Mods banning al/ck/ threads has caused at least 5+ alchohol related posts a day. Fug the mods
/alck/ thread
what yall drinkin
/alck/ thread
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alch related threads***
Yeah, because now we can actually talk about the drink itself without you drunks shitting up the threads with your talk about addiction.
Muncher gold. Maybe some vodka if I run out
You cunts literally make the same thread
I prefer to keep it to one thread than killing older threads for a beer/spirit/wine/wine variant/spirit variant thread. If the mods thought it was a bad idea to contaminate the alcohol threads. Then they are retarded.
is smirnoff 21 their "normal" vodka brand?
Homebrew lager. Got uni tomorrow so I started drinking at 1 so I'm not hungover tomorrow.
Gin and club soda with a twist of lemon. It's pleasant
al/ck/ threads are definitely an r9k thing. you're all just posting about how depressed and addicted you are and that isn't cooking related.
some jap whiskey that I bought with of few others. using it to get drunk since it was smooth but the flavor was lacking. The ardbeg I bought was my favorite so will save that for sipping or special occasions
These threads are all "how do i taper i have to taper" and "i just vomited all over my girlfriend's sister's pet dog how do i fix myself" and "haha my kidneys exploded for the third time this week life sucks i want to die." That maudlin rubbish would spill over into the threads where people just wanted to talk about various drinks, which has stopped happening since this board stopped hosting a regular magnet for those worthless sacks.
I'm just glad that no other board constantly spams unrelated shit here.
Made some homemade apple wine but something went wrong and it’s got a strong vinegar taste to it, still pretty alcoholic and drinkable similar to kombucha. Also been drinking some salty caramel old smoky tn whiskey. Nice cheap desert whiskey. Anyone have experience making a whiskey bread pudding strong enough to get a slight buzz on?
I agree that the posters are depressed and addicted people. What i cant stand is having 4 different threads, about different alcohol, with alcoholics posting in it. They will always be bowsing this board as cooks are known to be alcoholics. Jow Forums is full of porn and is /b/ 2.0
what is smirnoffs regular brand of vodka then. all i see in the store is thiss and flavored vodka
Okay, please point out where that has been posted.
and supposedly they get banned as well. every time i see an al/ck/ thread the OP seems upset that the last thread got deleted, as if it's surprising to anyone.
they're not enough of a problem to deserve a containment board but i feel like Jow Forums is the closest thing
Guys is it socially acceptable to get blacked out drunk at a coworker's when it's decided you're gonna drink-drink? He kept pouring expensive liquor so I kept drinking
as long as you dont do anything really retarded, yeah i would say it is. if its the kind of night where you keep pouring drinks i dont see the problem. just make sure you dont say anything you'll regret
I said we've managed to suppress that by getting rid of these threads. I'm not spending time delving into the archives to pull up examples from the past just because you lack basic observation skills.
Then don't come to this thread? If that rare event upsets you
Without multiple threads the new drinkers could become infected by the alcoholics.
I've had 3 Palomas, a Pina Colada (not blending, found a weird way to eek it out via shaking, it works), and now I'm having a Cuban Special.
I'm thinking about making an old fashioned or a manhattan next since I got some new Jack Rudy aromatic bitters I wanna try out.
pic related is my liquor cabinet last night, I've since gone out and added the previously mentioned bitters, some Centenario blanco tequila and Plantation 3 star white rum.
If by chance I get numerals that repeat the first person to respond can pick my next cocktail.
Damn I wish I could drink as much as you and still feel nice
It's all in proper measuring. The three palomas only has 1 1/2 oz of tequila, the pina colada 2oz light rum, and the cuban special only 1oz of light rum. space that out over 3 hours and I'm feeling like I could be the guy in the state trooper DUI commercial saying, "I can probably drive...".
Now on a more serious note cause I finished that cuban special..
1) old fashioned w/ the new bitters
2) manhattan w/ the new bitters
3) mix me a drink based on the image above (I have sweet vermouth, pineapple juice, lime juice, lemon juice, cream of coconut, honey syrup, simple syrup, demerara syrup, lemon lime italian soda, blood orange soda, and grapefruit italian soda in the fridge)
dude buy Sky vodka its like the same price and way smoother and doesn't cause half the hangover.
I love reporting you degenerates
Gin poster from earlier.
This isn't that bad especially if you're a seasoned drinker. People don't realize that eating a meal + mixers + spacing helps you drink a lot in a day.
Mine is a double pour of gin with mineral water. The water is about 175ml. Keep refilling the short glass when it's half full (so I don't drink the gin all at once) and I can stretch my drinking out enough to not be hammered while also staying reasonably hydrated.
but weed is not degenerate right duuuuude
I ended up making a Manhattan and thought I'd bring a bit of class to the /alck/.
Yep hydration is a key factor, I've been told by many a seasoned drinker that it's wise to at least drink 8-16oz of water between drinks. I could spend an entire evening drinking cocktails and water and wake up the next morning at 8am like any other normal morning.
