if you disagree with me il assume you're a fascist because my emotions dominate my thought process and im uneducated and my emotions prevent me from having any logical critical thinking so i am extremely biased and ignorant of what an actual fascist is but il attack you anyway bc bash the fash X'D
but if you kick my ass il ruin your career and use my daddy's money to sue you but anyway look out nazi scum ! idk who to actually attack so il just go on a witch hunt against anyone who has any kind of conservative values #bashthefash
If you disagree with me il assume you're a fascist because my emotions dominate my thought process and im uneducated...
Other urls found in this thread:
ok thats cool
i am everything i claim to be against but ur the badguy X'D
das rite atleast ur not
racist like da ebil whitey ooga booga
Based and Redpilled, but next time write sage in the options field.
>roman solute
>policies based on eugenics and debunked 19th century theories
>"Hitler is not that bad guys"
>literally says he's fascist or identify as a fascist group
>liberal: "guys I think he might be fascist"
Except when people call me a fascist they are kinda right. Kinda being the key word. I am a fascist sympathizer and would like to convert fascists into democratic nationalists.
Really when antifa types accuse me of being a fascist, i don't get offended, i see how one can very easily misconstrue me as one.
only one who mentioned hitler was you retard
but yes thanks for proving me right like fucking pottery jesus christ americans are predictable
Did someone say antifa?
Why are Jow Forumstards always so catty, passive aggressive and naggy?
Are they women?
So you're saying that Hitler is bad
Stay there please
Fuck the bot this is original
Look, just because I think Democracy was a mistake, Jews control our media, Hitler was unfairly slandered by the degenerate west, and Marxism is a Jewish conspiracy, it doesn't mean I'm a Nazi. Why can't those fucking libtards see that?
you only have problem with the Hitler mention and not that others?
as expected of alt-right niggers
they bring violence where ever they go but when you so much as tap them they whine, cry, and bitch.
this post wasn';t about actual fascists retard it's about inbred dumbasses who mindlessly call every single fucking right leaning person fascist
>oh ur a trump supporter? haha what a fascist xd im gonna punch you X'D
oh you disagree with me on birth control? what r u a bigoted fascist!?
>oh you're not ashamed about of being white >ur a fascist!!!
no shit? lmao what does it sound like im saying
^Based user
If you have more than 2 brain cells you can't stop noticing all the nazi dog whistling going on these days. Nazis got a bit smarter so they don't just outright call themselves Nazis and say how they want to gas certain people. They lure people by scaring them with "the great replacement" boogyman and other bullshit and then slowly turn people into Nazis by normalizing ideas that we should have grown out of ages ago. It's fucking infuriating when you are trying to explain to people why you call a certain person a Nazi unless he is straight up telling people he wants to gas the jews or some shit like that.
Also, this post is just proof of who the real snowflake is this day and age. Jow Forums is known for some of the ideas about Jews and Nazi Germany that are held here but as soon as you call them a nazi they start crying and bitching how we are not thinking just using our feelings to do so.
doesn't antifa do the exact same thing?
i mean literally all they talk about is how much they hate fascism
nagging is still nagging but i guess it's okay when your side does it : )
Missing fathers are a source of feminized "men". No wonder Jow Forumstards behave like women.
This guy gets it. The whole "peaceful ethnic cleansing" thing is just a way for them to bring in normies before they go full day of the rope
Case in point: archive.is
>Calling people Nazis and hitting them because you think they are in favor of genociding certain races is the same as calling for the genocide of certain races.
