It's actually quite funny how quickly normalfags resort to "i bet you're an incel" or whatever easy personal attack they assume. I mean look at this
It's actually quite funny how quickly normalfags resort to "i bet you're an incel" or whatever easy personal attack...
the internet makes you stupid
I made picrelated for you OP, you can use it next time a normie resorts to that
well. This "incel" is just the new swear word. Nobody is really using it by it's meaning. It turned up suddenly and will wanish just like the ones before it.
It is just an insult in itself nothing more.
No one ever fucking used incel as a term at all here until Elliot killed some people. Then it blew up cause that faggot had to write a fucking thesis on himself and reddit fags, sjws and the like ate up the term and forced it everywhere.
It wasn't used much here either until those fucks got kicked off reddit and came here.
its the hot new buzzword my dude
Normies are unevolved beasts, really.
As fedora-tipping as it is to say it, they really do just eat, fuck, shit, sleep. Their "work" is usually something that involves a lot of bullshitting and shuffling papers (if not doing manual labor, lol) but no real intellectual activity. Often normies will disdain any intellectual activity that doesn't get them money they assume can be transformed into access to pussy within a timeframe of a few years tops.
Their idea of intellectualism is watching a "serious" documentary on TV sometimes, reading an actual newspaper, or reading a pop politics book by Michael Moore or Dinesh D'Souza depending on affiliation. You get the idea.
And I assume you're an intellectualist yourself, working for nasa and shit yeah?
Normies don't even understand the concept of Incel and Chad
buttblasted normie
The OP probably was a subhuman incel, but yeah it's basically become a useless buzzword
>It's actually quite funny
the only way anyone can believe these things is if you're an incel, but you're offended when you're called out for it because you like to pretend these beliefs are anything but a cope (defense mechanism)
>the only way anyone can believe these things is if you're an incel have believed this for thousands of years
indeed they dont, NPC meme isnt even a meme, although I prefer calling normalfags herd animals
they cant fucking think for themselves
As if being a normie is in any way worse than a robot, kek
Thanks, Norman.
I bet you're an incel.
You have no room to judge other you reject. You post on Jow Forums. You are the lowest form of human there is.
So you can throw insults at people but get butthurt when they do it back lol
Where are all these normies coming from (originally)?
...I mean, incels are pretty much the only people who identify as "male supremacists". It's a reasonable assumption.
You're a loser OP. Always were,always will be.
just got back from church and need to kill some time before i go to the mall with the gf. going to dunk on your loser asses
why dont you go back to r*ddit? no one gives a shit about your autistic subreddit wars
From /b/ you fucking retard. Just because i dont agree with calling my mother a useless baby making tool, doesn't make me a normie
point to me where the """insults""" are
>before i go to the mall with the gf
Whoa guys clear a path, big man Chad is going out to spend a few hours shopping with a woman, what a stud
based assmad virgin
>got back from church
Well aren't you just adorable, do you call random women Ma'am and listen to banjo music too
atheist incel hahaha oh no no no no
later dipshits
because its obvious that youre are some buttblasted virgin faggot.
holy shit why are you zoomers so retarded? you keep sperging out like a dumb autist but pretend to be some successful good looking rich guy at the same time. its obvious retard you cant fool anyone. its like those ugly fat niggers and mediocre girls with too high expectations on twitter
lol incels are seething. Time to kill yourselves.
Worthless sacks of shit.