Would you be her househusband?
Would you be her househusband?
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being a muscle girl is probably very time consuming, so it would be better if she had a husband that worked while she goes to the gym. that way there would be enough money
Why is that man wearing a sports bra?
ok dude, we get it, you got a wierd fetish and you're attracted to females with huge muscles and zero femininity aka you're a case of a closeted homosexual, but can you please stop shilling those monstrosities so much? like tranny cock wasn't enough already, sheesh
>walking down a dark alley when this girl jumps out of the shadows and pins you against the wall
>sticks her finger up your anus so that your dick gets hard involuntarily
>rapes you while calling you a pathetic slut
Yes. I would love that.
Literally can't think of anything I'd like more.
Only if she promises to hurt me.
Fuck, I would love to wrestle with her and feel her every muscle.
Eventually get pinned down and my prostate massaged.
she makes me :(
Oh god yes
Literally my dream wife
>Imagine hearing her open the door and drop her gym bag unceremoniously and her heavy footsteps coming your way.
>No matter what you're doing, she suddenly grabs you and tosses you in the general direction of the bed.
>Then she strips off and forces her cunt onto your mouth and demands you make her cum before she'll let you get up.
The only thing hotter would be if she used to be tiny and submissive and now this isn't even her final form.
Yes, we would have strong big dicked children together
>she fucks every chad bodybuilder in the gym while you work
i guess if that's what you're into
I'll be nobody's husband, I do what I want.
I bet she has a long clit.
she could also be fucking other guys while you stay at home as a househusband. there's no real way to foolproof this. ideally both would be working and there'd by an home gym since gym memberships are expensive
Did the Golden One get a fucking sex change??
Although I have a varbie fetish I wouldn't want to be their boyfriend or husband, I'd rather be their enabler y'know. Feed them tons of anavar and beef.
>ideally we'll both wageslave
What a shitty ideal. Ideally, I'd be rich and support us both as NEETs.
What's the difference?
Get a normal gf and enable her a private gym and as much var as you can afford.
YESSS! Corr Imagining the chad sons she will bare me
I don't want to date them, fuck em, or anything intimate. I just wanna see them get huge.
I know a guy who was a stay-at-home husband. The marriage lasted maybe two years. On the weekends, the wife would go to therapy, where'd she stay overnight until Sunday night when she'd come home to hubby and do normal married couple stuff (I suppose). One weekend though, she came back from her sleepover therapy and just flat out told him that a divorce was coming and that everything about him disgusted her. She said she had stopped loving him a month after their marriage and the remaining time was her trying to cope with the fact that she married a guy who wanted to be the wife in the marriage.
Oh yeah and that weekly "therapy" she was going to was the real man with his own home and job she was seeing on the side, whom she considered to be her real lover the entire time.
True story. I laugh only because it's hilarious.
That's sad, but not unexpected.
We didn't evolve for men to be idle and women to go out and work.
I want her to pin me down and milk me dry
she's such a qt desu
>tfw no shy qt azn gf to pump full of anavar and watch her grow
the whole point of wanting a muscle girl, is that they work harder than regular girls
why would they want a guy whos lazy?
>I just wanna see them get huge
why does this make me diamonds?
>dat pump
>dem veins
I jist want a gf who wants to make me big not the other way around damn
a big gf can make you big desu
absolutely patrician taste. i'm currently working on blowing up my girl, went to the gym today. amazing
going to need some source
how big would you like her to get?
Sara Bradley @smallbutmighty20
>zero femininity
first of all you're wrong, tons of wheyfus that get posted here have plenty of feminine features, muscles don't just take those away
Second of all you're saying that gays are attracted to women, that's like saying traps are straight because they look like girls even though they have penises.
Ideally this mode. She used to play basketball and volleyball and if she leaned out a little her lower body is almost already there. Just need to get the upper to match.
Fuck I hate this world
It's not fair how women can just take the easy way out of school/wageslaving and become a housewife and never have to do shit the rest of their lives
What's even worse is that women pretend that option DOES exist for men, they'll always say shit like "oh guys can do it too, there's plenty of girls that like working!"
