my online gf hasnt used skype or steam in a month. which means shes probably moved on and is getting fucked by another guy irl, but i just want to confirm it before i bawl my eyes out. how do i get in contact with her? i have her email too or am i just fucked
My online gf hasnt used skype or steam in a month...
>online gf
youre originally retarded
There there, user, it could be worse. What if she's dead? You'd never be able to find out
origaminally fpbp
Try message her but not too much. Try track down her other accounts. Use things like handle names, reverse image search of profile pictures, ect, see if you can find other accounts of hers. Use those to get leads.
>done this more than I'd like to admit.
>online gf
>only skype and steam
Is skype and steam the only social media you have her on? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Text? Anything?
yea. she has a facebook but idk it. she lives in another country. i messaged her on skype, steam and emailed her yesterday.
Not having access to her other social media makes it seem like it wasn't much of a relationship to begin with. How long were you "together"?
ive known her for like 2 years off and on.
she might be dead dude did you ever consider that?
I hate to say it user but she has left you. I did the exact same thing to an online GF when I was 15, and again when I was 17.
shes not. she was on steam 5 days ago. she doesnt really use steam tho
she is trying to avoid you cuz you're a clingy desperate wierdo
i just want to get in contact with her
if she wanted to talk to you, she'd talk to you. she knows where to find you. get the hint.
If she had half a brain, she would have blocked you. If she hasn't, she will ignore you. Again, hate to break it to you like this, but it happens with almost every online relationship. I have been a proponent of it. It's happened to me. The best thing you can do is let the grief come, it'll hurt a lot, but get ready to move on eventually. I can promise you'll get over it.
i understand that. i still would prefer closure
heres a fact: closure will not help you. no further contact with this person will make you feel better. you just think it will, because you're desperate to try and "fix" the situation, and are thinking if you can only talk to her that you will.
you won't, and she'll probably just lie to you or go further when it comes to avoiding you to avoid the drama of hearing you cry about it. it's been a month, she's either moved on or is busy with her life doing something else. get over it and move on.
this whole desperation move is not a good look. if she was capable of ever having feelings for you in the future, you're burning those bridges now with this behavior. just do you own thing and quit making yourself look worse.
i havent done anything to make myself look worse
blowing her up online with messages on skype, steam, and email when she hasn't responded to you in a month is not good. don't do it anymore.
i havent blown her up with messages