>try to sell your ideology as being men among men and get back to times where men were men
>behave like little bitches every time
i don't know why you american think only one side is cringey and larpy
just because one thinks they're the good guys
>gets "infuriated" by people reading UN's own documents about "replacement migration" and coming to obvious conclusions
>calls others snowflakes
do you really fucking think every single with right leaning or traditionalist views is a Jow Forumsfag neo nazi?
this is some real pathetic fear mongering
>oh ur a trump supporter? haha what a fascist xd im gonna punch you X'D
that I can probably agree with, it's just hard to distinguish since self-proclaimed fascists are usually welcomed among them anyway (like saying you are a legitimate business but have mob connections)
>oh you disagree with me on birth control? what r u a bigoted fascist!?
yeah that's not fascists just anti-women
>oh you're not ashamed about of being white ur a fascist!!!
since people seem to always define "anti-white" as "not thinking the other races are sub-human" yeah that is a red-flag
most leftist groups are not about being manly-men
in fact they think gender roles are bullshit, so them not being the most manly people is not really a contradiction to their ideals like Jow Forumsfags acting like little girls are.
Read the document you dumb fuck. Jesus how many times do I need to explain the same shit. Every time I do Jow Forumstards lose and yet they do it all the fucking time.
All the document is talking about is how because of low birthrate in modern western countries those countries need immigrants in order to keep their economic growth and not collapse on themselves. The document also says how the rate of migration we have now is alright for that. The document does not say anything about the race of the immigrants coming in, it does not give a single fuck about it. That type of data is created all the time. Jow Forumstards latched onto it like it's some big conspiracy theory while it's also publicly available. Who in their right mind would reveal their secret evil plan by making it public?
I don't even care about race. For all, I care all the people around me can be of different race and I would not give a single fuck yet to argue with you guys I need to agree on the axiom that somehow changing the skin color of the people in the country is bad. What a fucking shitshow.
and theres nothing cringey about a burly greasy hairy sweaty man in a dress calling himself zi zir and demanding you cater to his every little need because he's "otherkin" and needs special treatment
wait is that otherkin leftist or rightist?
Where in the fucking world does that happen? Will you provide some data on it? Or just a single heavily edited youtube video which will somehow prove that it's a major problem?
goddamn american voters and politicians are fucking retarded, I always hated our own but compared to these guys they're nobel prize winners
>there is nothing wrong with replacing a nations people with people wildly divergent in culture and traditions out of a desire for profit and economic stability.
You retards genuinely deserve a DOTR.
>out of a desire for profit and economic stability
then why are MIGApedes and Jow Forumsturds such die hard capitalists
Because they conflate the issue and think it's somehow the "SJW's" fault. I think it's intentional at this point. Not a single person is that retarded.
It's a big country with lot of people who think their neighborhood is the only reality period (including me)
some nigs think turning it into a monarchy would be good but it would just mean that one area dictates the livelihoods of everyone and chances are the capital where the king is is going to be a Northern coastal area with all the libs to influence said king (hell it will probably be the libs that will make a king in the first place to fuck over the 1% that keeps bending the country and treating it like their bitch).
Also if you live in America you are living proof that people with widely divergent culture and tradition can easily assimilate and live together.
>Jow Forums is one person meme
I can't speak for anyone besides myself, but i believe in a strong social security net with a capitalistic framework,like that of social democratic countries. I would consider myself a economic centrist in that regard. That being said economic issues is the least of my priorities. Keep fighting strawmen with your /leftypol/ buddies though, i don't expect leftists to ever open their minds to ideas that don't conform with the hives.
I don't live in America but i would hardly call that mixing pot a successful experiment.
>I don't live in America but I would hardly call that mixing pot a successful experiment.
Yeah, it's only the number one country in terms of GDP. It's also the one country every single fucking person wants to move to at some point in their life. Go suck a dick you dishonest fuck.
it doesn't take research and documented shit to notice some people take this shit way too far lmao
be as degenerate of a retard as you want but you should atleast have the decency to look half decent in public
i was using it as an example
Yeah, no problem buddy. I noticed a long time ago that people on Jow Forums don't need data and research for anything. Just remember, if you feel strongly enough about something it will come true for sure :).
basically this thread proved that Jow Forumsfags are every bit as whiny, violent, cringey, and hypocritical as antifa all while being actual card-carrying fascists anyway.
Maybe before talking about the shit of others they can, themselves be good in some way. Even if Jow Forums's criticism sticks all that'll happen is that people will have to choose between two pieces of shit
>its successful because it has a good economy.
