Stop browsing Jow Forums. Start browsing Jow Forums. It's not too late to save the world.
Stop browsing Jow Forums. Start browsing Jow Forums. It's not too late to save the world
Jow Forums are robots too, but with 10x the paranoia
They're about the same, just swap roasties for Jews
why would i stress myself out by absorbing pol
It's perfectly possible to hate both. In fact, reasonable. The Jew personifies Roastieness, and the Roastie personifies Jewishness. They are both extremes of the feminine qualities of deception, treachery, wily weakness, jealousy, thievery and resentfulness against their superiors.
>masculinity: honesty, strength, straightforwardness
>femininity: manipulation, weakness, deception
be strong and live well
only an idiot would be so stupid to belive that the white race which is so superior to the others to make them look subhuman could be secretly ruled by a bunch of skinny nerds with a hook nose
>so superior to the others to make them look subhuman
true though, look at all the facts of the world
>secretly ruled by a bunch of skinny nerds with a hook nose
not secretly and not "ruled." being an evil nuisance is not the same as ruling. criminals do criminal shit all the time, they're still just assholes/niggers.
Jow Forums is a shitshow now with mods not bothering to delete the 5th orange man bad thread. It's one thing to not like the guy, its another for low effort shill threads and have like 8 of them at a time.
this legitimately makes men sound stupider than women
>masculinity: honesty, strength, straightforwardness
according to Jow Forums nowadays it also includes being upset by comic book movies and twitter posts
>masculinity: honesty, strength, straightforwardness, confidence
>femininity: manipulation, weakness, deception, nurturing
>according to Jow Forums nowadays it also includes being upset by comic book movies and twitter posts
This is called standing up for yourself and retaliating against your enemies, a very masculine quality. Not that you'd know anything about masculinity, soiboy.
>This is called standing up for yourself and retaliating against your enemies, a very masculine quality. Not that you'd know anything about masculinity, soiboy.
>someone said something bad on the INTERNET ;_;
the epitome of masculinity in 2019
The world today isn't worth saving. Best you can do is build a solid shelter and wait out the storm.
I moved from Jow Forums to here actually. It's really just alot of the same stuff, where for example some idiot is shilled over and over on Jow Forums, and the (((pink pill))) is shilled hard over here at the same time. Remember guys, it's still the same website.
>someone said something bad on the INTERNET ;_;
No, more like the entire media is trying to influence everyone with anti-male propaganda all around. Nice try downplaying it, bugman, but your gaslighting won't work. You disgusting feminized bugs will be exterminated soon.
paranoia and lashing out at every tiny thing as a potential threat is a womanly trait. the fearful reaction being used over and over evokes the behavior of a mother with OCD who must scrub every inch of the yurt, whose behavior is useful because of shit like infectious diseases. men strike once, brutally and efficiently, in time to return home and tend to their crops.
guess which behavior suits internet shitposting.
niggers are the opposite of bugpeople. meanwhile incels/poltards want to tear down hypergamy and think women need to be kept on a short leash so we can all be ideal consumer/producer units for the sake of the hive
>left hates the 1%
>right hates the kikes
why don't we all just band together already???
stop trying to name the jew. call them the spectacle like guy debord did
>mr hivemind with a folder of shopped pictures, fake graphs and charts and various propaganda saved under redpills
Just because you like the color of your echo chamber doesnt mean your life is better
No, nationalism and muh huwhite race are a cope
>Stop browsing Jow Forums.
why cant r9k be made into lebensraum?
The iron pill is alright. Their only problem is they buy into spooks like nationalism and muh genetic lineage
go back to your containment board you insufferable pseudo-intellectual autist.
>messageboard incel: manipulation, weakness, lies
>well adjusted human: honesty, strength, truth
>It's not too late to save the world.
>messageboard "incel": redpilled, brutally honest and not afraid to speak his mind, accepts harsh truths, doesn't live in a fairy tale and tries to live in the real world
>"well adjusted" human: cucked, bluepilled feminized, brainwashed by SJW trickery, thinks in retarded leftist ideals
>it's not me it's all the others
Alright, but only a woman would think that. A wise and intelligent person can discern between what works in the long-term and what works only in the selfish short-term.
>implying 4channers aren't the most conspicuous perpetrators of lies, deception, and manipulation on the internet who try to cause problems for regular people because of their own insecurities which they're too scared to face on their own and chalk up to it being the jews fault or women's
>enlightened high IQ incels will win the war against the bluepilled NPC sheeple
Gigacope, kys faggot
>t. buttblasted migapede
>>messageboard "incel": redpilled, brutally honest and not afraid to speak his mind, accepts harsh truths, doesn't live in a fairy tale and tries to live in the real world
All these trannies seething in this thread
>implying we're not all dead in the long-run
nihilism is like, so deep man
You know that you're not fooling anyone when you samefag like this, right?
btw fuck you op for trying to recruit the dregs of humanity. it's the opposite of helpful
It's not nihilism to recognize that you have a very limited time on earth and so its best to spend it enjoying yourself and potentially helping others enjoy themselves if that suits you. What's good can literally change from moment to moment and from individual to individual, for instance, in my twenties I may enjoy screwing around but in my thirties I may find it beneficial to have a family.
Capitalism is based entirely around what works in the short-term anyways. Long-run planning in business isn't a good in itself, it only works because it ensures more consistent profits over the long-term but its only really desirable for companies that are already big.
Jow Forumstards are robots too but deluded enough to believe that if they live conservatively and be a good boi their aryan virgin princess will fall down from the sky to save them from loneliness
wow, we've actually climbed down from nihilism to hedonism. cool
sure tranny whatever you say
Have you considered that you might just be a snowflake with a persecution complex?