Reminder that depression isnt real.,
Reminder that depression isnt real
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>implying i have any of those things
Everyone has goals and friends, at the very least
wow I literally do not have a single thing listed in that image. I guess my depression is 100% valid fuckin nice
>Being such a neurotypical normie that you take all of these things for granted and assume that others have them.
Oof. This image was created to make robots mad.
I have none of those except tea (sometimes) and a pet, but it isn't my own.
That said I'm not depressed either so it's all good.
>Everybody has goals and friends
Fuck off normie, you are literally too retarded to understand
I guess I could at least have tea and cookies if I could get myself to the store.
I have food, represented by the tea and cookies, my goals are so lofty I will never reach them (a major source of blackpilling), people love me but not in a romantic way, no real friends, I have pets but being pleased to see me is because they literally depend on me not because they value anything other than my ability to keep them alive
oh user...
too bad depression is super real op, it can be seen on the latest MRI machines in China in real time.
That picture makes no sense. What does it mean by "distracted"? If something is making you sad...then something is making you sad, regardless of being aware of things that you appreciate.
I am incapable of even realizing my goals. I'm almost too scared to ever leave the house. I can't dream of being normal.
same user, haven't left my house since christmas this time
but i found a way to go to school online in a field i enjoy
i literally sit home and do classwork whenever i feel like it, and order supplies from online stores
have you considered anything like that?
oh boy this shit again here we go
Yes, the pic proves normoids can't be depressed.
Looks more like this. Someone also needs to add cigs and make the face much more tired
check out my version
i have all of thoese and it's literally just seasonal
I feel insulted each time someone brags about being "depressed" as much as by people who tell others that depression isn't real. God fucking damn it. I've been feeling like shit for as long as I can remember. Even when I had my abusive girlfriend I felt like shit. Even when I was under medication, I felt like shit. Even when I feel happy, as soon as I realize it, I feel like shit. Nowadays I feel like shit, too. Fuck's sake.
Yeah yeah.
But some good came from your pitiful attempt at shitposting or whatever the goal was - I am going to play with my dog, literally only thing from the picture (well tea is there too but no cookies cuttin them carbs).
I did tear up so go and consider your mission fulfilled now try necking.
Hope you have fun and feel happy if only for a little while, user :)
>I feel insulted each time someone brags about being "depressed"
>even when I had my abusive girlfriend I felt like shit
delet urself my dude
thoughts on my version
This is originally the best version
I wish user... Images like that really get me. Like one with a doorway full of post-its "you must be fine" or sth like that.
However I am going to power through them bad emotions gonna lift some, then go and have a walk. Doggie is sleeping so I ain't gonna disturb him.
Thanks for kind words nonetheless, hope you have some happines too.
>Everyone has goals and friends
I guess I forgot the memo, bitch.
You have no idea, man. She was absolutely crazy. Hideous, too, but she asked me out so I said why not. She probably knew I thought she was the only thing i'd ever be able to get, and she used it to manipulate me. She was nice the first two weeks, and then she started acting batshit insane on and off. Genuinely raped me. She forced me to have sex while on her period, and blackmailed the shit out of me because of it. I have never cried so much in my life. I don't recommend sticking your dick in crazy.
>Pet who
I can't tell if the author is bad at grammar or an animalist. But he's certainly a moron.
Not everyone has friends though
in fact is a mental disease
>Everyone has goals and friends, at the very least
haha yeah y-you tell em user
>Everyone has goals and friends
if you count playing video games and watching anime while getting drunk as goals, and those characters also being your friends then yes, i have goals and friends
buy some tea and cookies then you fucktard do you have any idea how cheap they are
My mum told me this at one of my lowest points. She thought mental illness wasn't real.
So I told her Alzheimer's isn't real. Her mum suffered from it.
