Why didn't you settle for that plain, socially awkward girl that was almost certainly in your life at one point?
Why didn't you settle for that plain, socially awkward girl that was almost certainly in your life at one point?
i was to plain and socially awkward to talk to them
There wasn't one! (original reply my arse)
This plus I'm dumb
I tried to, but she rejected me.
sauce? I like the idea of someone stalking me
Because those girls dont want a male of their same kind.
Seconding pls
Google image search isnt doing shit for me.
She was lesbian.
I tried but her pretty eyes made me nervous.They where hypnotic.I wish I did tried to talk to her she seemed nice.
I just want a qt awkward bf who is just social enough to talk to me first, and whom I can open up to and love.
op give me suace plz. Thread is very gay and not useful but mango look gud
Yeah socially awkward girls hate awkward males harder than roastie whores at least from my experience, at least from my experience, when roaste yells out another stupid shit about creeps, i not really care after dealing with this stuff whole life and roastie will prob forget it happened as soon as i am outside of her field of vision,
But when talking to "introvert" ones it feels like a whole new level of hatred, there is signs of repulsion in both body language and face expression, its like they seen an alien or something, albeit its probably not everywhere like this in my country it be like that.
Awkward males deal with their love troubles through self improvement,awkward females deal by sharing a guy with better chicks when they can.
Basically when awkward males can settle in my country they either reached level of quality where they have chance with any chick or or they don't have a chance with any type, 1/10 and 9/10 want same kind of guy.
Because there wasn't anyone at any point in my life, you mongrel
Because I didn't know how to. How the fuck do you show romantic interest without being creepy? Why do women just wait for you to make a move?
>be baker
>work with that tall girl that kept the shop while we worked in the back
>must've been like 6'1 or 6'2 (am 5'7)
>maybe 6/10, tho she had that weird tic where she would suck in air through her teeth every few minutes or so, but very pretty blue eyes that I'd get lost in every now and then
>playful banter all day long
>nicked me super-male (was boxing and practicing some martial arts back then)
>even shared number for whatever reason
>fast forward a year
>quit job on bad terms
>day after she wakes me up by calling me at like 2AM and mutters something about me being an asshole for leaving like that and leaving her all alone
>still sleepy and don't have the time to ask her wtf and she hangs up
>text her 'are you okay?' ten mins later and never heard from her ever again
wait, did I actually have an opening?
I can't believe I never realized it until now, what the fuck
worst part is that I developed a tall girl/amazon fetish a few years later
Those girls want Chad to
>Why didn't you settle for that plain, socially awkward girl that was almost certainly in your life at one point?
Because she made it clear that she just wanted to be friends.
>Why didn't you settle for that plain, socially awkward girl that was almost certainly in your life at one point?
>Girl 1
I was too anxious and socially awkward too go anywhere past simple niceties I couldn't avoid.
Repeat ad infinitum. I don't often agree with "plain" designations btw, the real plain women are the Staceys imo. Fucking "dime-pieces" are a dime a dozen, fucking vapid and empty af. It's just that most people are too socially and financially broke to "afford" their time/attention/"commitment"
you do realize this place is full of those kind of men right? you have it way too easy in comparison to us
>tfw the OP pic is essentially my go-to romantic fantasy because I have no social circle and can't imagine any other way of beginning contact with a girl or having her even know I exist
god OP, I was thinking about this the other day
we were both similarly socially inept but we clicked really well, she was relatively cute too and didn't have any sense of narcissism or credible bitchiness
I genuinely have no reason for why I never made a move because I'm certain she liked me back. I used to (and still do) struggle with self esteem issues but it was way worse when I was going through puberty. It was 7 years ago and I had a dream about it the other week and it's fucking me up. She was probably the only female who had a tangible interest in me that felt genuine. I hate having crippling anxiety sometimes, although it still feels to me like I could've done something.
I think she lives nearby but I haven't spoken to her since. I think she has a boyfriend too.
tl;dr Self confidence is important even if you feel undeserving of it
Tried but got rejected.
To afraid to talk to her and so is she.
Basically i'm fucked
Easy yes, I wouldn't be sure about too easy though; my fucked up brain is still the reason I need this place for social interaction. But I still believe I have a chance of meeting someone organically irl. Just wanted to correct the user I was replying to, even if it was most likely bait.
