die.
>This makes you sound horrifically insecure, you shouldn't be with someone unless you can see the value in yourself, set your boundaries trust your partner not to break them, don't break them yourself and respect both yourself and them. If they push boundaries or cheat, have enough self respect to not just let them get away with it.
blablabla redditfaggot go back
all men SHOULD be insecure, any normal woman who's been with more than one guy can cheat on you just by pressing a button on her phone and smiling at any passerby
I know you betas talk abotu "insecurity" alot as a cope and to put on a facade not to lose face but truth is even if you're Chad even if you're a demigod on earth a gf that's tasted a few weewees WILL want more and only her constant 24/7 self restraint will prevent her from tasting more flavors
fat kid in candyshop is life for the average attractive woman, can't even blame them
Sex physically is one of the best things you can feel without getting into drugs or something like that, but love is probably mentally the best thing you can experience.
I've tried hookers and opiates and derived little pleasure from them.
The memories of girls who seemed to have found me attractive fill me with a warm and comforting glow. Life must be pretty comfy for guys who can go on dates and start relationships.
>It's better with a bf
Shit sounds gay bro.
It's like having a soft fluffy pillow to catch you at the beginning and end of any situation good or bad.
It's cool for the first bit until the fights start. It may be a difference of opinion, a wrong action, or hell even looking the wrong way. People have expectations, be them just or fucked up.
Then comes the classic arguing, backhanded comments, and making you feel guilty as shit. The goal is to find one that doesn't do all that and is willing to compromise, but you've gotta dig through shit to find gold.
>you've gotta dig through shit to find gold
sea otter shit?
i've had 2 gfs, for me what i liked the most was just the feeling that someone cared about who i was, what i looked like, my thoughts, my ideals, etc. It's like that feeling you get for a few seconds after you receive a (you) but imagine feeling it the whole time you're with that person
Intimacy (as you have described it) and sex are the least important parts of my relationship. I've been with my girlfriend for 2 years and she's been my closest friend for 4. The intimacy for me is being able to 100% be exactly who I am at any time and never have to worry about it. Cuddling is nice though, and also getting my head and back scratched. I'd take those over a blowjob most days
Why are we posting otters?
Exactly. If it smells like fish, dive on in and gobble that shit up.
never had sex but had a gf, and the cuddling is like the salvation of the souls
>ugh you dont want to take tyrone's leftovers and be compared to other men all your life?? Ugh so insecure
Ok retard
>Sex is cool. It's pretty badass, don't get me wrong
You seem like a huge faggot
Yes, cuddling is better but it almost always ends with us fucking (not a bad thing)
yes. i lost my virginity relatively late in life at 21 and it helped me get over some insecurities i had and i had a lot of sex with random people for a bit to 'catch up'. it was fun ofc but i was still drinking too heavily and knew i was escaping a lot still. meeting my current gf helped me get away from all that. ive cried in front of her when i was having a hard time and told her i love her and meant it each time. she has opened up to me and i feel totally vulnerable and cared for when im with her. sex is much better with her too because i can feel a different level of intimacy and caring. having a comfy routine also helps a lot, like whenever we sleep together she falls asleep faster than i do so i get to hear her breathing change from conscious to sleeping and feel her body heat next to me
Like work, socializing, and generally being in the world otherwise, it's great if you're Chad
Have you ever had a close female friend who you loved doing shit with and the endorphins in your brain would start producing any time you were together?
Having a good gf is like that, but on overdrive.
>Why are we posting otters?
Apparently I'm supplying free transparencies based upon jpg inputs. I mean technically an AI could perform the same task but it's nice slaving away at it too.
Not to mention a proper greenscreen processor could handle it a lot better than the shit tools I'm using.
Imma make you my boy, fag
How are you making those? GIMP's magic wand produces this.