Is anyone else /nigger/ who is pissed off at how blacks act? I feel that I constantly have to battle a reputation of thuggery.
Is anyone else /nigger/ who is pissed off at how blacks act...
get into the habit of wearing suits casually
>caring what others do just because they have your skin color
lol ur life is wild
Yes and I hate that I had to be one. I literally experience bitter anger every day that I was not born pale and white
youre not a nigger unless you behave like one
blind racism is for literal retards, quality people can recognize each other
That's a bit much. But seriously, if you're black try to dress one notch nicer than white people generally do wherever you are. It will improve your life.
It's just a signaling game btw. White people are dressing down to look more chill and youthful, not to be confused with the careerist sales asshole in the BMW 3-series. You have the opposite problem.
All the black people outside my family like to wear 90$- 200$ shoes. I feel bad about my cheap shoes. But I can't justify the cost
Don't worry nigganon, it only takes one sentence for a white person to know you're different than the rest.
You are an outlier.
There are still 46,000,000 literal apelike niggers that commit crime and siphon tax dollars though. Sorry if I am not that sympathetic.
>"M-muh crime!"
Does anyone actually about crime besides normalfags? Literally who gives a shit.
idk man
not being able to go outside without having to worry about your life is kinda shitty
>Ever going outside
Wow, who called the normalfag patrol?
Yeah they should be more like uncle tom
Well I do have to get groceries don't I?
Sometimes mommy isnt here to fetch me my tendies...
From one black man to another, stop feeling like you have to kiss white ass to fit in. Your feeling of constant battle stems from insecurity in your identity. White people will never accept you no matter how much of a house nigger you are. Learn your history and tolerate the white man as best you can, because it is they who should be kissing ass for what they have done to our communities. That fact will no doubt trigger the white people here. Just ignore them. The fact that they end up on a shithole like Jow Forums despite having all the advantages their race gives them and supposed superior intelligence tells you how much respect they deserve as people.
The result of being a "good minority" is asian americans, a fully cucked people who lie down while white pigs lust after their women and insult their men's penis sizes. That's why they don't have significant representation in American movies, music, or sports despite their increased social status and community funding.
If you act like a monkey and/or like the caricature of a black person you are a nigger.
If you act like a human but have black skin you're just black and there is nothing to worry about.
Like i don't consider crazy white bitches human anymore. It's all in the way you act
You made it this far haven't you. Was all that just luck ? No . Don't doubt yourself. See the invisible. Believe the incredible. Do the impossible!
I agree with this one hundred percent. Unironically just bee yourself.
I'm not even black though I'm bean
>casually ignoring the jews
Yes, but I also hate other niggers because they won't hate me
Don't listen to this guy. This mentality of "hurr durr da white man is bad! Don't act like him" is why ghetto rapper nigger culture is rampant. It's the eternal victim mentality that no matter what you do, it's always the white man's fault.
"What they've done to our communities". It's in the past, none of you or me were alive back then. You are living in the present now where you get every chance and even more to prove yourself as a minority, yet black still fail miserably.
Notice how the guy tries to agigate asian americans against whites, and casually forgetting that EVERYONE hates niggers. White people hate the niggers the LEAST. Mexicans and asians hate them MORE than whites. Don't buy into this cucked mentality, just be yourself and act like a decent human being. And don't listen to these bitch ass niggers who try to agitate other blacks against exclusively whites even in 2019. Or he's a jew shill, doesn't really matter anyway.
You WANT to be hated? I'm pretty sure you already feel worse without adding more
Listen to this guy I'm a beaner and be yourself
Don't listen to this guy beaners hate blacks and be yourself
Very intradasting
Yes you don't want to end up like the Asians, the most successful minority group in America. Representation in mass media is more important!
>t. absolutely not a dumb nigger dancing for schlomo
I meant to say date, Jow Forums should add an edit post option.
>the most successful minority group in America
Not that user, but what good is being a successful wage slave? I'm Asian and most Asians I know are work drone NPCs. They do what their parents tell them, go to the good schools, study their meme STEM subjects and get a job. We make money, but we don't innovate or come up we new ideas. We're just cogs in the machine and followers. Better than the nigs who act like apes, but it's not like we're ideal either.
I'm black and I hate niggers
>ooga booga fuck whitey man
>ooga booga but also gib me dat free shit whitey
>We're just cogs in the machine and followers
Not for long.
