why are jewesses so qt, lads?
Jewess appreciation thread
>why are jewesses so qt, lads?
khazar milkers
>tfw no milky mommy jewish wife
based and jewesspilled
feels bad man
I unironically like bignoses
jewish noses are cute on women
I think they look elegant
agreed, jewish women do have a more refined aura than other women
To pose a question, who's your favorite Jewess?
Never thought I'd see the day where a thread on Jow Forums would appreciate jews.
bumping with more Shapiro
Polcels are hypocrites and will drop they're plastic peaked caps then bid their allegiance to Israel just for one sniff of her gas chamber.
Why do they all look like pic related?
>tfw no qt Jewish khazar milkies mommyfu to RICE and breed a family of neurotic super happymerchants with
Feels bad man
Look at how ugly this JUDE is
imagine how exotic they must find a natural penis like mine
>short clean fingernails
she'd stimulate the prostate for sure
>unironically tfw no anne frank gf
Hershlag of course!
bump for more khazar milkers
Who is this woman exactly?
Abigail Shapiro, she's Ben Shapiro's sister
abella danger
abella danger is hot af
Jewish women > all other women
She's so fucking filthy. I love her.
Yeah she's a good Jude.
It's evident the Jews create half breeds to poison the minds of the mightiest of people.
Turning men into weak, fat blobs full of female hormones and hot pockets.
do yourself a favor and quit porn Goy.
Her muscles are bigger than mine. I'm a guy.
assbsolutely based
Do something about it dude.
Are jews white? Is it racemixing to breed a jewess?
I Love jewesses only if they have green eyes though
never been to /hr/ huh
they're caucasian
IDF girls are pretty damn cute
Dont you just want to kiss those lips? Cmon user you know you want her
Ever notice how all r9k waifus are jewesses?
shills are getting desperate orig
>Ever notice how all r9k waifus are jewesses?
I don't think that's true
ITT: Another goddamned Jewess begging for affection because no amount of back-alley blowjobs will ever make up for the disgusting personality her shitty people are known for.
7 out of 12 of those girls are very jewwy looking and at least 3 have confirmed Jewish ancestry.
It's not a coincidence
because non elite jews are degen shutin retards incapable of social interaction like us ?
Considering how autistic Jews are and how crazy they go if they hear anything they consider racist/sexist/nazi they flock to Jow Forums like a plague.
we got left right (((above))) and beyond here
what unites us ?
She's so trad. My gwad.
Jane from Breaking Bad is like half Jewish or something.
Krysten Ritter and Winona Ryder are top tier jewfus, something about pale skin and dark hair really gets me going.
Gas them. Gas them all. The most powerful echelons of the Jewish people can't be trusted. They're manipulative by nature and should not be trusted.
but they have the cutest women
this is true but they already won user. people dont care about this anymore, they want starbucks and chinese goods
These days it seems like practically anyone who accuses others of being "manipulative" is also trying to manipulate. At the end of the day everyone has ulterior motives.
Cutest and smartest.
>Inb4: don't judge me for my taste.
This one is my favorite.
She's underage here.
There are very few places in the world where the age of consent is 18