it's almost monday wagies!
It's almost monday wagies!
Yes, but what's the other option other than to not be able to have a good quality of life? Illuminate me.
>good quality of life
I'm giving you a chance to tell me what the other option is. Do you actually have one? Without work, as far as I know, I wouldn't be able to afford anything.
>free coffee and cereal
>I like 90% of my office and look forward to seeing them
>Earn 5x more than I did on NEETbux
>Can take breaks whenever I want, no real oversight as long as I hit easy targets
I was fully expecting to hate working but it's alright, much better than sitting in my room all day
What things do you need so desperate you wouldn't be able to afford them without wageslaving?
by a good quality of life you mean material things? hmmm
I think working is better than being useless and being bounded to social welfare.
Attention robots if you want to lose your virginity go on Grindr today is Sunday and lots of sissies wanting to be fucked don't wait till monday
it's really sad that fatfuck welfare leeches thinks this "triggers" us lol
Electricity, food and a place to live comes to mind
Ah, the good old """logic""" of the brainwashed wagie
>hurr everyone can be a neet, everyone has someone to leech off of
do you think i do this voluntarily idiot? stop these shit threads before ill jizz all over your bedsheets
So... you want to work so you can buy things covered by NEETbux?
High quality foods/meals, high quality skincare products, and a very well conditioned residence because I need to feel like I'm not living in a shithole. By that I mean all the utilities have to work, the place has to be spotless, air has to be good, the walls can't look like they're crumbling around me.
My biggest costs are rent (1200 per month) and groceries (500 per month) and travel (200 per month). Can I get 1900 without wageslaving and if so how?
HAHAHHA jokes on you buddy
i came into work today to get a headstart on the week. Thought you could mock me on my day off, but you can't do that if I don't take days off.
fuckin owned
seriously? If I carry on in my current job for another 15 years I can retire at 50 with a large amount of passive income, go on holidays constantly, never worry about money or healthcare for my family. I recently gave my mother 100k to say thanks for all she did for me as a kid. You will never know how it feels
Not everywhere has NEETbux that you can live off
neetbux aren't real. you're either leeching off your parents, because underage, or have some kind of bullshit disability. and also live like shit because you have no extra income that actually doing something requires.
>it's almost monday wagies!
That's not a funny thread, I am suicidal thinking about this fact
this is such a dumb image, I never go out clubbing, my job is comfortable and rewarding and I will be a literal millionaire soon while you are begging mommy for pizza and playing FTP Steam games. Cope harder bro
They are real. I am a bong and I got 50 a week just for not having a job
Jokes on you, I work Sundays as well!
you also have to apply for work you dumbshit, that is meant to be a supplement for work until you find an actual work. congratulations if you're using your welfare appropriately you're still using your time to look for work, for free.
i think i'll order some tendies from amazon with my amazon prime, have a wagie come right to my door bringing me my snax :-)
>High quality foods/meals
You can do that as a NEET because when you don't work you actually have time to make high quality meals
>high quality skincare products
Snake oil
>and a very well conditioned residence because I need to feel like I'm not living in a shithole
I live in apartment built in the 80s, last renovation was 7 years ago
>By that I mean all the utilities have to work
All utilities work
>the place has to be spotless
Then clean it
>air has to be good
Buy an air purifier
>the walls can't look like they're crumbling around me
What fucking shithole do you live in where this is an actual thing?
>rent (1200 per month)
What a fucking waste
>groceries (500 per month)
So you buy fast food and not "high quality foods/meals"? I do just fine on $250 a month
>travel (200 per month)
Traveling is unnecessary when you can take walks and enjoy the nearby surroundings
>Can I get 1900 without wageslaving
Jokes on you, my NEET friend, my working week started today.
Not only that, but no NEET actually studies Greek philosophy, learns to play piano, or any of those other stupid memes. They have no drive or ambition of any sort - just TV, shitposting, porn, and vidya.