>We make money, but we don't innovate or come up we new ideas. We're just cogs in the machine and followers.
You're a white guy larping as an Asian.
Why would I larp about this?
Good question. Why am I posting on this godforsaken board? Who knows.
You're just parroting a one dimensional stereotype from Jow Forums. Yeah there's a tendency for parents to hammer their kids into a certain productive mold, but it's better than many of the white people I know who are equally followers but follow a fairy tale of "finding your passion" and "living your best life" - empty lies. Reality is most people are not suited for self actualization, maybe you get more of them per capita in a white population but it's not hugely different.
Look I'm not going full hapa futurist here, I'd still prefer a functional white society but if I have to choose between a pozzed up majority-brown dystopia or living as a minority amongst East Asians it's not even close to a difficult decision.
As another blackanon, I say just strive to be the best person you can. Constantly worrying about being perceived as a stereotype and/or the ignorant actions of others who share a similar skin tone to you, sounds pointless and exhausting. People will either treat you according to your perceived actions, or they'll write you off beforehand due to stereotypes. This applies to everyone, regardless of skin color.
I wish I knew more chill black guys. I know only a handful of non-thuggish black dudes IRL. the others are on this Blackbots discord I own.
>Is anyone else /nigger/ who is pissed off at how blacks act? I feel that I constantly have to battle a reputation of thuggery.
Why do you care what other people think? People will think what they want and at the end of the day it's none of your business. You're exhausting yourself over nothing, just unironically be yourself and you'll find like minded people you can get along with. Also branding yourself as a nigger is extremely lame, get over yourself and have some self respect.
Asians are also the most disrespected minority in America with common insults like small dick and bugmen running around. And for all the work they give the only type of Asian that gets respect is Northeast types because of anime and jav porn. And to take it even further many anons on Jow Forums hate asians for their success, which is why you have posts complaining about asians "taking over" Canada and want them all to leave.
Like what's you argument here? Media is unimportant? Why are they making movies like Crazy Rich Asians then?
>He seriously thinks he can fool us nigganons into thinking that black qts browse this board
Drop contact info, I want to know what it's like to talk to a baiting LARPer
we are the biggest robots, it only makes sense for us to be here.
>oh no he called himself a bad word!
Get over urself
>psychotic ebony
Top lul
Media really is unimportant. It does nothing for you personally, but you get to see another ape on a screen and say hey, that one looks like me! My neighborhood is a crime ridden shithole but at least a handful of rappers are getting rich, that's supposed to even it out?
Shit like Crazy Rich Asians is just a flex, Asians are branching into pop culture after achieving a stable and secure position in society, not before.
As far as Canadians wanting to stop Asians from taking over their country, I think they're right to be concerned. A nation is inseparable from its people. Change the people and you change the nation. They're facing full scale replacement-level migration in some places and considering there are 1.4 billion people in China this should be cause for some concern. You don't have to hate a people to not want to be conquered by them.
and are both correct
Whites shouldn't be hated but tolerated. No matter what you believe or how you behave they'll never accept you or even consider you an equal. This does not mean we should act our worse, much of black culture today is degenerate.
Indeed if you are black you should never ever look to anyone of another race for companionship, it will go to shit fast. Many blacks today aren't great either. Only depend on yourself.
It's easy for black girls to get white bfs. Just be vocally anti-nigger and white boys will be on you like flies on shit.
Is that supposed to be a pic with timestamp? I can't even see the date.
It probably isn't even you. If you were a robot, you'd know the rules of this site in regards to posting pictures of yourself.
ACTUAL Blackbots can convene here tho:
Anyway that's going to be my last post in the thread guys. Sorry for honkying it up.
I remember dad telling stories about his past and how his entire extended family did all kinds of shit during his childhood (drugs, gang wars, prostitution, etc.). His explanation was that well they spent all their lives in that world and didn't know there was anything better (Plato's cave, frog in the bottom of the well, echo-chamber, etc.). When dad moved to the suburbs to raise us he tried getting his mom to get out as well but she kept refusing because "she was afraid that people there might hurt her"
People fear change and the unknown thinking it's all pain and misery not knowing that there might be exactly what they want on the other side too. That there are people not only like the robots who distrust new things and people but also do that when their environment are not all that ideal, how would they know?