You guys changing your lives at all?
a step a day is all it takes.
my life is shit but letting go of the black pill and moving past that helped a ton
You guys changing your lives at all?
a step a day is all it takes.
my life is shit but letting go of the black pill and moving past that helped a ton
I started smoking and drinking again, staying up all night every night and working on my novel.
>I started smoking and drinking again, staying up all night every night and working on my novel.
at least you are being productive.
smoking and drinking goes together, I quit alcohol as I was an alcoholic and now I just vape even though I quit smoking anyway.
You can get high nicotine salt liquid to vape that helps people quit smoking, but nothing like having a ciggie while you drink is there.
I quit school 2 months ago. Only sitting on my ass playing videogames and getting drunk after that.
Im trying to get into writing
Wrote a short story and submitted it to a magazine, got rejected but the guy said it was a fun story and I should try again which was nice
My crush from college is coming over tomorrow to smoke up. She turned me down a few months ago but we've been chatty and (I think) flirty since then. She said she usually only smokes alone. Not sure what the next play is here, but I'm excited.
That's fucking cool user, keep at it.
I'm doing the same, more orientated towards screenwriting though. I just have no idea how to format a script.
I'm learning Chinese. Only a month in, but I'm able to have basic conversation with Chinese people already.
Put your nose to the grindstone. Not that user but i'm writing and I had to study like a collage student for the past year to have a clue on what I need to do.
Only now do I feel like I have a grasp on writing and publishing.
Could you lend me a hand and tell me how you managed to get into learning Chinese so quickly, I want to learn Italian.
i want to earn millions of dollars and am willing to work hard for it.
just dont know which direction to work hard in.
I started watching some Youtube videos, pretty much. I put in an hour a day and it's coming along smoothly.
Having studied Japanese for half a decade helps since it provides a good foundation for reading.
No one ever made a million dollars doing stuff they hate. What do you like user? Whatchoo into?
improving health, computers (fixing problems)
and thinking about bigger picture problems.
Idk why but since september when I started 10th grade, I've had a crush on some random girl from another class that I later found out was quite a trashy girl but whatever, story for another day.
I was so invested in this crush for some whatever reason that I finally started losing weight and now I went down from 80kg to 70kg since then, I've started becoming more sociable (or at least I try to) and got a bit into the dating thingy but I've become much more chilled out about it after a bit of thnking and also because trashy people in my town and also, the typical 2010s basic teenage girl mindset.
Started taking SSRIs this week. Maybe that'll do something.
I've come to find a certain appeal to the idea of being a corporate slave, more or less.
I mean it more of a sense that I just work a 9-5 office job but I actually want to be invested in it and hopefully raise through the "ranks" or at least get a bunch of raises by working hard and I'd also want the place to have a friendly work enviroment so I can socialize with people (at least then I could have friends).
P.S: I tried summarizing it a lot.
>No one ever made a million dollars doing stuff they hate.
that is BS, people work hard to make money and have to step on people to get there.
Nice guys wont make it, have to have some sociopathic traits
If you can let go of the black pill you never had it.
Black pills are things that keep you up at night or give you nightmares.
You can't escape them, they always find you.
hmm, good to know any youtubers exactly?
>letting go of the black pill
>If you can let go of the black pill you never had it.
I did I was drunk all my waking moments for 6 months straight, spewed up blood
>Black pills are things that keep you up at night or give you nightmares.
see monsters stare at me when I try sleep sometimes after I shut my eyes
>You can't escape them, they always find you.
im on a positive trip despite being the most suicidal I have ever been.
Getting fit and moving city also may visit family there soon.
I am a shut in for 5+ years, deemed unable to work or study because mental issues so gunna get disability.
I was black pilled as shit and would intentionally try harm people psychologically or scam them for fun etc
I am changing.
because I want to escape this hell of a life I have
Have done the same thing but I have yet to date
No, you absolutely can. I spent 4 years at the absolute lowest mental state I could think of. I was covered in severe cystic acne, worked everyday and heard customers calling me ugly/scary, and had been twisted by Jow Forums and Jow Forums blackpills since I was like 16. I was consumed by my short height, appearance, and the way the world was going. My thought process was so twisted it now disgusts me. Honestly not sure how I managed to not sudoku. Working out, taking accutane, and finally moving to a rural town caused me to suddenly view the world more positively. Now I'm planning on finishing my degree while living with my parents and working part time. For the first time, local people like me and I've even had girls call me cute.
based made it story man.
Thanks fren. Glad I didn't wallow in my misery and waste even more years of my life.
>Glad I didn't wallow in my misery and waste even more years of my life.
I hope to reach your point fren
You are not worth changing for. Instead I shall change you
In the past month I got a job, started going to church and a weekly faith group, went out for drinks with people at new job (a first for me, I always used to stick to myself at lunch), cut down massively on weed/tramadol/alcohol (thanks to wagecucking) and started working out. They kind of all feed into each other, once you get going with something it's easier to find motivation to do other good stuff. I'm feeling pretty good although knowing I have to wait up at half 6 tomorrow is ruining my Sunday a little. I'll always miss being a piece of shit NEET, even if it was a waste of my youth.
>You are not worth changing for. Instead I shall change you
someone has already changed me ;)
Hey you are making efforts to get out there good for you user, try cut down on the alcohol and that other shit... weed can be fine and manageable as long you dont use it to cope as it eventually leads to massive tolerance and you need it to feel "normal" and never get high
yeah I was in a slump for about 4 years where all I did was get high, it's so fun at first you quickly fall into the pit of tolerance and dependence without realising it until it's too late. I still really like weed but I realise now you have to treat it with respect same as with other drugs.
>letting go of the black pill
Why would let go of the truth? You took a step backwards here.
I work tomorrow so I'm going to get up early and do some moderate exercise.
because when you grow up you realise you can either spend your whole life blaming everything around you and wallowing in self-pity or get over the fact life isn't fair and make something of yourself
fyi, I didn't actually get to date her, just found out later but the funny thing is that the fact I was crushing on her motivated me, somehow.