Literally stated in my post this is the least of my priorities. A nation's worth is not decided by its materialist wealth, but by the fulfilling life, honor, and dignity it gives to its citizens and to the citizens of nations abroad. Personally i do not want to move to America, where every "free election" is held between two parties, neither of which have the will nor the good of the people in mind.
I want to meet antifa kids IRL. I want to literally beat them to death with my bare hands.
In what newly democratic country do you live that it does not come down to 2 parties yet?
>fulfilling life, honor, and dignity
Yup, every single thing can't be measured (fulfilling life could be kind of measured if we agreed on the definition of it but we won't because you will probably say something retarded like "white values" or "western values"). It's just based on how that user feels. Nice arguing with you bud :).
>America, where every "free election" is held between two parties, neither of which have the will nor the good of the people in mind.
Yeah, clearly the better alternative is a one party dictatorship
>you now somehow know my ideology
>it's always an us vs them setting
Funny how Jow Forumsturds are so predictable
>No u guys!
>Yup, every single thing can't be measured
And therefore it's not worth striving for? You'll make a good cog in the machine.
this post isn't talking about pol fags it's talking about people autistically screeching "FAAACIST!!! bigot if you disagree with them on anything what im trying to call out is the people who think everything that isn't 100 % what they believe in is fascist or bigoted
i really couldn't give 2 fucks about pol fags
what im trying to adress is the pol fag panic you retards bitch about
it's almost on par with inbred boomers being autistically scared of communism and thinking that isn't 100 % muh american freedomz and capitalism is full on communism
I mean someone has to
That's the problem with right-wingers, they keep claiming to have values, and then not have values
unlike the left who claim was "no there fucking isn't, and you're a shit person for claiming there was." You can probably prove them wrong by actually having values.
Okay alright acknowledged
Anyone notice no matter how many times this guy has it explained to him he's still crying out about being victimized? everybody even stopped replying to him because his posts are so repetitive
>t. just let me invade Venezuela
>t. who gives a fuck about Israeli war crimes?
>t. I like to think about the 60% of police families that don't experience domestic violence
>t. just because I have a swastika armband doesn't make me a Nazi
people that call their grade-school teachers fascist are usually taken in stride
people that actually have influence tend to be people calling self-proclaimed fascists or people that claim they are swell guys, fascists
this thread is like complaining that people are calling the unapologetic Stalinist a communist
>In what newly democratic country do you live that it does not come down to 2 parties yet?
Canada, there we have 3 parties that don't care about the people 4 if you count the people's party.
>Yup, every single thing can't be measured
Irregardless if you can measure them or not it is what a humane government must provide.
>(fulfilling life could be kind of measured if we agreed on the definition of it but we won't because you will probably say something retarded like "white values" or "western values")
My definition of a fulfilling life is one where the citizens are part of a strong nuclear family and there is a communal bond that ties society together. A society in which everybody is free to explore their interests and hobbies and creativity, without worrying about their children going hungry because they didn't wageslave for 40 hours that week. My ideal society is one in which the government serves the people and not the other way around. My ideal society is one where mothers can take care of their children while the fathers work to provide for the family, but still have enough time to play ball with their kids and explore their interests. So that they do not have to decide between what they love, who they love, and sleep. Call me a criminal for desiring such a society, but it is clear that the current parties of today have no interest in providing it, and thus we must make a new party.
I never advocated for a one party dictatorship, stop fighting your own strawman. I am a democratic nationalist, and i encourage political discourse. If you can point out one instance in which i said the contrary then i will instantly take it back however i do not believe i have made such a statement, i instead believe you are simply attacking the image of me that you have created in your head.
Nazi is a spook term just like communist. The battle between "fascists" and "antifascists" is more of a linguistic one than a truthful or self-aware one, just like most of the highly ideological battles of our day. These people require the mental gymnastics involved in order to inflict cruelty on their fellow human beings and detach from empathy, understanding and truth. It's all a consequence of a worldview where there exists human concepts like "good" or "evil". All of this crap is undignified and ugly as shit for a reason. That being said, antifascists are probably more on the spectrum and have a higher level of ideological retardedness and motivated cruelty towards other people. "Fascism" as it appears is more like a desperate cry to restore something in a materialistic and modernistic age which is definitely less ignoble than the very obvious slave morality, virtue signaling and insane ideology spiraling of the modern far left.
