What are your major malfunctions?
What are your major malfunctions?
>Should I be concerned of the legitimacy of these or am I just fucked
oops spastic and forgo to post img
Last time I had schizotypal and borderline as very high
ur fucked mang, sorry
Pretty much the same as every other test I've done online.
Fuck, doing mental illness tests like this always just remind me how much I hate myself
Guys, I'm shaking. I'm fucking shaking.
I never wanted to be a normal person more than I want to right now. That perfect, powerful body. That intelligent smile. The epic FACTS and LOGIC of a literal libtard cucklord destroyer. It honestly fucking hurts knowing that I'll never be a normal human being.
This is pretty much correct.
I think only the very highs count though. Those two are the main issues.
>comment was not original
>comment was not original
>comment was not original
Thanks, guys. You make me feel better about my own results.
Im suprized about schizoid result, probably was pushed down by some other questions
no problem!
So, am I fucked?
>this is without a doubt, original
wonder why i have no friends lols
user why am i like this please
>free online test
>thinks it is a reliable measure of mental health
Sometimes I just space out thinking about how retarded this board is.
literally the same like you OP
didnt you copy it of from a thread where i posted ? kek
>antisocial higher than narcissistic
I wouldn't be too worried. You have to fit very specific criteria to be diagnosed with a personality disorder, professionals don't just hand them out.
Not surprised to be honest
>comment was not original
The last severe results I've ever gotten from this test
when I think about it, it is mostly true
thoughts on my results? original orgasm
thought i'd collect them together
"B-but people are honest and good-will empathetic Christians, user, what do you fear of us? We just wanna help you :)"
so what originally now
Narcissism is Satan's greatest gift.
>Unlike avoidants, schizoids genuinely prefer to be alone and do not secretly wish for popularity.
Schizoid master race.
I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a schizophrenia when I become older, my father and his siblings have a schizophrenia
Its how accurate this feels that really scares me :(
i think this is pretty accurate desu
I guess this is test is actually pretty accurate, what does this say about me anons?
kinda explains why i talk to myself like there is second me in me or smtn like that
No it's no accurate, stop beliving in it
What does this mean? Am I going to die?
Not now, but do be cautious if you hear a knock on the door
>implying anyone would ever knock or that I would ever answer the door
look at mine I'm sure you'll be fine
>very high chance of schizoid
>Moderate chance of dependant
You are totally fucking fucked mate
Well i'm not so fuck up i think
well this is unexpected
website for the bar graphs?
Oof asdef
I know this isn't a real diagosis, but should I be worried?
I am a piece of shit, aren't I ?
DisorderResultParanoidDisorderHighSchizoidDisorderVery HighSchizotypalDisorderModerateAntisocialDisorderModerateBorderlineDisorderModerateHistrionicDisorderLowNarcissisticDisorderHighAvoidantDisorderHighDependentDisorderHighObsessive-CompulsiveDisorderModerateDo I Have a Personality Disorder? --
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am i gonna be okay friends?