That was the worst thing I've ever said. Not proud but I'm just proving a point
I gotta say, this kind of really subtle trolling is the best. Falls nicely into that Poe's Law territory of normiesque post
>only have tea
>not even fucking cookies
What some boring ass scenario life is to have to find a wife that will get fat, annoying and ugly 5 years after you settle down with her, get a house that will start to break down and shits 5 years after you got in it, work like a slave for 30 -50 years+, having kids that are spoiled and annoying that you have to take constantly and all you do is work and take care of kids, your fat ugly wife doesn't want sex anymore because she is too tired from cheating on you while you are at work.. all of this only to end your life shitting yourself in diappers.
When I was a kid I went through some actually traumatic events, I'm not exaggerating like the normies do. I lost my mind for like 2 weeks until I put myself together again. After that I realized that having a normal life is an illusion that can be broken in a single second. The reality is, nobody cares about you and you shouldn't care about anyone else:
All I have is the diploma and tea
Kek, I like how the tap water is hot and still has the steam coming out of the cup
made my own
removed goals because hs dropout, removed pet because i don't own cats and removed friends and girlfriend for obvious reasons.
5000 hours on mspaint
then why am i here, you dribbling dipshit?
I have tea and cookies so i guess my depression is fake
>Everyone has goals and friends
Quality bait right here
This is one of the most fucking out of touch normie-tier things I've seen in my entire life. They can't even comprehend that someone could live without all those things.
>good friends
>goals achieved
>someone who loves you
>tea and cookies
>pet who is happy to see you
They can't even stop and consider that maybe it's BECAUSE someone doesn't have any of those things that they're depressed. Fuck me normies continue to blow my mind with how retarded and myopic they are.
What if I have none of the things in the picture?
Goals they wish to accomplish, that doesn't mean they can or did accomplish them
They arent really out of touch since being a normie is the normal. Its you and the anons who are out of touch, people who actually put work into their life take OPs things for granted because for most people they are.
>They can't even stop and consider that maybe it's BECAUSE someone doesn't have any of those things that they're depressed
For the same reason they didnt include stuff like cancer, substance abuse or disabilities. Theyre very rare and not the norm for most people plus everyone knows theyre affect your life so it goes on without saying.
Youre complaining about author not accommodating your rare condition when the comic is clearly not made for the 1% but major population. Its you who is out of touch and acting like a snowflake
It's like this pic was intentionally made to hurt.
people with gfs/bfs cant be depressed, sure
I only have diploma from pic, nothing else...
The only thing I have there is a pet who's happy to see me.
Parents hate me. I have literally no friends. I have def not achieved my goals beyond a high school diploma but that's hardly a milestone.
jesus user. hope you figure stuff out with yourself. maybe consider counseling, at least for the crazy bitch. it might help.
>fully recognise that I have all of those things except a pet
>still doesn't soothe the endless, dull depressive ache in my chest
fuck normies, the person who made this seems like one of those people who thinks being a little bit 'sad' is the same as depressed
I have been a NEET for four years and have no IRL friends, and to top it off I got hit with a deadly autoimmune disease that requires me to stave off my own body eating itself to death.
Depression is real. Some people don't see the point in living. I have no passion for anything. Doing things is a chore because the rewards I get are meaningless to me. I just want to die.
Also that picture is complete bullshit because if you're in a committed relationship, have a career you're proud of, and a bunch of people that care about you, then it's a completely different, trivial kind of depression, and there's not much you gain from mixing them up.
I tried counseling multiple times these past two years alone. It just doesn't feel right, but I'm still looking for a therapist that I can "click" with. Damage has already been done, though. I hope it works out, too. Thank you.
>goals achieved
Maybe 20 years ago when that piece of paper actually meant something. Everyone and their mothers have that nowadays and it's worth jackshit when it comes to finding job.
>Everyone and their mothers have that nowadays and it's worth jackshit when it comes to finding job.
t man who only got a Bsc from womens studies.
Is some kind of normie joke that I'm too based to understand?