Because it was actually a guy
I wish we could have been friend tho
I did but she transformed into a social media queen and stopped being cute
I did, we dated for 3 years and I miss her but we both moved on and it's alright now.
I hope we can meet at the high school reunion.
>almost certainly
the only girl that's been in my life is my mum
and even then, not really
it's definitely too late for me now
>Why didn't you settle for that plain, socially awkward girl that was almost certainly in your life at one point?
There was never one though
Women would just prefer if I didn't exist
i got her to like me and ask me out but it turns out they were her friends checking if i did actually like her, and this hurt my low self-esteem self. this coupled with lots other stuff, people are disgusting op, that's why
>i just want an awkward qt bf im not like the other girls ok sweatie heheh ;))
Unironically consider then execute a plan for suicide
This. This shit makes me angry every time I see it.
Because i have impossibly high standards and rather then settling for less then that , i would rather die alone.
Hehe, he looks like idubbbz.
>no sauce
god damnit
In fourth grade there was this girl who liked me and I thought she was cute. I didn't go after it because my mom said I wasn't old enough for that yet.
There are other things that somehow broke whatever makes someone "normal" for me but this is one I can point to.
Thirding pls
I like stalker gfs.
i always wanted a spergy gf but they were never around when i was in school
do any aspie girls want to ldr
because she wont settle for me you dingus
It is true though, I almost feel like I've been conditioned to not be into the typical chad looks desu. So congrats for that. Also, at this point I doubt I could be with a norman.
I've wondered this myself.
I've thought back to the Hawaiian Happa girl who actually seemed to be nice to me back in HS. Reached out to her on facebook but nothing came of it.
However; I have Aryan qt who I've met IRL, been with for a year long distance and will be seeing again in less than a month.
>anxiety and whatnot still makes me fear that the shoe's gonna drop though
>probably overthinking it because it's just overcast and depressing as fuck outside today
These two basically.
Fucking for real though.
Any of the so called "qT aWkWaRd Bf" types you speak of aren't gonna look like the indie flick Affable Dorks you expect to find in your daydreams. Especially niggas whomst post on here.
>I just want a qt awkward bf who is just social enough to talk to me first, and whom I can open up to and love.
Seriously, this has GOT to be bait.
Hopefully we can find a sauce boys. Request thread here
I have met so many girls like you on tinder. They all stopped talking to me after 5 replies...
godspeed user. bumped
wrong I know from lots of experience that no girl wants anything to do with someone who's awkward
by "awkward" you probably just mean "watches anime" or some other slightly uncommon trait
>no girl wants anything to do with
A very bold statement. I consider myself awkward (and thanks to this have no friends irl), and wouldn't mind someone similar to myself.
But yeah most of these responses just make me depressed, I don't know if it's because you don't want to imagine actually being someone's type, or the "qt" part. I look pretty normal myself and find most guys in my 'league' cute.
There literally was never one. All the women I've ever met were either complete normies, or had BPD. I'm screwed, because I have OCD: a middle-level mental illness, so I can't relate to the normies, and get rejected by them, but I also can't be with BPD women because they will abuse me, and I can't handle that.
robots have as much of a chance at the fat, ugly, shy ones as they do with the ones they actually want.
Because of that low hanging fruit shouldn't even be considered. Only point to them was that they're suppose to be low maintenance but that isn't even the case so they're worthless
It's exactly like this user says I have experience with women being interested in me but then dropping me immediately once they realize I'm not good at talking
>plain, socially awkward girl
Why should she settle for me when she can get Chad?
i want a nice awkward bf too, but its a bit sad to see most of them are "depressed" or something.
I'm aware of this being a trend among most women, I just wrote a typical
>not all womyn
response since it does seem like a somewhat rare opinion nowadays.
She told me she was looking for someone more interesting.
The depression is a symptom of those traits that you're looking for though.
Well I'd like to believe you too but everything that's happened in my life points against it. The problem is that women all expect the guy to lead conversation to at least a certain degree which I've always failed at no matter how much I try to learn.
Well personally I'd say it's a 50/50 effort as far as most of my convos with other awkward/shy people go.