>Canada, there we have 3 parties that don't care about the people 4 if you count the people's party.
Have you looked at the actual seats? I'm too tired at this point to explain democracy from the start.
The rest of your comment just missed my point again so I won't even respond to it. If something is unmeasurable and without a clear definition (and some of the things you said have such blurry definitions that I could say the opposite of what you think they mean and it would still be a valid definition of it.) it's just a dumb move to use it in a discussion. The only thing it does is stops us from having a productive conversation.
At the end of the day, the post is about how people on the left act based on feelings, not facts and here I am sitting trying to argue with some actual data and the guy says to me how that is wrong and we should argue about our feeling on honor and dignity. I truly feel like there is no hope for people like you.
Your materialistic worldview is inherently dangerous, to claim that it is not worth working towards a goal, simply for a lack of measurement capabilities, is lazy at best and evil at worst. Your country has probably already been infiltrated by corporations. Your politics is decided not by who the people desire the most, but by who has the most money behind them. It is foolish nonsense to say that your nation is sovereign, when the will of the people is replaced by the will of a handful of billionaires. Yet you remain there, enforcing the status quo over an infantile obsession over control and stability. You see your own people starving on the street, yet you turn your backs to them, out of fear of the unknown. What inherent value is there in the discussion and debate of trivial facts and indecisiveness when drastic change is needed urgently? I don't feel there is no hope for you, only that you heart has been seriously darkened by the natural degeneration and cold exterior of the modern world. I hope that you may find the fire within yourself to rekindle the you that believes in his people, and himself. Until then you will remain here, in a state of stagnation, never moving forward and never going back. Fearing that what you do not understand.
Hey man that antifa came at unarmed people with an asp, what did you expect?
What all leftists expect, for their victims to lie down and take it without complaint. Why do you think so many leftists get exposed as sexual predators?
someone who actually gets it
so you're saying we should inflict cruelty without any title?
meh, I still despise communists, but there has been a rise in actual fascism, even to the point where typically pro liberty people on the right support some of its tenets. the world is becoming increasingly authoritarian, centralized and polarized, and it seems that whoever wins in the upcoming civil war it will only bring mass murder and the final death of individual freedoms. I would still rather live in a fascist dictatorship than a socialist one, but that's like choosing between drinking piss or eating shit
I hate modern politics because it's tries to be so black and white. They say it's either this or that. If You don't support Trump you must be a liberal and thus voted for Hillarly. It's stupid.
>would still rather live in a fascist dictatorship than a socialist one, but that's like choosing between drinking piss or eating shit
This is the dumbest shit I ever read.
Who fucking cares. Who the fuck cares about politics in 2019.
maybe if people laid off the hyperbole it wouldn't be like that
It's not hyperbole. Go to Jow Forums or reddit. Is You disagree with Trump or anything his administration is doing. Your assumed to be a leftist. Also, when was the last time an actually politician tried to actually compromise?
no one wants compromises people say "compromise" and they always mean "I want the other side to agree with me completely without question"
last compromise was ACA a meeting half way from full universal health-care that's still branded as socialism. That's what compromise get ya and why no one cares about it anymore. Just a word people throw around to shame others than actually wanting it themselves.
who even gives a shit you epic logic thinker
clearly you do or else you wouldn't even bother responding : ^)
kind of like how leftists assume you're a fascist if you disagree with them on anything?
Even then at least fascist is an actual political ideology with an established definition that people subscribe too
the parallel is calling everyone that disagrees with you a communist/socialists but right-wingers never stop there, they have to make up entirely new buzzwords to describe people that dare not share the same views as them like SJW, basedboy, NPC, bluepill, progressivist, etc.