I went through quite literally dozens of therapists until I met my mentor who turned my life around. Keep looking, user.
This fucking picture. If I had one of those things I'd be happy, even tea and cookies.
Hook line and sinker, gj user
>goals achieved
I'm a 27 yo college dropout who works at a hot dog stand
>good friends
My friends have all moved away or moved on
>tea and cookies
I'm a strict diet because of my weight
>someone who loves you
>Happy pet
Fine, granted
This image was drawn by a woman, almost certainly.
Women can not even begin to understand real depression.
Maybe you're not depressed and you're sad because your life just sucks.
>Reminder that depression isnt real.,
That's not depression, user! That's just you being distracted by your body eating itself! Nothing some tea and cookies won't fix ^^
You've cured me OP!
"normie" here. Depression is often literally a chemical imbalance and not attached to the social situation of an individual. Whoever made this image is retarded and doesn't understand mental illness.
this feels too personal
Normie and a tripfag. You truly are a bad person Obama
lol if that's the standard the standard for being a bad person I'm proud to be bad. How about you chill out and listen to some dipset, kiddo. It'll do you more good than bitching about muh tripfags.
my goal is to commit suicide before I'm 25 and things start getting REALLY bad. I'm a khv, don't really feel like becoming a wizard and the women who would settle for me are of such low quality I'd rather just die.
user, where do you think you are right now?
>You have all these great things and you still hate life and feel dry?
>Clearly this is NOT a mental illness
look at this tripfag thinking he's smurt because he blurted out what everyone already knows and get mad when called a tripfag
look at this butthurt user wanting to start an argument because he's desperate for any sort of attention
Know that this was meant to trigger actual depressives, but this is what the average mouth gaper believes depression is.
haha yeah user thanks for reminding me
But seriously, how do you get goals? I never had one and I have exactly zero idea how to get them. I just don't know how, why and which goals I should follow.
This is also pretty much only thing that really really annoys me in life, rest I can work with.
if depression isn't real how can our eyes be real?
you kind of replied to his every post while tripfaggin, it does not get any more attention seeking than this.
I'm not the same guy, just pointing out what i think about a tripfag like you why wants a name in a place known for anonimity
>someone who loves you
fuck off normie
Yes coming onto a board and refusing to partake in what is considered standard practise is bad.
>my goals are so lofty I will never reach them
Let your ego flow through you
Naaah, I'm pretty sure I am.
Everyone is born to compete as he chooses
But how can someone win if winning means that someone loses
I sit and see and wonder what it's like to be in touch
No wonder all my brothers and my sisters need a crutch
The winners, the survivors are the ones who you know about, the ones praised. Everyone ignores the hundreds he killed to get where he is today.
Normalfags are a disease.
Depression is literally a series of chemical imbalances in the brain. Having things can't always cure depression.
life isnt a zerosum game
epic b8 simply epiccc xDDDDD
I have no friends, I have been a foster care drop pass around orphan since i was 6 and my goals are too lofty for me to ever achieve. I do have a dog that loves me, that's the one thing that has kept me from hanging myself yet.
Can anyone prove that it isn't?
The day my husky dies is the day I kill myself. I will have nothing to live for at that point.
Could you let your husky have a puppy?
I feel it inhumane to ask that of my dog. To give me puppies that will be taken from her and for me just to have another dog that will continue this destructive cycle. That dog is the only friend I have in this shit world and I won't subjugate her to my petty whims.
How about adopting another dog now so that way once your older one dies you still have something to live for?
Can't risk it with another pup. I got my husky the day i turned 18 and was tossed from my foster home. We have been together through thick and thin for 10+ years. I dare not taint that bond with some follow up dog that will only be a poor replacement. It's unfair to the next dog and taints my current's memory, that she could be so easily replaced. No, when she dies I will die too; not like I have anyone else to live for.
imagine falling for such low quality bait and calling someone a normie
Elaborate originally blox.