Would've been better with a better rye. Everything ilse is good.
Anyone know why my homebrew beer tastes like wine?
I wast testing the ABV with a hydrometer and tasted my dry lager (i added draught + some other yeats + dry enymes). But the after taste, tasted like faint red wine. Is this a bad sign>?
Water, and eat before and after. Sometimes I'll take a naproxen before bed. Always a shower the next morning. I still can't find a way to get past the sluggishness of a hangover that doesn't involve caffeine (which is a bad idea if you drink.)
I also added 1kg of dextore and hops
don't bother communicating with that child mind retard.
I like to drink Bacardi 8, just two shots mixed w/cola then smoke a bowl to activate it and set it off. It gives a really great buzz without needing to drink half a bottle and kill you liver. For some reason it only works if you drink then smoke but as far as i know its the safest way to get to the brink without killing you body
Used to get crossfaded back in the day. Might have to pick it up again
Rittenhouse is a good enough rye and given Dolin is a mid range sweet vermouth (really wish my store wasn't out of Cocchi) it works. I will say that Rittenhouse works better in an old fashioned but gotta do with what ya got.
Hey /alck/. I have a bottle of kahlua that is 6 months out of date. Will it kill me?
I'll be honest and say I don't drink a lot of rye, but midsummer night's dram is dope. Worth the splurge.
You make that sound much more sophisticated than it probably turned out to be.
>eye measure red solo cup with some Bacardi
>I think it was 8, I dunno I'm fucking high as fuck LOL
>dude.. drink booze then we smoke some weed.. classy Carrybeans we are now rasta rasta LOL!
Rittenhouse is great for mixing, I would never use it for sipping but mix away with it. It's always good to know your staples for mixing and the brands that are just meant to sip.
True. I can't disagree there. I'm a heathen and mix things that are too good to mix. But I like it so idc
What's your next one gonna be?
So are Bon appetit threads but they stay up for days
It's not a rare event. It's not happening now because of these threads being weeded out. Are you retarded? Stupid question. You've killed half your brain with alcohol. Allow threads like this to persist, the crowd will get wind of it and gravitate back here to resume their old ways. Once again those fuckheaded shitbrains will be spoiling any conversation pertaining to alcohol. This thread can't be deleted soon enough.
im in a lot of pain
This is a cooking board. Shouldn't this thread be about the ways alcohol is used in cooking?
My next drink? I'm probably gonna top off with an old fashioned. As for another rye.. I might swing over and grab some Old Overholt BiB or maybe some Bulleit unless I spot something new and interesting. I just got off a brand new local limited run by Old Dominicks that I was waiting on for years and still have a bit left. Pretty good stuff but I'm pissed I couldn't get my hands on their limited run gin.
Then it shouldn't be too hard to find an archive sweetie :^)
shut the fuck up you know nothing of me or us we experience what you do not so you have no right to conform our thinking to your incredibly shallow and disgusting ways
Most of the cooking threads are garbage shit threads about fast food and don't take cooking even a quarter as serious as some of the people in this thread take the art of fine cocktail crafting. It's all related to culinary art so it works on a board meant for 'cooking and food'.
For me, it's a sour beer.
Fuggles & Warlock Kiwami Plum.
Curious about this gin... You'll have to bring it up if you try it.
My normal go-tos are Monkey 47, Old Raj, Nolet's, and Beefeater if I'm feeling cheap. Used to get a local gin back when I was in flyover country and it was amazing.
I gave your sister some fuggles last night
So does anyone subscribe/watch any cocktail channels on youtube? I generally watch the following:
Cocktail Chemistry
Common Man Cocktails
The Educated Barfly
How To Drink
lol i live in the north Cuba / south Canada area known as Florida, we're a small but proud country of which our main export is get'en fukd up and through many years of hard work dedication we have mastered it to a science. You see unlike most alcoholics we don't drink to self destruct, we intend to get wrecked for as long as possible with many of our veterans lasting well into their 90's (that's a soild 75years of get'en trashed) needless to say we figure out thee most efficient ways of milking our dopamine receptors and rum then smoke is preferred method
If you're looking for a different gin in the American style I strongly suggest finding either Bristow or Bluecoat, they're both amazing gins that have very unique flavor profiles.
Never had Bristow. Bluecoat is my preferred gin for a gimlet or a Tom Collins. It's very citrusy and that works sometimes.
Oh you live in Florida? I was born and fucking raised in Florida and you're what we call Northern transplant trash. Why not ship your garbage ass back to Ohio or whatever shit snowbird state your kin rolled out of and leave the sunshine state in peace.
Anybody got any good tips to taper off the booze?
Anyone can quit. Not everyone needs to quit, but if you need to, you can do it.
Drink the same amount each day and one drink less each week.
can you school my on whisky? i bought some red label johnny walker and it tastes like smoky soap water, whats the difference between scotch, bourbon, rye etc? i had some makers and it was ok but i don't understand the types of whisky? i mostly drink vodka or rum but i want to understand why you fags get so pompous about whisky, halp meh?
