Been a little while since I visited this board I got the blues to bring me back here
How are all the sad regulars doing
I have Borderline Personality Disorder AMA
hows it like being a psychotic cunt user?
What's it like fapping during a maniacal episode? Can I have that part but not the depression?
I'm a NEET so I'm bored all the time and the loneliness is awful, no where will hire me but I don't think I could cope in a workplace anyway. Psychotic is the wrong word, people throw it around without realizing what it means
My heart rushes and I nearly pass out from the excitement but afterwards I usually feel guilty and shameful cos when I'm manic I fap to some weird shit. The orgasms are always great though. You could probably get the same feeling without the depression if you had meth but idk
Unable to distinguish reality from fantasy/imagination.
>cos when I'm manic I fap to some weird shit.
That's better than coprophilia. That is... unless you mean coprophilia.
Which isn't what most people with BPD are like unless they have bipolar on top of that, a lot do have bipolar on top of that but I don't
Yuckies, I like weird shit but not literal shit
and you shouldn't have come back
Diagnosed by a professional or is it just an excuse for your unbearable behaviour?
Me too
Diagnosed, and unlike a lot I actually try to get better. I don't interact with a lot of people though so a lot don't even get grief from me
How were you abused?
Good to see you again, OP. Did your BPD used to be worse in the past, or is your Borderline still escalating?
>Different to other people so you get labelled with a disorder and treated like a maniac
Daily reminder to fit in and be like everyone else. Even though you arent and never will be.
Not everyone is abused when they have BPD, I was mainly neglected, I discovered from a few therapy sessions that I might have been molested by my mum and just kinda pushed away the memories but I'm doubtful that happened. But yea mainly it was just that my parents never had time for me and my mum was a horrible parent. They just stuck me in front of video games when I was 5 years old then let the games and the internet parent me instead
Nice to know someone who used to visit the threads are still here. I'd say things are nonetheless the same if not slightly better. Just taking things one step at a time I suppose
Most people with BPD do fit in, and some people never even realise that you have BPD, you're just seen as more outgoing or wild than others or something along those lines. I always tried to fit in and I did with my little friend groups. I was a bit of a social outcast in school but I still got along with everybody
sup you crazy hoe you wanna have some sex?
Yea but not with you, I have standards and I don't whore around
uhhuuhhh sure thing
>I'm a shitty person AMA
Original post #12532342