Why the attitude, I didn't say anything that warranted being insulted. I was on it for 7 months and just made up 5 jobs a week and said none of them ever called me back. Occasionally I'd pretend to have an interview which would also fail. They don't give a fuck. I even got a free evening college course paid for that I'm still doing now I'm in full-time employment.
so if you did this temporarily and now have full time employment why are you espousing the virtues of being a NEET?
yeah I was a NEET for years and you have zero motivation or drive no matter what these virgins bleat. I just about managed push ups and a bit of duolingo before going back to edging for hours on end and playing vidya. Being a NEET fucking sucks, end of
I'm not, being a NEET sucks. If you'd read my post you'd see that I was just pointing about that NEETbux is a thing and it's easy to get. I never said it was better than working, it's not.
oh sorry lmao toungue me arse
I kind of like my job. I just assemble power components all day and make way more than I should.
How are your guys' teeth? I have dental insurance now and went to the dentist for the first time in like 3 years. Only one cavity. How often do NEETs go to the dentist?
>travelling is unnecessary when you can take walks
HAHAHAHAAHahahahHAHAHAHAHAHAH NEETs are truly pathetic, how hard can you possibly cope. Imagine thinking going for a nightwalk around your shitty flat is comparable to travelling the world in luxury, something that is not only possible for me but that my company actively funds most of the time
the coping neet would probably cut off his pinky to go to tokyo or some place
I truly feel sorry for you thinking a meaningless travel to another country to "find yourself" can even compare to a comfy walk in the forest where you can connect with the nature
here are some things I bought when I got a job:
>god tier battlestation
>flat to lease out to paupers to provide passive income
>invested in wealth funds, private pension and my own forex/trading accounts
>used Aston Martin DBS
>a nice pedigree dog
>5 holidays a year to different parts of the world
>Designer clothes, mainly from APC and Vetements
>Personal chef 5 days a week
Please, do tell me more about how amazing it is to wank 8 hours a day and just about survive a humiliating and degrading existence subsidized by your parents
No you cannot take a 5 minute bathroom break, wagie! we will release the locks at 7pm once you have completed your mandatory overtime.
nice strawman loser, never said anything about dumb white girl 'find yourself' shit, it's just great to see different places. I have been to forests in Sweden, Poland, Japan, USA and England. Enjoy your dogging spot in the local woodland lmao
I go to the toilet 3 times an hour to sit on my phone and occasionally fap. No one cares.
>You can do that as a NEET because when you don't work you actually have time to make high quality meals
Cost of ingredients matters.
>Snake oil
The science behind peptides, retinol, glycolic and hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is clear.
>I live in apartment built in the 80s, last renovation was 7 years ago
I guarantee it's a shithole and I don't want to come home to a shithole. The foundation sucks.
>All utilities work
It's possible for internet to be slow, it's possible for heating to be poor, old laundry washers can fuck up clothes, etc.
>Then clean it
Yes, but mine is deep cleaned every 3 days. Frequency matters.
>Buy an air purifier
See my point about foundation. A shithole will always have problems developing inside it.
>What fucking shithole do you live in where this is an actual thing?
I live in a great place, but I'm talking about anywhere with cracked walls and corners - can't stand that shit.
>So you buy fast food and not "high quality foods/meals"? I do just fine on $250 a month
I haven't bought fast food in 13 years.
>Traveling is unnecessary when you can take walks and enjoy the nearby surroundings
That is actually true - if I don't have to go to work, I can reduce my cost by that 200.
Demonstrate how I can get 1700 without having to work.
what if they had a non conventional job while recieveing neetbux? Like cam whoring or other weird web shit.
this pretty much, except the co-worker part. still better than NEET life was, I hated people then too anyway
YANG 2020
Retard posting 2013 memes, when mummy and daddy die you're gonna fucking starve on the street, or suck cock for a fucking donut
it's the only thing they have to cling to lmao
The cope of wagies, not only do i have the free time to have traveled my town and surrounding area 6 times over but i earn enough from neetbux and passive income to travel to other countries at least once a month. Glad im not a mutt that has to buy plane tickets though, overnight buses are both comfy and cheap. Meanwhile a normal wagie gets excited for his once a year holiday trip during their longest holiday period of 2 weeks.
>he travels by bus
I make 70 grand a year and you sound like an ass
Please don't do that user. I always feel the dread throughout Sunday I'd rather not be reminded of it on here.
I make 71k a year and you should suck a wet fart out my ass
My job is a tolerable QA position. Its not bad and it pays enough to cover all my vices and hobbies.