Don't listen to
Determine how many standards drinks you normally have in a day, do that and then one less every day until you're down to zero. You'll avoid the dangerous withdrawal symptoms this way but the extended symptoms like insomnia and depression/anxiety can persist for 1-3 months after your last drink. If you can try to wait at least one month before drinking next, and remember that every time you experience withdrawal symptoms it become easier for you to have them again and they generally get worse
It's a lot to get into when it comes to whiskey but here's a youtube channel that'll probably answer your questions better than I could:
as for Johnny red label, it's more for mixing (ie: Rusty Nails) than for straight sipping. Think of it as the base Jack Daniels of scotch. If you're looking to sip Johnny I'd suggest Green label as it's a good blended scotch for that purpose.
I'm the guy who said yes. It's no. 21 like Jack is number 7 or whatever I don't drink Jack, the other guy is A tard
This is way too fast of a taper.
The part about withdrawal is correct
born and raised south of Okeechobee which is what we consider to be FL actual, anything north of Orlando is basically south GA methfag beachbillies and nobody talks about what between Okeechobee/Orlando because as far as we're concerned there is nothing except miles of i95 or turnpike that you can't drive fast enough to escape
>remember that every time you experience withdrawal symptoms it become easier for you to have them again and they generally get worse
What does this mean?
capping off the evening w/ an old fashioned made from this whiskey using demerara syrup, and the Jack Rudy aromatic bitters. To quality old fashioned.
This isn't food and cooking related. Back to Jow Forums where you belong
My family has been in FL since the 1840s, you're a fucking transplant no matter what you say you degenerate piece of SF snowbird shit. DRIVE NORTH and never return.
i just tried old grand dad and it was fucking gross fuck whoever said i should buy it i'll stick with my wild turkey thank you
Old Granddad is bottom shelf poor drunk tier, Wild Turkey is at least low midrange (also getting Wild Turkey 101, mixing it with Ben & Jerry's vanilla ice cream = god tier ice cream heaven).
Damn this thread is good and comfy as shit. Mods should let it stay
I actually just got out of rehab and quitting was the easy part, I didn't even taper I just stopped cold turkey. Staying clean once you get out though, that's the challenge.
Why do so many people say Florida is absolute shit-tier? What do the non-beach/non-swamp parts even look like?
My family is based Florida Crackers, cattle ranchers who worked cattle up and down the spine of the state for over 100 years. Anyone else is fucking shit as far as I'm concerned. If you're not bleeding cracker blood you're bleeding Northern carpetbagging piss.
claiming a 180 year heritage while trashing me for drinking rum, yea fukin right poser. my blood would freeze at 78 degrees F if it wasn't 40% rum.
RUM isn't made in Florida you fucking shit stained sack of shit! We might make drinks from it but the shit is made a few hundred miles south of our penis shaped spit of land. I'm trashing you because you out right said you're from the Miami area which means you're either Northern transplant trash or you should have been shipped back to Cuba already. GO HOME and GTFO Florida you transplant/refugee trash.
>non-beach/non-swamp parts even look like
no such thing, it one or the other. scrub pine or mangroves, black Angus or sugar cane and we were a free state long before the North
>What does this mean?
The dreaded "kindling."
>The body becomes increasingly sensitive to changes in neurotransmitters, as GABA floods the brain during periods of drinking too much and is suddenly stopped during periods of abstinence. Over a few cycles, the risk of developing delirium tremens, seizures, and other health problems associated with unsupervised alcohol withdrawal dramatically increases.
It doesn't happen to everyone, but if it does, you're fucked if you don't quit for the long haul. If I got drunk tonight, I would feel the stings of physical withdrawal sometime tomorrow, even after just one night of drinking. Shaking, raised blood pressure, unable to sleep, etc. If I did it two nights in a row, I'm looking at those symptoms amplified, plus maybe hallucinations. Three in a row, I'm looking at roughly a week of WDs which border on DT.
fuk off we moved south from the panhandle when the Army Corps of Engineers came south to build the intracoastal and waterways. We been here long enough. besides you act like south FL wasn't covered in sugarcane and if you think we wern't distilling it here you're a moron
i'm convinced wild turkey is the best mixer. works great with everything in my experience
austin do you still post here?
Haha you live in Florida enjoy your mosquitos and methheads
I'm shaking my hand coordination doesn't work very well everything irritates me and I can't sleep.
been off the booze for 9 months
Good for you pallie. :)
Can you losers please fuck off to where you belong and not spread your fucking misery to /ck/? Thanks
>threads about beverages that contain alcohol belong on socialization boards more than the Food and Cooking board
ok lol
Yeah no. All you faggots do in your threads is talk about how pathetic you all are.
If these threads bother you then have you tried not opening them?
If they weren't here at all I wouldn't have to
You don't have to come here anyway
You chose to click on this thread
You chose to read the posts
You chose to leave a reply
Your anger is your own fault