My younger stepbrother is actinv like a faggot. Whenever my mother and my stepdad come over to my house he talks gayly and ocasionally paints his nails. I care about him enough to want him to change but am starting to hate him for being like this. Pic related is him
My younger stepbrother is actinv like a faggot...
Help him transition also if hes 18 sex is legal get that bussy
He looks a lot like the lesbian that my ex cheated on me with.
>inb4 "did they invite you for a threesome" no they did not that is why it is my ex now
If he paints his nails, he's already a faggot and it's too late.
I guarantee you that he has had a cock in his mouth already. Just let him go.
Help him convert to islam akhi, that'll surely help him rectify the error in his ways.
he doesn't deserve such a shitty brother
he is cute
organic of course
chill out there is nothing wrong with being gay, pressuring over it and making him feel bad will fuck up his development.
>there is nothing wrong with being gay
beat his ass and kill him so god can punish him too
Tell him not to be a boyslut, even if he can't get pregnant there's still STDs. He probably won't wait until marriage because you know how the gays are, but at least tell him to save it until a committed relationship with someone he loves.
Just completly ignore him. If its a phase/trend it will pass. If not then hes most likely gay im sorry.
Mind if I masturbate to pic of your brother, user?
We all know that you OP
Dear Jesus this board is a festering aids filled sewer of autistic faggot zoomers i wish you would stick to your discords and general retardation
In answer to your query OP you need to beat his gay ass and talk to your old man about it
Nothing you can do will stop men from being gay.
Please don't be a fucking autist thinking you have to save your stepbrother. If you actually have that mentality you will just end up fucking him up with your delusional hero complex. Just leave him alone and let him be a fucking human being. You're neither the hero he wants or that he should have to put up with.
is he in 360 or 503? You should let me fuck him with my tranny dick.
>Nothing you can do will stop men from being gay.
First of all what's sad is 90% of you disgusting faggots aren't even really gay just prison gay which is really pathetic
After OP faggot goes through a sound beating and maybe gets a gf he'll get over his gay autism for sure
Second of all pretty sure pic related would solve it, seems to work for our muslamic friends
now go back to erping with other underage faggots on discords or whatever it is you kids do
>First of all what's sad is 90% of you disgusting faggots aren't even really gay just prison gay which is really pathetic
hyperbole, most gay men are gay
>After OP faggot goes through a sound beating and maybe gets a gf he'll get over his gay autism for sure
thats just going to traumatize him, violence is never the answer to anything
>Second of all pretty sure pic related would solve it, seems to work for our muslamic friends
Maybe you should go live with them then, your views aren't welcome in civilized countries
>now go back to erping with other underage faggots on discords or whatever it is you kids do
yeah ok cool buddy
how old is your stepbrother user? if hes over 18 and acts this way then sorry hes just gay but if hes still in the preteen ages you can prob still talk sense into him, and look on the bright side if he really is gay then fuck him he looks decently feminine and submissive you never know he prob fantasizes about his older stepbro dominating him