In order to lead convos with girls you need to be at least somewhat confident, which is an issue with most people here, both genders included. But it is something anyone can work on with enough determination.
I asked her out. You can guess what she said, given that I'm here.
falling in love with almost all of them, doing nothing believing they desire someone worthy
I got with the big eccentric titted weeb girl instead, when I asked her out the quiet flat plain weeb girl cried. Then I dated the big titted weeb girl for 2 years without doing anything sexual because she would have a breakdown every time I tried anything. I suspect she was raped as a kid or something, but she maintained she didn't remember anything and refused to see anyone about it because she didn't like even talking about sexual things. So that sucked. By then the other one had gone full korea obsession and only chased overly groomed asian boys. My dumb horny 15 year old brain just wanted tiddies, now the second one is literally everything I'm after.
Because they don't want me unless I'm buying, a.k.a., a beta orbiter.
>tfw am the plain, socially awkward girl but by now i'm too old and have had bad relationships with guys who made me distrustful of men so i'm not considered pure enough or whatever and nobody will want me anymore
>tfw am [...] girl
Enjoy your free attention and Discord requests.
That's what you get for being a roastie and not planning ahead
>tfw this will probably be me in the future
How can I avoid my fate, user?
establish a social life outside of niche online communities, especially here. you'll lose all of your worth once you grow older and the only hope you have is to get confident irl so you can continue to meet people who'll see you as more than your stats.
I almost did. Things fell apart, I got Jow Forums, now I date more attractive girls. She's still a friend though, so it worked out in the end
>establish a social life
Yeah I've been having some trouble with that for a few years, but I'm not giving up. Thank you, wise femanon.
I fucked up and was interested in another girl when she wanted to be with me
do you know how much I regret it, every day? I was stupid for not giving her another chance
now she's living with some older dude that I don't know and when it out isn't romantic, that should have been me
we talk every so often and it's clearly hard on her, I can't tell where her head it at, but I don't know how to tactfully bring up that I regret my decisions and would totally love her again
No way I'd say 50/50 if we're talking about actual effort here, since women commonly give dead-end responses it falls on the man to come up with new topics and I've just never been good at that. And when conversation fizzles out, women with high standards decide they don't want to talk to an awkward guy, while girls with low standards assume I'm not talking because I'm not interested in them.
I'll just say that I do try my best in convos since I try to ask questions, actually listen, give insightful responses whenever I can, etc. Of course with more social people I lag behind a bit, but becoming a better conversationalist is a goal of mine.
But I have to admit that what you're saying does apply to many girls. The advantages they have in dating naturally result in less effort put into conversations, and while that's a result I'd like to see changed, it does seem to be the norm these days.
Anyway, it's getting late so I won't be able to reply anymore, but I still hope you'll believe me.
Pretty bold of you to assume that. Through all of high school and the 1 year I went to college, not a single girl has shown interest in me and every girl I knew already had boyfriends
Yeah uh, can i get sauce please op? Thank you
I don't know if I'm capable of falling for "I'm not like the other girls" anymore
it's almost like being an awkward man is literal torture. men don't have emotional support as readily available as women do; combine the expectation for men to bottle all their emotions up with even just a slight bit of awkwardness expressing yourself and you've got a perfect storm of loneliness and depression
because she was like 6 years younger than me, autistic, and approached me in a very awkward situation. i sperged out and missed my chance
yeah it must be the influx of normies in recent times but it seems like lots of posters on Jow Forums now just automatically assume that everyone has ever had at least one girl interested in them
It's just like "what do you mean no friends? Everyone has friends!"
The girl in that image you posted is more than likely BPD, therefore trash and not worth it, she's only interested in you as long as she can't have you, the moment she does, enjoy the first 1 or 2 months of honeymoon at best, after that you're be the literal Devil himself in her eyes and everything that happens to her will be your fault.
>t. had a girl do exactly the same thing to me
>found my full real name, home address, phone number and a shit load of other personal details
>all of that from the simple fact that i told her what was the family name of one of my classmates (it was just supposed to be a little 'funny' since his name was literally ''Donut'')
Also notice how it's considering "settling" to have an awkward gf, as if we've had dozens of potential gfs but passed them up for a shot with stacey
I'd just love to have any gf