That's not the point you stupid cunts
muslegirls in dresses really get me going
>that left picture
just be a neet lmao
patrician taste desu
so cute and buff
Shame to hear, I'm a stay at home dad and we're happy together and going strong after years. In the minority of successful relationships like thus though, I realize.
i know right? such a great combo
not an option for me unfortunately
I'd sell my soul for a chance at being a NEET
Muscle girls make my penis big.
just be handsome lmao
from her insta
>actually wider than the bouncer
>literally the second picture is her with her fat girlfriend
It's not fair. I don't think people should be expected to be swole, but not being fat should be a basic human requirement. You don't have to do a damn thing to not be fat, if you literally just sat and did nothing for long enough, you'd stop being fat.
what a fucking back
I'm impressed
only 20yo
Her body looks bizarre and unnatural. It kills any sexual interest I could have in her.
might be very tight though
I'm glad most guys feel this way. It gives me a better chance, despite the fact that I'm me.
I'd kiss that bicep
I bet if she flexed hard enough she could tear that dress up
it's so hot when they get too big for their clothes
Being a househusband is objectively easier and more satisfying than a soul-crushing job.
>hang with kids
>do diy projects
Women don't know how easy they had it. And they threw it all away. All because some kikes in the 60s fed their rebellious fantasies.
>the sexual revolution wasn't as advertised
>in another timeline you could have had a non-degenerate female-led relationship
>instead we get girls with daddy issues/huge egos and disillusioned beta men
I imagine its like being a permaneet, except your parents actually have the authority to stop you from doing shit they don't approve of.
Not exactly prison, but still sucks.
Yeah but instead of having an authority figure (parents) you have a partner so you'd have an equal say and you wouldn't be as penniless as a NEET living with their parents
In theory, although in reality being a househusband for 99% of women would suck ass because women wouldn't be able to stand the thought of having to support their husband instead of it being the other way around
I'll never understand why women would throw away the perfect comfy life that's easily available to them as a stay at home wife
I want her to molest me with her twin sister
>you'd have equal say
did you read past the first line of my post
black dress sister needs to catch up with pink dress sister
she needs more var
women can only get strong if they feel fulfilled by being strong
but feminism just enables them to be lazy
It would be sad if it didn't happen to the dude it happened to. His aloofness has always been legendary and he didn't even seem upset, really. He just explained everything in a matter-of-fact sort of way and we shortly after played video games with zero detectable hit to his mood.
I would like her to strangle me. Not even in a fetish way. I am just pretty sure she could, and would kill me if I asked.
No but ide bench more than her.
>Women don't know how easy they had it. And they threw it all away. All because some kikes in the 60s fed their rebellious fantasies.
I tell women this all the time. Why the fuck would you fight for the right to work? That's so fucking retarded. Who the fuck likes working? And anyone who says kids are equivalent to a full time job outside the first few years can get fucked, only if you raise them extremely badly. Then once they're off to school you get a full half day to yourself and any nigger that tells me you've got enough housework to fill 6 hours a day 5 days a week is lying through their teeth.
ops picture is the hottest picture I have seen in years
also ops pic made me realise all I really care about is hair and eyes.
and body hair
I would be her househusband in a second.
she looks like she is very nice.
i think most guys into muscular women are closet homosexuals
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fuck yeah id be her boywife
>Ywn somehow top her near climax
>ywn subsequently scream "RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS!" when you cum, thrusting with all your might
>haha true story guys
this board is dead
There is literally nothing gay about peak performance females.
I'd be her husband, but househusband is a bad idea, like the chances of it working out for everyone is really slim
though I love children and wouldn't mind taking care of them, and having to cook and all that, but there are so many biological imperatives that will keep trying to fuck our couple up over and over again over the years that I don't think it would end well, and that's without even counting the counter cultural aspects
no, just let me waste my life away in some shitty job and be the breadwinner and you keep practicing your hobby and giving love to my kids and once in a while pin me to the bed and RP as an amazon raping a lost roman soldier she found in the woods or whatever
wheyfus should be thick
>she will never bench press you
I spoke to a nice and cute, lonely musclegirl from r9k on Discord once, but I was busy at the time so we agreed to speak more later, and then I lost the fucking email I used to register that account.
These threads always remind me of her.
Tfw no ripped gf to care for.
>there are real life muscle girls on Jow Forums
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
No because she probably doesn't actually have a job of any breadwinning description.