This is gonna be me later this year anons I know it. Wish me luck, I hope we all make it in the end, sadly some us won't but thats the truth just don't give up brosinHow you all holding up so far in 2019?
This is gonna be me later this year anons I know it. Wish me luck, I hope we all make it in the end...
>All I want is a qt black gf to love
>Only women that are attracted to me are white whores trying to imitate Kim Kardashian
The're fun to fuck, but I'm so tired of them
Good luck, bro.
Flupentixol is the only chemical keeping me alive in 2019, if that counts as holding up. 9 years loneliness with crippling depression so far.
Is that an anti depressant? Honestly bro just drop that shit and go a more spiritual route with meditation and everything. It has helped me more than medicine.
I can only attract asian girls but I sperg out and they never talk to me after finding out im weird. Being a good looking retard is hell.
>drop that shit
Got a mutation that triggers long-lasting depressions known as "resistant depression". It can barely be controlled with both meds AND meditation. I do the whole package.
I don't like Asian women and I can barely stand white women. The only plus side is they're all pawgs so I have fun slamming their asses, but I want nothing to do with them outside of sex
Damn I guess I can only wish you the best. How do they even find out you have a mutated form of depression? This is the first time I ever heard of a mental condition mutating.
What type of black girl do you like personality wise? Are there none in your area?
Girls that have a degree, preferably STEM, and aren't into the whole clubbing city girls wannabe vibe are my only things personality wise. I work out so body wise I don't want a fatty
First off, depression is a physical illness, not mental. It is caused by changes in neurotransmitter levels, and lowering of grey matter in certain regions.
Mutations are checked with a targeted DNA test, exploring serotonin transporters, Vitamin B9's folate cycle, and some misc. things.
I got MTHFR as well as primary serotonin transporter mutations.
Been doing alright. My parents don't like that I'm working a wagie movie theater job and delivering Doordash on the side, they say I need to get a real job.
I'm doing okay other than that though. My "one short a month" project is moving along swimmingly, and I'm happy with my life choices for the moment
In school atm? Also whats your projext? You make movies, art, music?
Oof srry bro but females are obv rare in stem and black girls would be even rarer. I wish you luck on finding a qt educated girl tho
I want a quirky girl just like the one in OP's pic, problem is any kind of different looking girl seems to disappear once they hit college age. Seems like they want to ride the carousel regardless of if they actually attend a uni or not.
At 21 y/o it's almost as if sighting a unicorn would be easier than finding a cute emo/gamer/nerdy girl, it's all makeup this and sex that.
Fuck this gay Earth, I can only hope I live enough to date a lovely custom robogf.
black weeb gfs belong to whitebois
The thing is you were suppose to find the groups of friends these girls would hang out in during highschool so you can find them easier later on
This is a comfy feels thread no race bait allowed sir
I want a weeb gf. Dam this is painful
why are all the shitpost and politic threads so packed with posters but an actual comfy/feels thread gets no traffic?
I did and dated one in High School, she was quite close to being the girl of my dreams, and I shit you not I was ready to settle even at that young age, like I had a feeling that I was going to marry her and I was OK with that, but she decided to end it all and now I'm all by myself in this pool of shit that is the young adult dating market. If that girl was still with me I'd still be down to settle.
We got nothing to say to each other, only feel.
Whyd you post 2 hentai negroes
we exist, besides me there are like 2 other black girls in my class year. You should be in stem yourself to do so
because I am black and want a black gf you mong
I need me a pokemon gf