>one chance at life
>not born as a cute boy
>who else knows this feel
One chance at life
is this a hapa? it has no eyelids
>one chance at life
>Turkey, the land of overmasculinity
>5'6 115 lbs
>Feminine body and voice
>only gays hit on me, girls don't count me as male
I wish I could feel the same as you OP
Wtf is wrong with that guy? I'm bisexual and trying to act like a feminine bitch isn't attractive at all. Mental illness confirmed
being comfortable at who you are is a masculine trait
shhhh its ok bby
Asians aren't cute they're a bunch of degenerates with shit music and poorly cast toy soldiers
Im going to masturbate to this while pretending it's a girl
That's just a weeb girl ethot. NO ADAMS APPLE
I've been told I'm ""cute af"" but I'm pretty sure that's just code for "you'd be attractive but you're too effeminate."
looks more like a tomboy
I know it all too well OP. I'm only semi-cute. I just want to look like an anime protagonist, surely it's not too much to ask for.
Seriously though, imagine being cute enough that it automatically triggers some protective instinct in other people.
That's like some sort of magic.
It's an underage tiktok whore by the name of @aobasashimi
>ywn be a cute femboy who gets off on cock-teasing straight guys into wanting to fuck you
I imagine being able to command such desire in a person is really empowering. Sounds hot as fuck.
Yeah but that protective instinct prevents them from being attracted to you.
Like you know that reaction women have when you're emotional in front of them where they're kinda protective and comforting but they also slowly stop respecting you and lose their attraction to you? It's like that, but nonstop and it's their default reaction to you.
Girls ruffle my hair and bulli me shit like that, but being "cute" means they'll never see you as a man.
y-yamero. I am straight anonymous. Straight!
Aoba is 17 btw
Every 15 y.o can beat me. How can I even be masculine?
hello foreskin gang
hello fellow foreskin gang
>but being "cute" means they'll never see you as a man.
This. They think of it like fucking their little brother.
My crush actually told me I remind her of her little brother. I should have abandoned all hope right then and there instead of wasting a whole semester.
The worst part is that I met her brother and I totally am like him.
Okay faggot, we know you are shilling yourself here now.
(He linked to this thread)
Alright Aoba, im I just wanted to say hello lol, also you look cute
Aoba could kick me in the chin and I'd thank him
same but I would cum
Aoba doesnt even like doing the female cosplay. Just a cute nigga
are there even gays in turkey? i thought erdogan had them all executed
Sadly no. We still don't have execution because (((EU))) said we can't enter if we don't remove execution.
Like, even USA have it. Why can't we have it? Aren't we supposed to get infulenced by Arabs?
At this point I'll give my vote to whoever brings execution back.
turkey is a lot different than other mid east countries, very liberal
lol this zoomer fuck is gonna get banned
Does this guy has instagram or any socualmedia? He is just so cute
Yo stop muting me
aobasashimi on tiktok
cringyaoba on insta
Stop shilling your social media you mongoloid.
just wait til he hits puberty
>shilling self on Jow Forums of all places
It's honestly one of the most pathetic things I've seen in ages.
I was talking about the blond guy :/
this reply is the best thing on this thread by far
im pretty sure this is a ftm? does no one else see it? therye really common when it comes to
I can only hope I'll be able to make myself look like one in the future with gene editing
What do you look like now? Perhaps I'd date you.
Just image search and you can find his reddit account, some more pics of him there.
Imagine how this dude will look in 30 years. Like a wrinkly looking 17 year old abomination.
I doubt that's going to happen, but I'm 27 and still get carded all the time
Nice. I'd like to meet you.
Even cute boys don't live life as cute boys. Once they turn like, 20, 90% of them look like normal men, maybe a little bit of baby face but that's it. Eventually you will get old and your looks will fade, or you will die an early death.
I live in finland, so I doubt that's going to happen
how morbid
staying cute is not impossible though
True. I am in Canada
Show me a picture of a cute 60-year-old man
Also its not really that morbid if you care about things besides cuteness; the brain deteriorates much more slowly than one's youthful facial features.
lmao if this is true id fuck the shit outta op
Alright, here you go mr user. Its Walid Jumblatt!!!!!
He's like a baby and a rasin got in a teleporter accident.
Well not cute, but you can still stay in shape. Pic related is 80.
True. There is a correlation between physical attractiveness and intelligence however.
Im 23, 5"6ft tall, weigh 65kg, sound 15. I hate how weak I am. I cant even grow facial hair. Im treated like a ghost by girls.
Get a hormone profile done bro. Might be something docs could fix.
Being a cute boy is the same tier as being an obese woman
maybe someday. currently I feel that im going to get assasinated but everyone tells me it's all in my head I want to believe them because I am tired of being chased and afraid
I feel like thats more fitting to have feminine features as a short guy. Im 5ft8 and have a really square jaw, hairy chest, and broad shoulders that would look way better on someone who is at least 5ft10.
Tik tok and discord threads should no longer be allowed. They only serve as self-promotion and pathetic orbiting to fuel the egos of annoying teens who will grow up to have an inflated sense of self-worth.
Gonna need salsa. Stat!
>those ears