bost em up, lets go
post sticcs
Sticc thread
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Fuck off avery. Stop glorifying mental illness. Your lifestyle is unhealthy. You people fucking stink. Literally, you smell like cold garbage. You look like you survived the Holocaust. Eat a sandwich you fucking oven dodger.
>posted with a black girl
opinion invalid but i will humour u
i genuinely have no intents of glorifying mental illness, i just found a repetitive posting topic and i went with it. i went for sticc instead of thicc because thicc is seen a sexy/hot/porn tier and sticc can be pretty, cute, and elegant - its associated more with children sometimes, therefore its cute and not to be sexualized. and im not trying to make sexualized threads. i hope that all makes sense
It's not cute, pretty or elegant. It's dangerous.
well, maybe sometimes. to each their own
are you a racist? origi
nah im not genuinely racist persay just have my preferences
it's ok to be racist, you don't need to lie. this is Jow Forums after all
Yes she is racist, this is what this whole anorexia thing is about. She's so hateful of black womens bodies that she will literally kill herself to look the opposite.
of course its ok to be racist, but i wasnt being dishonest, just depends on ur pesronal definition of racist ig. i dont think mixed people are as bad as pure black people but wouldnt wanna be around someone with a mixraced kid/dont believe in racemixing
that's definitely racist. how do you feel about gays and trans? how about other races? asian and hispanic? middle eastern?
entirely indifferent to asian men, love japanese girls. we have japanese girls at our school and i'm gonna be giving one a tour of the school/accompanying one on a field trip to two various cities. pretty exciting
my first internet friend was a hispanic girl and she was pretty cool tho where she was from seemed trashy
grown indifferent, though it feels like a lot of it is a phase. i had one irl gf and she just ended cheating on me with two males then it turned out she was pregnant wtf wtf wtf
they will never rly pass but meh
>middle eastern
dont see em here
She looks like she self harms
that girl? maybe, plenty of people do
oh you're a japanophile, makes sense then
yeah i think its pretty cringe but i am. japanese people are so nice and polite to me
God it looks fucking dead
>tfw boys do everything better
yuh thats intentional because this is going for the pale/winter theme, would u like me to start posting more alive looking things or
No surprise these people hate themselves.
everyone has their own personal taste but personally i dont really like male thinspo and dont save it. its ok if u like it tho
plenty of people hate themselves. unfortunate huh
Is it your yt channel? If yes are you ever gonna make more videos?
I'd happily date a sticc, but she would stay sticc for long.
yeah unfortunately it is, pretty cringe if you ask me, just two videos recorded in my school bathrooms. i do not think so but i will consider it. if i ever end up all alone outside and heavily bored i will do so.
rip this bread, next time